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Achieving maximum sustainable yield in mixed fisheries: a management approach for the North Sea demersal fisheries ArchiMer
Ulrich, Clara; Vermard, Youen; Dolder, Paul J.; Brunel, Thomas; Jardim, Ernesto; Holmes, Steven J.; Kempf, Alexander; Mortensen, Lars O.; Poos, Jan-jaap; Rindorf, Anna.
Achieving single species maximum sustainable yield (MSY) in complex and dynamic fisheries targeting multiple species (mixed fisheries) is challenging because achieving the objective for one species may mean missing the objective for another. The North Sea mixed fisheries are a representative example of an issue that is generic across most demersal fisheries worldwide, with the diversity of species and fisheries inducing numerous biological and technical interactions. Building on a rich knowledge base for the understanding and quantification of these interactions, new approaches have emerged. Recent paths towards operationalizing MSY at the regional scale have suggested the expansion of the concept into a desirable area of “pretty good yield”, implemented...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Choke species; Common Fisheries Policy; Fleet modelling; FMSY ranges; Landing obligation; Management plan; Pretty good yield.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Electronic monitoring in fisheries: Lessons from global experiences and future opportunities ArchiMer
Helmond, Aloysius T.m.; Mortensen, Lars O.; Plet‐hansen, Kristian S.; Ulrich, Clara; Needle, Coby L.; Oesterwind, Daniel; Kindt‐larsen, Lotte; Catchpole, Thomas; Mangi, Stephen; Zimmermann, Christopher; Olesen, Hans Jakob; Bailey, Nick; Bergsson, Heidrikur; Dalskov, Jørgen; Elson, Jon; Hosken, Malo; Peterson, Lisa; Mcelderry, Howard; Ruiz, Jon; Pierre, Johanna P; Dykstra, Claude; Jaap Poos, Jan.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, electronic monitoring (EM) has emerged as a cost‐efficient supplement to existing catch monitoring programmes in fisheries. An EM system consists of various activity sensors and cameras positioned on vessels to remotely record fishing activity and catches. The first objective of this review was to describe the state of play of EM in fisheries worldwide and to present the insights gained on this technology based on 100 EM trials and 12 fully implemented programmes. Despite its advantages, and its global use for monitoring, progresses in implementation in some important fishing regions are slow. Within this context, the second objective was to discuss more specifically the European experiences gained through 16...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch documentation; Discard monitoring; Electronic monitoring; Fully documented fisheries; Video-based monitoring.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Remote electronic monitoring and the landing obligation - some insights into fishers' and fishery inspectors' opinions ArchiMer
Plet-hansen, Kristian S.; Eliasen, Soren Q.; Mortensen, Lars O.; Bergsson, Heiorikur; Olesen, Hans J.; Ulrich, Clara.
The European fisheries management is currently undergoing a fundamental change in the handling of catches of commercial fisheries with the implementation of the 2013 Common Fisheries Policy. One of the main objectives of the policy is to end the practice of discarding in the EU by 2019. However, for such changes to be successful, it is vital to ensure stakeholders acceptance, and it is prudent to consider possible means to verify compliance with the new regulation. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) has been tested in a variety of fisheries worldwide for different purposes and is currently considered as one possible tool to ensure compliance with a European ban on discards. This study focuses on Danish fishery...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries management; Discard ban; Compliance; Fully Documented Fisheries; Fishery inspectors; Interviews.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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