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Is the evolutionary theory still useful?: A review with examples RChHN
Evolutionary biology is experiencing an exceptional process of revisión and outreach because of the 200-anniversary if the birth of Charles Darwin. As a consequence, the study of organic evolution and also its teaching are being discussed at several levels, by evolutionary biologists, biologists and scholars outside evolutionary biology and by the general public. In this scenario, a didactic explanation of how biologists address evolutionary research in real populations seems to be useful. Using actual research examples, here I tried to outline how the classic theory (termed here as the "basic scheme") is useful to answer relevant questions in biology and how a less dogmatic paradigm (or a more versatile one) would be needed when dealing with the most...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Character displacement; Microevolution; Modern synthesis; Natural selection; Population genetics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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New invariants and dimensionless numbers: futile renaissance of old fallacies? Biol. Res.
The necessity of the mathematical description of living processes and the recent advances in theoretical syntheses that fit surprisingly well with real data have led many scientists to experiment with new "generalizations," beginning with allometric equations. I present here, briefly, why caution is needed when allometric equations are multiplied or divided to make new ones. This practice is flawed by old and recognized problems, such as the fallacy of averages combined with misunderstandings that include error propagation, misuse of statistics and confounding scale.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fallacy of averages; Dimensional analysis; Invariants; Allometric equations; Error term.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Quantitative genetic variation of metabolism in the nymphs of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus, inferred from an analysis of inbred-lines Biol. Res.
Compared with morphological and life history traits, quantitative genetic variation of metabolic and related traits in animals has been poorly studied. We used flow-through VC0(2) respirometry and simultaneous activity measurement on nymphs of the sand cricket {Gryllus firmus) from inbred lines to estimate broad-sense heritability of four metabolic variables. In addition, we measured a number of linear dimensions in the adults from the same inbred lines. There were significant multivariate effects of inbred lines for all traits and broad-sense heritability for physiological traits was 4.5%, 5.2%, 10.3% and 8.5% for average, resting, minimum and maximum C0(2) production in nymphs, respectively. Though the MANOVA indicated significant genetic variation among...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Broad-sense heritability; Metabolic rate; Insects; Inbred lines; Through-flow C0(2) respirometry.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Water economy of three Cinclodes (Furnariidae) species inhabiting marine and freshwater ecosystems RChHN
Birds living in desert environments have been the preferred models for the study of physiological adaptations to water scarcity. Passerine birds living in marine coastal habitats face similar problems, yet physiological adaptations to water conservation in such species have been poorly documented. We measured total evaporative water loss (TEWL) and rates of oxygen consumption (VO2) in three species of passerine birds dwelling in marine and fresh water habitats. Mass specific total evaporative water loss was significantly lower in the marine species, Cinclodes nigrofumosus, than in species inhabiting areas near freshwater sources. We found a positive relationship between TEWL and VO2. The ratio of TEWL to VO2 (relative evaporative water loss, RTEWL) showed...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Evaporative water loss; Cinclodes; Osmoregulation; Passerines; Salt.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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