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A methodological framework for characterizing fish swimming and escapement behaviors in trawls ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Cortay, Aurore; Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Deneubourg, Jean Louis; Vincent, Benoit.
Knowledge about fish behavior is crucial to be able to influence the capture process and catch species composition. The rapid expansion of the use of underwater cameras has facilitated unprecedented opportunities for studying the behavior of species interacting with fishing gears in their natural environment. This technological advance would greatly benefit from the parallel development of dedicated methodologies accounting for right-censored observations and variable observation periods between individuals related to instrumental, environmental and behavioral events. In this paper we proposed a methodological framework, based on a parametric Weibull mixture model, to describe the process of escapement attempts through time, test effects of covariates and...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Comparative assessment of two proxies of fish discard survival ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee; Benoît, Hugues P.; Méhault, Sonia.
Two vitality index approaches have been demonstrated to be good proxies of discard survival in similar fishing and environmental conditions: Reflex Action Mortality Predictors combined with injuries (RI) scores that measure the proportion of impaired reflexes and injuries, and a simpler, quicker, but less precise approach based on ordinal categories related to fish body movements and injuries (semi-quantitative assessment, SQA). This study assessed and compared these two approaches for five species (two flatfishes, skates, a seabass and a catshark) discarded in a coastal otter trawl fishery in the Bay of Biscay. All species displayed good vitality status according to both indices and were not very sensitive to the fishing nor their biological conditions....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard survival; Vitality indicators; Reflex Action Mortality Predictor; Bay of Biscay; Coastal otter trawl fishery.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Habitats of ten demersal species in the Gulf of Lions and potential implications for spatial management ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Bez, Nicolas; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
An improved knowledge of habitat utilization by demersal species is a pre-requisite for their spatial management. Based on scientific survey data collected over the period 1994-2010, the present study investigates relationships between 4 environmental factors and 10 demersal species in the Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Generalized linear models provided statistically satisfying results in terms of both model explanatory and predictive powers. The 'biological zone' factors, based on the percentage of light penetration to the sea bottom and bottom temperature, were the most important factors, while sediments and benthic macrofauna were only significant for a few species. The type of associations varied among species, resulting in different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish habitat; Marine living resources; Mediterranean; Generalized linear models; Model selection; Marine Protected Area; MARXAN.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Improved estimation of discard mortality rates with in situ experiments involving electronic and traditional tagging ArchiMer
Benoît, Hugues P.; Morfin, Marie; Capizzano, Connor W..
Reliable estimates of release or discard mortality (DM) rates for recreational and commercial fisheries are necessary for robust assessment of the effects of fishing on populations and for establishing effective regulatory measures concerning the release of fish. In situ experiments involving the tagging of released fish are most likely to produce accurate estimates given that experimental subjects are captured and released under representative fishery conditions. Data from electronic tags can be used to infer movement or behavioral patterns of released fish, from which mortality times can be derived to then estimate natural mortality and DM rates. However, resulting DM rate estimates are often of low precision (high variance) due to small sample sizes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch and release mortality; Electronic tagging; Capture-mark-recapture tagging; Parametric survival modelling; Integrated modelling.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Improving gear selectivity of whiting ( Merlangius merlangus ) on board French demersal trawlers in the English Channel and North Sea ArchiMer
Vogel, Camille; Kopp, Dorothee; Morandeau, Fabien; Morfin, Marie; Mehault, Sonia.
In the English Channel and Southern Bight, French demersal trawlers target a mix of demersal species including whiting (Merlangius merlangus). The discard ban to be implemented in January 2016 motivated fishermen to look for technical measures to reduce unwanted catches of undersized individuals (<27 cm). From 2008–2014, 18 different gear configurations were tested for bycatch reduction on board fleets of vessels of 16–20 m and 20–24 m. Selective devices tested included grids, square mesh panels (SMP), square mesh cylinders (SMC), various combinations of these devices and large mesh trawls. Using the catch comparison method, our results focus on six devices that proved efficient to reduce catches of undersized whiting, equally divided between the two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Square mesh; Sorting grids; Fishing gear technology; Merlangius merlangus; Catch comparison; GLMM.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Informations sur les taux de survie des rejets ArchiMer
Mehault, Sonia; Kopp, Dorothee; Morfin, Marie.
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Lorient Flume tank ArchiMer
Vincent, Benoit; Simon, Julien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Morandeau, Fabien; Larnaud, Pascal; Kopp, Dorothee; Mehault, Sonia; Morfin, Marie; Savina-rolland, Marie; Marc, Emilie.
The Lorient flume tank is an hydrodynamic facility available for any qualification and observation of submerged objects in still or moving water. It is a closed loop circulating tank filled with fresh water.  The fluid is moved with a 70 kW pump-motor with a velocity between 0 and 1 m/s and homogenized with a series of pressure drop systems. The overall dimensions are 24.50 m long, 7.50m wide and 3.30 m high. The part where experiments can be set up is 12m long, 2.6 m wide and 1.5 m deep.  A mobile bottom belt can be synchronized with the water flow velocity and enables to simulate the seabed velocity relatively to a towed object. The overall process of the facility is controlled by a user friendly interface.
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Narrowing down the number of species requiring detailed study as candidates for the EU Common Fisheries Policy discard ban ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Mehault, Sonia; Benoit, Hugues P.; Kopp, Dorothee.
By 2019, the Common Fisheries Policy will prohibit discarding in all European fisheries of any pelagic, demersal or shellfish species for which removals are managed by TACs and quotas or minimum sizes. However, the regulation allows for exemptions from the prohibition for species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates associated with discarding. Producing reliable evidence of high survival typically requires long and costly studies involving tagging or captivity. This paper proposes to use the capacity to resist air exposure, a key stressor for discarded animals, as a proxy for survival that can be used to prioritize candidate species for more in-depth discard survival studies. The time required to induce mortality (TM) in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Discard mortality; Hypoxia; Artisanal bottom trawl fishery; Bay of Biscay; English Channel.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Rapport d’étude final du projet REJEMCELEC - Réduction des Rejets en Manche et mer Celtique par la Sélectivité des engins de pêche ArchiMer
Lavialle, Gael; Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Vimard, Mathieu; Larnaud, Pascal.
In the context of the new European Common Fisheries Policy and in particular the Landing Obligation, the two Producers Organisations, COBRENORD and  OPN launched the REJEMCELEC project in partnership with IFREMER and net suppliers. It was set in a complementary way to the CELSELEC project. The main goal is to reduce whiting, haddock and pelagic discards for single bottom trawlers fleets targeting whiting, squids, cuttlefish and monkfish within the Western Channel. A specific fleet targeting hake and John Dory in Celtic Sea during summer (around Scilly Island) was also studied in order to reduce discards of small haddock, hake and boarfish. After a state of the art, an analysis of quantitative data and various workshops organized in partnership between...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Reducing discards of demersal species using a 100 mm square mesh cylinder: Size selectivity and catch comparison analysis ArchiMer
Gatti, Paul; Méhault, Sonia; Morandeau, Fabien; Morfin, Marie; Robert, Marianne.
We assessed the impact of an additional 100 mm square mesh cylinder (SMC) on the selective property of the demersal whitefish trawl in the Celtic Sea. Sea trials were conducted on board a French trawler using twin trawl rigging. We tested the effects of the position of the SMC (in front of and behind the mandatory 100 mm square mesh panel) and of the insertion of a dispersive float. Selectivity analysis revealed the 50% retention length () to be greater than the Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes regardless of species (haddock, whiting or megrim) or rigging configuration. Results did not reveal a clear effect of the SMC position. However, the insertion of the float led to a decrease in selection ranges suggesting enhanced contact probabilities with the...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Spatial Structure and Distribution of Small Pelagic Fish in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Saraux, Claire; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Bigot, Jean-louis; Bourdeix, Jean-herve; Morfin, Marie; Roos, David; Van Beveren, Elisabeth; Bez, Nicolas.
Understanding the ecological and anthropogenic drivers of population dynamics requires detailed studies on habitat selection and spatial distribution. Although small pelagic fish aggregate in large shoals and usually exhibit important spatial structure, their dynamics in time and space remain unpredictable and challenging. In the Gulf of Lions (north-western Mediterranean), sardine and anchovy biomasses have declined over the past 5 years causing an important fishery crisis while sprat abundance rose. Applying geostatistical tools on scientific acoustic surveys conducted in the Gulf of Lions, we investigated anchovy, sardine and sprat spatial distributions and structures over 10 years. Our results show that sardines and sprats were more coastal than...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Key Exploited Marine Species in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Jadaud, Angelique; Bez, Nicolas.
This study analyzes the temporal variability/stability of the spatial distributions of key exploited species in the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). To do so, we analyzed data from the MEDITS bottom-trawl scientific surveys from 1994 to 2010 at 66 fixed stations and selected 12 key exploited species. We proposed a geostatistical approach to handle zero-inflated and non-stationary distributions and to test for the temporal stability of the spatial structures. Empirical Orthogonal Functions and other descriptors were then applied to investigate the temporal persistence and the characteristics of the spatial patterns. The spatial structure of the distribution (i.e. the pattern of spatial autocorrelation) of the 12 key species studied remained...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Survivability of discarded Norway lobster in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Merillet, Laurene; Mehault, Sonia; Rimaud, Thomas; Piton, Corentine; Morandeau, Fabien; Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee.
In the context of the landing obligation set by the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus was identified as a species likely to have high survival rate when discarded in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay. Previous studies in this area reported a survival rate between 30% and 51%, but the experiments were done on a limited monitoring period and the seasonal variations were not investigated. This study was designed to obtain a reliable value for survival rate after a 14-day monitoring period in onshore tanks allowing considering delayed mortality. The study also tested the effect on the survival rate of using a discarding chute system, a sorting device that was made mandatory on the 1st of January 2017 for Nephrops...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nephrops norvegicus; Sorting process; Captivity; Vitality; Season; Discard survival.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Survival of European plaice discarded from coastal otter trawl fisheries in the English Channel ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee; Benoit, Hugues P.; Mehault, Sonia; Randall, Peter; Foster, Robert; Catchpole, Thomas.
Species that have a high likelihood of surviving the discarding process have become great concern since the European Union reformed the Common Fisheries Policy and enacted a landing obligation prohibiting the discarding any individuals of species under quota. Among species presenting an elevated survival potential, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is one of the most discarded in the coastal otter trawl fishery in the English Channel. The objective of this study is to provide the most reliable estimates of plaice survival after release in commercial conditions, and to identify the factors that influence survival rates. A captivity experiment was conducted in January–February in the English fishery to assess the survival of discarded plaice as a function of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Pleuronectes platessa; Vitality; Captivity experiment; Discard survival analysis; Bottom trawl.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Using acoustic telemetry to estimate post-release survival of undulate ray Raja undulata (Rajidae) in northeast Altantic ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Baulier, Loic; Méhault, Sonia; Kopp, Dorothee.
The landing obligation introduced in the reform of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy requires landing all catches of species under quota. However, exemptions may be granted for species for which “scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Captivity experiments are often used to determine fish survival rates, but they are difficult to perform for large species such as rays due to the limited storage capacity of tanks. Thus, little information is available on ray survival after release despite an identified potential for high survival. We used acoustic telemetry to study rays discarded from a coastal bottom trawl fishery in their natural environment and present a new ad hoc approach to derive a minimum survival rate. After capture under...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tagging; Discard survival; Trawl fishery; Elasmobranchs; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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