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Georeferencing specimens by combining digitized maps with SRTM digital elevation data and satellite images: a Bornean case study Naturalis
Raes, N.; Mols, J.B.; Willemse, L.P.M.; Smets, E.F..
For numerous scientific purposes collection records need to be georeferenced. Although the geographic coordinates of many of the collection localities are available in gazetteers, especially collections from tropical areas of the world are still not georeferenced. In an attempt to georeference these localities for Indonesian Borneo we used digitized old maps which were georegistered with SRTM digital elevation data, and Landsat 7- and JERS-1 SAR radar satellite images. This enabled us to georeference 2 577 additional collections from Indonesian Borneo, belonging to 1 744 taxa, which were collected at 134 previously not georeferenced localities. This applied methodology enables researchers to georeference their historical collections for biodiversity,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Borneo; Georeferencing; Georegistration; Historical map; JERS-1 SAR; Landsat; SRTM digital elevation data.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Report 2013-2014 Naturalis Research and Education Naturalis
Laterveer-de Beer, M.; Mols, J.B.; Tol, J. van.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Onderzoek; Educatie; Naturalis.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Revision of the genus Phaeanthus (Annonaceae) Naturalis
Mols, J.B.; Keßler, P.J.A..
A revision of the genus Phaeanthus Hook.f. & Thomson (Annonaceae) is presented. The genus comprises 8 species. A key to the fruiting and/or flowering specimens of the genus is included. The genus consists of shrubs to small-sized trees from Malesia and Vietnam. It is characterised by sepals and outer petals that are alike, numerous carpels and stamens, the latter truncate with a distinctive connective prolongation, monocarpous fruits, and leaves often drying dark brown to black. A phylogenetic analysis shows the monophyly of the genus and that Phaeanthus nutans can be considered the sister species of the remaining species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Annonaceae; Phaeanthus; Phylogeny; Revision.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The genus Miliusa (Annonaceae) in the Austro-Malesian area Naturalis
Mols, J.B.; Keßler, P.J.A..
A taxonomic revision of the Austro-Malesian species of Miliusa Lesch. ex A.DC. (Annonaceae) is presented. Ten species can be recognised in the area, including one new species, Miliusa novoguineensis, described here. Most species are restricted to certain islands or geographic areas. Miliusa horsfieldii (Benn.) Pierre is the main exception as it is distributed from Hainan up to Queensland, Australia. Six of the ten species (except M. amplexicaulis Ridl., M. longipes King, M. macropoda Miq. and M. parviflora Ridl.) have a deciduous habit, and are largely restricted to areas with a monsoon climate. A key, based primarily on generative characters, and descriptions to the species are included.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Annonaceae; Miliusa; Flora Malesiana; Australia; Revision.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The genus Miliusa in the Austro-Malesian area (Annonaceae), a rectification Naturalis
Mols, J.B.; Keßler, P.J.A..
Confusion concerning the validation of Miliusa vidalii J. Sinclair is rectified.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Annonaceae; Miliusa; Miliusa vidalii; Australia; Flora Malesiana.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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