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Avaliação de lavagem parcial de sais em neossolo flúvico irrigado, utilizando modelagem computacional REA
Monteiro,Adriano L. N.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Montenegro,Suzana M. G.; Santos,Francisco X. dos.
Este trabalho foi realizado em um vale aluvial irrigado do semiárido do Brasil (Estado de Pernambuco). O objetivo foi investigar o efeito de lâminas de lixiviação e de precipitação no controle da salinidade do solo em lisímetros de drenagem. Com base em simulações numéricas, utilizando-se do modelo HYDRUS-1D, avaliaram-se o fluxo e o transporte de sais na zona não saturada. Mediante medidas de campo de evapotranspiração real e precipitação, foi possível inferir que o modelo se apresentou como ferramenta adequada nas simulações realizadas, para diferentes cenários de lâminas de lixiviação. Verificou-se, experimental e numericamente, que a lixiviação parcial pode ser utilizada como alternativa de manejo para a redução da salinidade na zona radicular, desde...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Semiárido; Salinidade; Aquífero aluvial.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Desempenho de lisímetro de pesagem hidráulica de baixo custo no semi-árido nordestino REA
Santos,Francisco X. dos; Rodrigues,José J. V.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Moura,Ronaldo F. de.
Medidas diretas de evapotranspiração de referência são importantes na avaliação e na calibração de métodos indiretos. Avaliou-se o desempenho de lisímetro de pesagem hidráulica de baixo custo, visando à determinação direta da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo), em área de assentamento rural no Semi-Árido nordestino. O lisímetro é de concepção simplificada, com travesseiros hidráulicos confeccionados com mangueira flexível de butil e revestida em náilon, interligados a um sistema manométrico com mercúrio e água. O equilíbrio do lisímetro foi estável, sendo o maior erro médio posicional de 3,93%. As calibrações geraram coeficientes de correlação superiores a 0,9993 e resoluções de leituras entre 0,095 e 0,134 mm. As leituras lisimétricas foram comparadas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lisímetro de pesagem; Penman-Monteith; Necessidade hídrica; Evapotranspiração.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Estimation of alluvial recharge in the semiarid REA
Andrade,Tafnes S.; Montenegro,Suzana M. G. L.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Rodrigues,Diogo F. B..
In areas where there is irrigated agriculture, the recuperation of water reserves in alluvial aquifers may occur preferentially due to precipitation. Recharging can be evaluated from variation information of water depth measured in piezometers or observation wells. Thus, the aim of this research is to study the recharge in the alluvial aquifer formed by the Mimoso temporary stream in the semiarid region of Pernambuco (PE), Brazil, using the method of the fluctuation of the water level. This system is typical on the Brazilian Northeast semiarid region, using groundwater for domestic supply and for irrigation on small scale agriculture. Monthly potentiometric levels and rainfall data were used. The selected period for the study, from January 2002 to October...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Recharge factor; Groundwater; Monitoring.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of Moringa oleifera under semi-arid conditions in Pernambuco AGRIAMBI
Santos,Célia S. dos; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Santos,Márcio A. L. dos; Pedrosa,Elvira M. R..
ABSTRACT Efficient water use in agriculture is fundamental, especially in semi-arid regions where water scarcity is intense. The aim of this study was to estimate water requirements and crop coefficients in the different phenological stages of Moringa oleifera. The experiment was carried out from February to April 2015 at the Experimental Unit for Reuse and Hydrological Management, located in Mutuca, PE (7º 15’ 18’’ S, 35º 52’’ 40’’ W, 550 m). A lysimeter was used to estimate crop evapotranspiration. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by indirect methods. In the lysimeter, soil salinity and leaf water potential of the crop were monitored. The direct and indirect methods presented an excellent performance compared with the standard...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Irrigation management; Water requirement; Perennial oilseed crop.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Fitoextração de sais pela Atriplex nummularia lindl. sob estresse hídrico em solo salino sódico AGRIAMBI
Souza,Edivan R. de; Freire,Maria B. G. dos S.; Nascimento,Clístenes W. A. do; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Freire,Fernando J.; Melo,Hidelblandi F. de.
Objetivou-se avaliar a extração de sais pela Atriplex cultivada em solo salino sódico sob condições de estresse hídrico e comparar propriedades do solo antes e após seu cultivo. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação durante 134 dias, com cultivo em vasos com 20 kg de solo salino sódico em quatro níveis de umidade (35, 55, 75 e 95% da capacidade de campo), com um tratamento controle (sem cultivo), montado em blocos casualizados, com oito repetições. As altas concentrações de Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e, especialmente Na+ e Cl- nas folhas de Atriplex nummularia, associadas à elevada produção de massa seca, caracterizam esta espécie como planta fitoextratora de sais, chegando a extrair, nas folhas e caule, o equivalente a: 644,25; 757,81; 1.058,55 e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fitorremediação; Halófitas; Solos afetados por sais.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Rainfall pattern and erosion potential in the physiographic regions of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil AGRIAMBI
Pinheiro,Antonio G.; Souza,Thais E. M. dos S.; Montenegro,Suzana M. G. L.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Guerra,Sérgio M. S..
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to characterize the spatial and temporal (2000-2015) rainfall pattern variability and erosive potential in the different physiographic regions of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Rainfall data series (3 to 12 years) from 25 weather stations of the state were analyzed. Erosive rainfall events (more than 10 mm depth) were considered to evaluate the annual erosivity index, monthly erosivity index (EI30), rainfall erosivity factor (R), and rainfall pattern. The inverse distance weighting (IDW) - inverse of the square of the distance - was used to create spatial interpolation and develop maps. The rainfall data from the weather stations showed average annual rainfall of 827 mm and average erosivity of 4,784 MJ mm...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Erosivity; Mapping; Rainfall characterization; Precipitation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Andrade,Carolyne W. L. de; Montenegro,Suzana M. G. L.; Miranda,Jarbas H. de; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Assis,Fred M. C. V. de.
ABSTRACT The application of chemical substances to the soil together with little attention given to the possible environmental impacts, transformed the environment into a recipient of waste. The aim of this study was to simulate the movement of water and solutes (sodium and potassium together) using the STANMOD and HYDRUS-2D models in a typical Haplic Planosol under the application of wastewater via surface irrigation under different flow rates. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory by miscible displacement tests, first using columns with deformed soil under saturation and steady water flow conditions, at a rate of 11.7 cm3 min-1, to obtain transport parameters of sodium and potassium ions, and in the applied residual water, the values of 475 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Modeling; Nutrients; Soil physical properties; Water reuse.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Spatial dependence of attributes of rainfed maize under distinct soil cover conditions AGRIAMBI
Carvalho,Ailton A. de; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Assis,Fred M. V. de; Tabosa,José N.; Cavalcanti,Roberta Q.; Almeida,Thayná A. B..
ABSTRACT Maize crop under rainfed conditions is widely grown in the Brazilian Northeast on community farms for human and animal consumption. The application of mulch could be adopted to enhance rainwater harvesting and soil moisture levels, although such practice is rarely applied in rainfed cultivation. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of maize productivity, based on soil physical attributes and plant growth and yield, under a rainfed regime in the presence and absence of mulch in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The study was conducted from May to September 2016 in Pesqueira - PE (locality of the Semiarid of Pernambuco State, Northeast, Brazil), during which the development and production of maize in experimental plots were evaluated,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rainfed agriculture; Kriging; Coconut powder; Mulching; Cultivar São José.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Spatial variability of soil attributes in an experimental basin in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, Brazil AGRIAMBI
Araújo,Diego C. dos S.; Montenegro,Suzana M. G. L.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Silva Junior,Valdemir de P. e; Santos,Sylvana M. dos.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the spatial patterns of physical and chemical properties of a soil in an experimental basin with an area of 149 km2, located in the municipality of Pesqueira, in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco state (Brazil). Samples were taken in the layers of 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m, at 35 monitoring points distributed in an irregular grid, encompassing the three soil classes present in the basin and commonly found in the semi-arid region. For the attributes of soil texture, organic carbon and bulk density in the layer of 0.10-0.20 m, spatial dependence from medium to strong was detected, ranging from 0.03 to 49.98%. Bulk density in the layer 0-0.10 m, as well as the electrical conductivity, in both layers, showed pure nugget...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Kriging; Geostatistics; Caatinga.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Temporal stability of soil moisture in banana cropping area in the Brazilian semiarid region AGRIAMBI
Araújo,Diego C. dos S.; Montenegro,Suzana M. G. L.; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Santos,Daniella P. dos; Rodrigues,Renato A. S..
ABSTRACT Soil moisture is essential for agricultural production. Knowledge on its spatial-temporal variability is indispensable to support agriculture, and it is strongly influenced by cultural practices, soil cover conditions and irrigation methods. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the temporal stability and spatial distribution of soil moisture as a function of the use of banana leaves as soil cover in a plot under conventional sprinkler irrigation and cultivated with banana in the Brazilian semiarid region. The study area was divided in two sectors, with and without covering using banana leaves. Soil moisture was monitored before and after irrigation, at 16 times, using FALKER HidroFarm sensors installed on a transect with 11 units spaced by 8 m, in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Musa spp.; Sprinkling; Relative difference technique; Soil mulching.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Trends of rainfall and temperature in Northeast Brazil AGRIAMBI
Carvalho,Ailton A. de; Montenegro,Abelardo A. de A.; Silva,Hernande P. da; Lopes,Iug; Morais,José E. F. de; Silva,Thieres G. F. da.
ABSTRACT For climate change scenarios, there is a high degree of complexity, with impacts on the future availability of water resources. In this context, studies related to changes in rainfall time series are essential in order to identify environmental vulnerability. The objective of this study was to analyze trends in the rainfall regime, number of rainy days and temperature for stations located at different continentality and altitude conditions in Northeast Brazil. Meteorological data of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia were used, being classified according to the location in relation to the continent: coastal strip (14 stations), strip of 150-300 km up to 300 m altitude (14 stations) and above 300 m (five stations), between 400 and 600 km from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Continentality; Rainfall modeling; Climate variability.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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