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Devising quality assurance procedures for assessment of legacy geochronological data relating to deglaciation of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet ArchiMer
Small, David; Clark, Chris D.; Chiverrell, Richard C.; Smedley, Rachel K.; Bateman, Mark D.; Duller, Geoff A. T.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Fabel, Derek; Medialdea, Alicia; Moreton, Steven G..
This contribution documents the process of assessing the quality of data within a compilation of legacy geochronological data relating to the last British-Irish Ice Sheet, a task undertaken as part of a larger community-based project (BRITICE-CHRONO) that aims to improve understanding of the ice sheet's deglacial evolution. As accurate reconstructions depend on the quality of the available data, some form of assessment is needed of the reliability and suitability of each given age(s) in our dataset. We outline the background considerations that informed the quality assurance procedures devised given our specific research question. We describe criteria that have been used to make an objective assessment of the likelihood that an age is influenced by the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: British-Irish Ice Sheet; Deglaciation; Geochronology; Data compilations; Quality assurance; Bayesian.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Extent and retreat history of the Barra Fan Ice Stream offshore western Scotland and northern Ireland during the last glaciation ArchiMer
Callard, S. Louise; Cofaigh, Colm O.; Benetti, Sara; Chiverrell, Richard C.; Van Landeghem, Katrien J. J.; Saher, Margot H.; Gales, Jenny A.; Small, David; Clark, Chris D.; Stephen, J. Livingstone; Fabel, Derek; Moreton, Steven G..
During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) the marine-terminating Barra Fan Ice Stream (BFIS), a major conduit of the British Irish Ice Sheet (BITS), drained much of western Scotland and northwest Ireland with ice streaming onto the continental shelf of the Malin Sea. The extent and retreat history of this ice stream across the shelf, until now, is not well known. In particular, geochronological constraints on the history of this ice stream have thus far been restricted to deep-sea cores or terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating onshore, with ages across the shelf absent. To understand the possible external forcing factors acting on this marine terminating ice stream during retreat, improved geochronological constraint on its deglaciation is necessary. Here, we...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: British-Irish Ice Sheet; Glacimarine; Last glacial maximum; Radiocarbon dating; Ice-sheet retreat; Grounding-zone wedges.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Growth of north-east Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and mounds during the Holocene: A high resolution U-series and C-14 chronology ArchiMer
Douarin, Melanie; Elliot, Mary; Noble, Stephen R.; Sinclair, Daniel; Henry, Lea-anne; Long, David; Moreton, Steven G.; Roberts, J. Murray.
We investigated the Holocene growth history of the Mingulay Reef Complex, a seascape of inshore cold-water coral reefs off western Scotland, using U-series and radiocarbon dating methods. Both chronologies revealed episodic occurrences of the reef framework-forming scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa during the late Holocene. Downcore U-series dating revealed unprecedented reef growth rates of up to 12 mm a(-1) with a mean rate of 3-4 mm a(-1). Our study highlighted a persistent hiatus in coral occurrence from 1.4 ka to modern times despite present day conditions being conducive for coral growth. The growth history of the complex was punctuated at least twice by periods of reduced growth rates: 1.75-2.8 ka, 3.2-3.6 ka and to a lesser extent at 3.8-4 ka...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NE Atlantic; Holocene; Lophelia pertusa; Cold-water coral reef.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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