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A maturação do abacaxi Anais da ESALQ
Montenegro,Heitor W. S..
In the present work it was sougth to correlate the coloration of the fruit of Ananas comosus variety Perola with the pulp quality, aiming at the orientation of the fruit grower to the correct time of harvest. Pineapple fruit was chosen in 5 stages of maturation recognized by its external characteristics, principally its color. The fruits of each stage of maturation were analysed, determining the. weight, the percentage of soluble solids, and relation of acid to soluble solids. At the same time a test was made classifying the fruits as acid, regular, good, excellent, and spoiled. A correlation was found between the external coloration of the fruit and the degree of maturation. Concluding from this that the best time to harvest the variety Perola is in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Como combater a Tillandsia Usneoides Anais da ESALQ
Vasconcellos,Philipe W. C. de; Montenegro,Heitor W. S..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1947 URL:
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Estimativa de graus-dia acumulados no ciclo de frutificação de cultivares de abacateiros (Persea americana, Miller) Anais da ESALQ
Lucchesi,Antonio A.; Montenegro,Heitor W. S.; Villa Nova,Nilson A.; Florencio,Antonio C..
De acordo com os dados climáticos da região de cultivo, utilizando-se da somatória de graus-dia acumulados, acima de um mínimo denominado temperatura base, pode-se estimar períodos de desenvolvimento, época de maturação e mesmo épocas de se processar controles fitossanitários. Com essas finalidades, estudou-se o comportamento, com relação ao ciclo de frutificação, das cultivares Pollock, Collinson, Prince e Wagner, em pomares de três regiões climaticamente diferentes do Estado de São Paulo, Novo Horizonte, Limeira e Itapetininga. Para o cálculo da somatória de graus-dia acumulados no ciclo de frutificação dessas cultivares, em cada região, utilizou-se da metodologia de VILLA NOVA et alii (1972) em função das temperaturas máximas e mínimas mensais, dados...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Influência do porta-enxêrto no número de sementes da laranja Anais da ESALQ
Montenegro,Heitor W. S.; Moreira,Sylvio; Gomes,F. Pimentel; Cintra,Benjamin.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1959 URL:
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O tratamento de pré-emergência com o 2, 4-D no milho Anais da ESALQ
Montenegro,Heitor W. S.; Krug,Helmut Paulo.
In order to study the action of herbicides - sodium salt, amine salt and ester of 2,4-D, TCA and 2,4,5-T a preliminary experiment for pre-emergence weed control was corried out, and the corresponding results are given in table I and II. The corn used in the experiments was of the flint type 1A 3531. The loam soil on which the experiment has been carried out is called "terra roxa". All treatments were highly significant when compared with the check plots, except the 2B one in the control of broad leaf weeds, and 4B in the control of grass weeds. Among these treatments there are no significant differences. But we note the following: (table I). a) treatments of higher concentrations were superior to lower ones. b) the treatments which gave the best control...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1951 URL:
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Retardamento da brotação das batatas durante a armazenagem Anais da ESALQ
Montenegro,Heitor W. S..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1949 URL:
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