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Abrupt shifts of the Sahara-Sahel boundary during Heinrich stadials ArchiMer
Collins, J. A.; Govin, A.; Mulitza, S.; Heslop, D.; Zabel, M.; Hartmann, J.; Roehl, U.; Wefer, G..
Relict dune fields that are found as far south as 14 N in the modern-day African Sahel are testament to equatorward expansions of the Sahara desert during the Late Pleistocene. However, the discontinuous nature of dune records means that abrupt millennial-timescale climate events are not always resolved. High-resolution marine core studies have identified Heinrich stadials as the dustiest periods of the last glacial in West Africa although the spatial evolution of dust export on millennial timescales has so far not been investigated. We use the major-element composition of four high-resolution marine sediment cores to reconstruct the spatial extent of Saharan-dust versus river-sediment input to the continental margin from West Africa over the last 60 ka....
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum ArchiMer
Waelbroeck, C.; Paul, A.; Kucera, M.; Rosell-mele, A.; Weinelt, M.; Schneider, R.; Mix, A. C.; Abelmann, A.; Armand, L.; Bard, E.; Barker, S.; Barrows, T. T.; Benway, H.; Cacho, I.; Chen, M. T.; Cortijo, E.; Crosta, X.; De Vernal, A.; Dokken, T.; Duprat, J.; Elderfield, H.; Eynaud, F.; Gersonde, R.; Hayes, A.; Henry, M.; Hillaire-marcel, C.; Huang, C. C.; Jansen, E.; Juggins, S.; Kallel, N.; Kiefer, T.; Kienast, M.; Labeyrie, L.; Leclaire, H.; Londeix, L.; Mangin, S.; Matthiessen, J.; Marret, F.; Meland, M.; Morey, A. E.; Mulitza, S.; Pflaumann, U.; Pisias, N. G.; Radi, T.; Rochon, A.; Rohling, E. J.; Sbaffi, L.; Schafer-neth, C.; Solignac, S.; Spero, H.; Tachikawa, K.; Turon, J. -l..
Observation-based reconstructions of sea surface temperature from relatively stable periods in the past, such as the Last Glacial Maximum, represent an important means of constraining climate sensitivity and evaluating model simulations. The first quantitative global reconstruction of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum was developed by the Climate Long-Range Investigation, Mapping and Prediction (CLIMAP) project in the 1970s and 1980s. Since that time, several shortcomings of that earlier effort have become apparent. Here we present an updated synthesis of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum, rigorously defined as the period between 23 and 19 thousand years before present, from the Multiproxy Approach for the...
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Terrigenous input off northern South America driven by changes in Amazonian climate and the North Brazil Current retroflection during the last 250 ka ArchiMer
Govin, A.; Chiessi, C. M.; Zabel, M.; Sawakuchi, A. O.; Heslop, D.; Hoerner, T.; Zhang, Y.; Mulitza, S..
We investigate changes in the delivery and oceanic transport of Amazon sediments related to terrestrial climate variations over the last 250 ka. We present high-resolution geochemical records from four marine sediment cores located between 5 and 12 degrees N along the northern South American margin. The Amazon River is the sole source of terrigenous material for sites at 5 and 9 degrees N, while the core at 12 degrees N receives a mixture of Amazon and Orinoco detrital particles. Using an endmember unmixing model, we estimated the relative proportions of Amazon Andean material ("%-Andes", at 5 and 9 degrees N) and of Amazon material ("%-Amazon", at 12 degrees N) within the terrigenous fraction. The %-Andes and %-Amazon records exhibit significant...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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