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Artificial neural network analysis of factors controlling ecosystem metabolism in coastal systems 5
Rochelle-newall, Emma. J.; Winter, Christian; Barrón, Cristina; Borges, Alberto V.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Elliott, Mike; Frankignoulle, Michel; Gazeau, Frederic; Middelburg, Jack J.; Pizay, Marie-dominique; Gattuso, Jean-pierre.
Knowing the metabolic balance of an ecosystem is of utmost importance in determining whether the system is a net source or net sink of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. However, obtaining these estimates often demands significant amounts of time and manpower. Here we present a simplified way to obtain an estimation of ecosystem metabolism. We used artificial neural networks (ANNs) to develop a mathematical model of the gross primary production to community respiration ratio (GPP:CR) based on input variables derived from three widely contrasting European coastal ecosystems (Scheldt Estuary, Randers Fjord, and Bay of Palma). Although very large gradients of nutrient concentration, light penetration, and organic-matter concentration exist across the sites,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artificial neural networks; Coastal ecosystems; Metabolic balance; Primary production; Respiration.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Oxygen production and carbon fixation in oligotrophic coastal bays and the relationship with gross and net primary production 5
Gonzalez, Natalia; Gattuso, Jean-pierre; Middelburg, Jack J..
Planktonic primary production and respiration in 2 coastal oligotrophic sites of the Northwest Mediterranean Sea were examined. Primary production was quantified using 3 methods (light and dark changes in dissolved O-2, O-18-labeling and C-14 uptake technique) using in situ bottle incubations. Gross primary production (GPP) based on the O-2 light-dark technique was not significantly different from that using the O-18-labeling technique, indicating that the former technique provides accurate estimates of GPP in these environments. Respiration in the dark was not significantly different frorn respiration in the light. Total C-14 uptake (including the dissolved and particulate organic carbon fractions) during the whole duration of the light period approached...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Primary production; Oligotophic coastal bays; Light-dark O-2 changes; O-18-labeling; C-14 uptake; Respiration in the light.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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