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Opportunities for Producing Table Grapes in Egypt for the Export Market: A Decision Case Study 31
Diab, Yaser A.A.; Mousa, Magdi A.A.; Warnock, Daniel F.; Hahn, David E..
The Barakat Fruit Farm desires to increase their share of the exportable grape market in Egypt. Unfortunately, the grape cultivars currently cultivated by the farm bear fruit after the early market window to the European Union when prices are high. An analysis of the company, competition, consumer, market channel, and conditions, provides insight into possible solutions to the challenges faced by the farm management. Designed for undergraduate classroom use, this case encourages students to think outside of traditional production techniques to arrive at solutions that are viable from both crop culture and financial standpoints.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Decision case; Horticulture; Agriculture economics; Grape production; Production Economics; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; Q10; Q11.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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