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Applying Experimental Economics to Obesity in the Family Household AgEcon
Ehmke, Mariah D.; Warziniack, Travis; Schroeter, Christiane; Morgan, Kari.
The objective of this study is to identify experimental economic tools that can be employed to explain the role of economic behavior in overweight and obesity in the household. We identify three economic experiments that can be used to understand how parent-child economic relationships relate to obesity. Loss aversion experiments are discussed as a tool to understand challenges some individuals face in achieving a healthy diet. Finally, testbed experiments are introduced as a means to test and understand new policies and incentives for better health at the household level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Carrot stick; Child obesity; Discount rate; Generosity; Loss aversion; Parent-child; Punishment; Trust; Agribusiness; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; I19; Q18; D01; D63.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relating Behavioral Elements of Household Food Negotiation to Childhood Overweight and Obesity AgEcon
Ehmke, Mariah D.; Schroeter, Christiane; Morgan, Kari; Larson-Meyer, Enette; Ballenger, Nicole.
Researchers working in the fields of family studies and psychology show motherchild relationship dynamics affect the occurrence of childhood overweight and obesity. Many of the significant behaviors they identify relate to negotiation and generosity norms in the household. The primary objective of this study is to test the value of altruistic and collective models of household behavior using the dictator and ‘carrotstick’ laboratory experiments. We also test exploratory hypotheses relating mother’s generosity and child’s punitive behavior and mother-child weight and fitness outcomes using dictator and ‘carrot-stick’ games. The data were collected from 50 mother-child pairs in Laramie, Wyoming. The children were all eight to 10 years old. The mother’s...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Using Experimental Economics to Measure the Role of Parental Generosity and Food Control in Childhood Obesity AgEcon
Ehmke, Mariah D.; Morgan, Kari; Schroeter, Christiane; Larson-Meyer, Enette; Ballenger, Nicole.
This research uses experimental economics to measure the effect of parental generosity and child response on childhood overweight and obesity. The 'Carrot-Stick' experiment, an adaptation of the standard dictator game in which the respondent (the child) can punish or reward the dictator (the parent) based on the dictator's generosity, served as basis of our examination. Two treatments are conducted, in which the child spends his or her earnings on non-food and food items. Our empirical analysis shows significant relationships between parental weight and their level of generosity regarding food items. We conclude that child response behavior, obesigenic factors in the household, and the child's tendency toward being overweight and obese are significantly...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Overweight; Obesity; Childhood; Family; Bargaining; ‘Carrot-Stick; ’ Dictator; Experimental Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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