Michelet, Claire; Zeppilli, Daniela; Hubas, Cédric; Baldrighi, Elisa; Cuny, Philippe; Dirberg, Guillaume; Militon, Cécile; Walcker, Romain; Lamy, Dominique; Jézéquel, Ronan; Receveur, Justine; Gilbert, Franck; Houssainy, Amonda El; Dufour, Aurélie; Heimbürger-boavida, Lars-eric; Bihannic, Isabelle; Sylvi, Léa; Vivier, Baptiste; Michaud, Emma. |
Bioindicators assess the mangroves ecological state according to the types of pressures but they differ with the ecosystem’s specificities. We investigated benthic meiofauna diversity and structure within the low human-impacted mangroves in French Guiana (South America) in response to sediment variables with various distances to the main city. Contaminant’s concentrations differed among the stations, but they remained below toxicity guidelines. Meiofauna structure (Foraminifera, Kinorhyncha, Nematoda) however varied accordingly. Nematode’s identification brought details on the sediment’s quality. The opportunistic genus Paraethmolaimus (Jensen, 1994) strongly correlated to the higher concentrations of Hg, Pb. Anoxic sediments were marked by organic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mangroves; Biodiversity; Meiofauna; Nematode; Anthropogenic pressures; Natural contamination; South America. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00684/79587/82274.pdf |
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Baldrighi, Elisa; Dovgal, Igor; Zeppilli, Daniela; Abibulaeva, Alie; Michelet, Claire; Michaud, Emma; Franzo, Annalisa; Grassi, Eleonora; Cesaroni, Lucia; Guidi, Loretta; Balsamo, Maria; Sandulli, Roberto; Semprucci, Federica. |
Epibiosis is a common phenomenon in marine systems. In marine environments, ciliates are among the most common organisms adopting an epibiotic habitus and nematodes have been frequently reported as their basibionts. In the present study, we report several new records of peritrich and suctorian ciliates-nematode association worldwide: from a deep-sea pockmark field in the NW Madagascar margin (Indian Ocean), from a shallow vent area in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian Sea), in a MPA area in the Gulf of Trieste (Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea), from a mangrove system in French Guiana (South America, Atlantic Ocean), and from the Maldivian Archipelago. In addition, three new species of Suctorea from the Secca delle Fumose shallow vent area (Gulf of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Epibiosis; Ciliophora; Suctorea; Nematoda; Meiofauna; Biodiversity. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00632/74417/74132.pdf |
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