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Early spring mesopelagic carbon remineralization and transfer efficiency in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area ArchiMer
Jacquet, Shm; Dehairs, F.; Lefevre, D.; Cavagna, A. J.; Planchon, F.; Christaki, U.; Monin, L.; Andre, L.; Closset, I.; Cardinal, D..
We report on the zonal variability of mesopelagic particulate organic carbon remineralization and deep carbon transfer potential during the Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study 2 expedition (KEOPS 2; October-November 2011) in an area of the polar front supporting recurrent massive blooms from natural Fe fertilization. Mesopelagic carbon remineralization (MR) was assessed using the excess, non-lithogenic particulate barium (Ba-xs) inventories in mesopelagic waters and compared with bacterial production (BP), surface primary production (PP) and export production (EP). Results for this early season study are compared with the results obtained during a previous study (2005; KEOPS 1) for the same area at a later stage of the phytoplankton bloom. Our...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Rare earth elements and neodymium isotopes in world river sediments revisited ArchiMer
Bayon, Germain; Toucanne, Samuel; Skonieczny, Charlotte; Andre, L.; Bermell, Sylvain; Cheron, Sandrine; Dennielou, Bernard; Etoubleau, Joel; Freslon, Nicolas; Gauchery, T.; Germain, Yoan; Jorry, Stephan; Menot, G.; Monin, L.; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Rouget, M. -l.; Tachikawa, K.; Barrat, Jean-alix.
Over the past decades, rare earth elements (REE) and their radioactive isotopes have received tremendous attention in sedimentary geochemistry, as tracers for the geological history of the continental crust and provenance studies. In this study, we report on elemental concentrations and neodymium (Nd) isotopic compositions for a large number of sediments collected near the mouth of rivers worldwide, including some of the world’s major rivers. Sediments were leached for removal of non-detrital components, and both clay and silt fractions were retained for separate geochemical analyses. Our aim was to re-examine, at the scale of a large systematic survey, whether or not REE and Nd isotopes could be fractionated during Earth surface processes. Our results...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The silicon isotopic composition of fine-grained river sediments and its relation to climate and lithology ArchiMer
Bayon, Germain; Delvigne, C.; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Borges, A. V.; Darchambeau, F.; De Deckker, P.; Lambert, T.; Monin, L.; Toucanne, Samuel; Andre, L..
The δ30Si stable isotopic composition of silicon in soils and fine-grained sediments can provide insights into weathering processes on continents, with important implications on the Si budget of modern and past oceans. To further constrain the factors controlling the distribution of Si isotopes in sediments, we have analysed a large number (n=50) of separate size-fractions of sediments and suspended particulate materials collected near the mouth of rivers worldwide. This includes some of the world’s largest rivers (e.g. Amazon, Congo, Mackenzie, Mississippi, Murray-Darling, Nile, Yangtze) and rivers from the case study areas of the Congo River Basin and Northern Ireland. Silt-size fractions exhibit a mean Si isotopic composition (δ30Si = -0.21 ± 0.19‰; 2...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: World rivers; Congo basin; Northern Ireland; Si isotopes; Clay minerals; Weathering; Temperature; Precipitation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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