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Anthropogenic lead cycle in the northeastern atlantic ArchiMer
Lambert, Ce; Nicolas, E; Veron, A; Buatmenard, P; Klinkhammer, G; Lecorre, P; Morin, P.
We have investigated total Pb distributions in the water column from various sites in the north-east Atlantic. Sea water samples were collected during the Fluxatlante cruise in 1985. Total Pb ranged from 35 to 45 ng.l-1 (170-220 pmol l-1) in surface waters and decreased with depth in a manner consistent with previous findings. The high concentrations in surface waters probably reflect an important anthropogenic input of Pb from the atmosphere. Concentrations of total Pb are higher than in the western Atlantic. This difference seems to be closely related to the difference in atmospheric inputs of anthropogenic Pb. Three of the stations exhibit a specific Pb excess at the depth of the Mediterranean waters outflowing in the intermediate Atlantic waters; such...
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Évolution printanière des éléments nutritifs et du phytoplancton sur le plateau continental armoricain (Europe du Nord-Ouest) ArchiMer
Morin, P; Lecorre, P; Marty, Y; Lhelguen, S.
The evolution of nutrient distribution has been followed in spring on the Armorican shelf in association with hydrological features and phytoplankton development. Data were collected on a sampling grid of 20 stations on the continental shelf during four cruises (SATIR 8 to 11) between March and June 1982. Haline fronts (Ushant haline front, coastal haline front) were found in late winter and early spring; their outlines follow closely the outlines of the summer thermal fronts. The origin of these haline fronts comes mainly from the outflow towards the English Channel of the waters of the Loire river on the South Brittany shelf. At this time of the year, a conservative mixing is observed between offshore waters with relatively low nutrient concentrations...
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Les elements nutritifs dans le bassin occidental de la Mediterranee. Bilan des echanges avec l'ocean Atlantique a Gibraltar ArchiMer
Coste, B; Le Corre, P; Minas, Hj; Morin, P.
Nutrient measurements were performed during the Mediprod IV cruise of the R.V. Jean Charcot in the whole western basin of the Mediterranean Sea, special attention being paid to the Alboran Sea and to the Strait of Gibraltar. From these data, new values for the nutrient budget of the Mediterranean Sea are obtained. It appears that dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contributes to the total nitrogen input in an amount of more than 50%, and that the river runoff contribution accounts for less than 10% of the total nutrient input. High values of the N : P ratio in the Mediterranean Sea (> 20) are explained by the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the superficial layers of the water inflow into the Mediterranean Sea, together with mineralization processes...
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Ano: 1988 URL:
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New insights on the mineralization of dissolved organic matter in central, intermediate, and deep water masses of the northeast North Atlantic ArchiMer
Alvarez-salgado, X. A.; Nieto-cid, M.; Alvarez, M.; Perez, F; Morin, P; Mercier, Herle.
An optimum multiparameter (OMP) analysis was applied to samples collected during a cruise in the northeast North Atlantic with the aim of objectively defining water mass realms and calculating water mass mixing-weighted average (archetypal) concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM). The profile of archetypal DOC, which retains the basin-scale variability from the formation area of the water masses to the study area, was modeled with a constant initial concentration of 60 +/- 1 mu mol kg(-1) that decreased linearly with increasing apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) at a rate of -0.20 +/- 0.03 mol C per mol of AOU. The archetypal C:N ratio of dissolved organic matter was also modeled...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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The distribution of nutrients in the Equatorial Atlantic: Relation to physical processes and phytoplankton biomass ArchiMer
Oudot, C; Morin, P.
In the Gulf of Guinea (4 degree W), the equatorial upwelling, generated by the divergence of surface current meridional components, appears only during the boreal (northern) summer (June to September) south of the Equator and exhibits a considerable enrichment in nitrate and phosphate at the sea surface. At the Equator below the surface, there is also a seasonal nutrient enrichment due to vertical mixing or/and vertical motion of the thermocline. Zonal advection from the African coastal zone, often advanced to explain the equatorial fertility, does not completely agree with the observed surface distributions of nitrate. In the western equatorial Atlantic (35 degree W), the seasonal surface nutrient enrichment does not appear in July and the surface layer...
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Ano: 1987 URL:
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The pelagic ecosystem in frontal zones and other environments off the west coast of Brittany ArchiMer
Le Fevre, J; Le Corre, P; Morin, P; Birrien, J L.
A comparison is attempted between a semi enclosed bay (Rade de Brest), the vicinity of the Ushant tidal thermal front and the Celtic Sea shelf-break, with respect to phytoplankton and zooplankton overall abundance, using dissolved oxygen as a measure of in situ photosynthetic activity. A simple conceptual model, of a type termed agricultural, appears to be applicable to both the Rade de Brest and the shelf-break ecosystems, while the case of the Ushant front seems more complex. Different time constants in basic physical processes are tentatively put forward to account for the differences in ecosystem functional structures.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1983 URL:
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