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European Broad-Scale Seabed Habitat Maps Support Implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management ArchiMer
Andersen, Jesper H.; Manca, Eleonora; Agnesi, Sabrina; Al-hamdani, Zyad; Lillis, Helen; Mo, Giulia; Populus, Jacques; Reker, Johnny; Tunesi, Leonardo; Vasquez, Mickaël.
We have analyzed the development of “Broad-Scale Seabed Habitat Maps” (BSHM) and their potential use in a European context with regard to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation, MPA designation and network assessment as well as other applications of BSHMs. The analyses are anchored in BSHMs developed by a series of interlinked EU projects (e.g. UKSeaMap, BALANCE, MESH, Mesh Atlantic, EUSeaMap 2012, and EUSeaMap 2016) and all maps are based on environmental data. Some EU Member States have used BSHMs as part of their MSFD Initial Assessments published in 2012. However, we conclude that BSHMs are a prerequisite for another key MSFD activity, i.e. mapping of potentially cumulative effects of multiple human stressors. Further, BSHMs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic Habitats; Mapping; Ecosystem-Based Management; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Marine Protected Areas (MPA).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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EUSeaMap 2019, A European broad-scale seabed habitat map, technical report ArchiMer
Vasquez, Mickael; Manca, Eleonora; Inghilesi, Roberto; Martin, Simon; Agnesi, Sabrina; Al Hamdani, Zyad; Annunziatellis, Aldo; Bekkby, Trine; Pesch, Roland; Askew, Natalie; Bentes, Luis; Castle, Lewis; Doncheva, Valentina; Drakopoulou, Vivi; Gonçalves, Jorge; Laamanen, Leena; Lillis, Helen; Loukaidi, Valia; Mcgrath, Fergal; Mo, Giulia; Monteiro, Pedro; Muresan, Mihaela; O'Keeffe, Eimear; Populus, Jacques; Pinder, Jordan; Ridgeway, Amy; Sakellariou, Dimitris; Simboura, Mika; Teaca, Adrian; Tempera, Fernando; Todorova, Valentina; Tunesi, Leonardo; Virtanen, Elina.
EUSeaMap 2019 is the third iteration of EUSeaMap. All versions have been produced as part of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project, which is one of several thematic lots in EMODnet. The project has brought together a European consortium of specialists in benthic ecology and seabed habitat mapping. The partners first collaborated in EMODnet phase 1 (2009-2012) to deliver a prototype predictive seabed habitat map in four trial basins (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, Baltic, Western Mediterranean). This predictive model was named EUSeaMap (Cameron and Askew, 2011). In EMODnet Phase 2 (2012-2016), the consortium extended EUSeaMap coverage to all European regions (Populus et al, 2017). In the new version, the spatial coverage was extended further North in order...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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EUSeaMap. A European broad-scale seabed habitat map ArchiMer
Populus, Jacques; Vasquez, Mickael; Albrecht, James; Manca, Eleonora; Agnesi, Sabrina; Al Hamdani, Zyad; Andersen, Jesper; Annunziatellis, Aldo; Bekkby, Trine; Bruschi, Antonello; Doncheva, Valentina; Drakopoulou, Vivi; Duncan, Graeme; Inghilesi, Roberto; Kyriakidou, Chara; Lalli, Francesco; Lillis, Helen; Mo, Giulia; Muresan, Mihaela; Salomidi, Maria; Sakellariou, Dimitris; Simboura, Mika; Teaca, Adrian; Tezcan, Devrim; Todorova, Valentina; Tunesi, Leonardo.
In order to most benefit from the potential offered by the European marine basins in terms of growth and employment (Blue Growth), and to protect the marine environment, we need to know more about the seafloor. European Directives, such as the MSFD, but also the Horizon 2020 roadmap explicitly called for a multi-resolution full coverage of all European seas including bathymetry, geology and habitats. The present work, following on a suite of past initiatives, has made a big step forward in this direction. It has first boosted the collation of existing maps from surveys by setting up a framework and a procedure to encourage people to submit their maps and data. This resulted in a more attractive EMODnet seabed habitat portal and a snowball effect with more...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Mapping seabed habitats over large areas: prospects and limits ArchiMer
Vasquez, Mickael; Agnesi, Sabrina; Al Hamdani, Zyad; Annunziatellis, Aldo; Askew, Natalie; Bekkby, Trine; Bentes, Luis; Castle, Lewis; Doncheva, Valentina; Duncan, Graeme; Gonçalves, Jorge; Inghilesi, Roberto; Laamanen, Leena; Lillis, Helen; Manca, Eleonora; Mcgrath, Fergal; Mo, Giulia; Monteiro, Pedro; Muresan, Mihaela; O'Keeffe, Eimear; Pesch, Roland; Pinder, Jordan; Teaca, Adrian; Todorova, Valentina; Tunesi, Leonardo; Virtanen, Elina.
Since its inception, in 2009, EMODnet Seabed Habitats has brought together a European consortium of specialists in benthic ecology and seabed habitat mapping to develop a transnational broad-scale seabed habitat map, named EUSeaMap. EUSeaMap is the only pan-European cartographic product that provides a standardised trans-boundary overview of the spatial distribution of seabed habitats across Europe. As such, it has been extensively used in various applications such as Marine Protected Area evaluation or cumulative impact of stressors on habitats, and it is likely to be used again in the future in various marine ecosystem assessments. It is therefore important to continue to update it regularly when significant improvements to the data products that...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Method for classifying EUSeaMap according to the new version of EUNIS, HELCOM HUB and the Mediterranean habitat types ArchiMer
Vasquez, Mickael; Agnesi, Sabrina; Al Hamdani, Zyad; Annunziatellis, Aldo; Castle, Lewis; Laamanen, Leena; Lillis, Helen; Manca, Eleonora; Mo, Giulia; Muresan, Mihaela; Nikolova, Christina; Ridgeway, Amy; Teaca, Adrian; Todorova, Valentina; Tunesi, Leonardo.
The need for maps of the seabed has become increasingly urgent in recent years for a wide range of reasons and uses, including reporting on the state of the marine environment to implement EU policies such as the MSFD. In ten years, the EMODnet Seabed Habitats initiative has produced maps for all European marine regions, where input data allowed, the resultant seabed habitat maps are known collectively as ”EUSeaMap”. With products such as EUSeaMap, it is assumed that mapping the broad habitat types defined in seabed habitat classifications (e.g. EUNIS) provides appropriate proxies for the occurrence of the species or communities of species that occupy them. In addition to being released in EUNIS 2007-2011 and the MSFD Broad Benthic Habitat Types, the next...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Using EUNIS habitat classification for benthic mapping in European seas: Present concerns and future needs ArchiMer
Galparsoro, Ibon; Connor, David W.; Borja, Angel; Aish, Annabelle; Amorim, Patricia; Bajjouk, Touria; Chambers, Caroline; Coggan, Roger; Dirberg, Guillaume; Ellwood, Helen; Evans, Douglas; Goodin, Kathleen L.; Grehan, Anthony; Haldin, Jannica; Howell, Kerry; Jenkins, Chris; Michez, Noemie; Mo, Giulia; Buhl-mortensen, Pal; Pearce, Bryony; Populus, Jacques; Salomidi, Maria; Sanchez, Francisco; Serrano, Alberto; Shumchenia, Emily; Tempera, Fernando; Vasquez, Mickael.
The EUNIS (European Union Nature Information System) habitat classification system aims to provide a common European reference set of habitat types within a hierarchical classification, and to cover all terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats of Europe. The classification facilitates reporting of habitat data in a comparable manner, for use in nature conservation (e.g. inventories, monitoring and assessments), habitat mapping and environmental management. For the marine environment the importance of a univocal habitat classification system is confirmed by the fact that many European initiatives, aimed at marine mapping, assessment and reporting, are increasingly using EUNIS habitat categories and respective codes. For this reason substantial efforts...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat classification scheme; EUNIS; Marine habitats; Habitat mapping.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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