OIKAWA, Eri; SHIMURA, Ryoji; NISHIMURA, Maki; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 古岡, 秀文. |
A 33 month-old male flying squirrel kept in a zoo developed progressive dyspnea and died. Macroscopically, the liver and lung were enlarged with numerous nodular vesicles. Histologically, these organs were replaced by numerous collapsed vesicles demarcated by fibrous tissues. The cysts lined by a cellular, germinal layer contained numerous brood capsules with abundant production of well-developed protoscolices. Protoscolices were about 80–100 μm in diameter, and had hooks being visible as refractive structures. This zoo locates in the east of Hokkaido where is an endemic area of Echinococcus multilocularis infection. From epidemiology and pathological findings, this animal was diagnosed as E.multilocularis infection. This report describes the pathology of... |
Palavras-chave: Echinococcus multilocularis; Flying squirrel; Hokkaido; New host record; Pathology. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3944 |
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NISHIMURA, Maki; YOSHIDA, Tetsuya; EL-KHODERY, Sabry; MIYOSHI, Masafumi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; YASUDA, Jun; MIYAHARA, Kazuro; 古岡, 秀文; 宮原, 和郎. |
To obtain B-mode ultrasound images of mammary glands in dairy heifers at different stages of growth, 25 clinically normal Holstein heifers were used. The heifers were divided into 5 groups (n=5/group) by stage of their growth: 2-month-old (group 1), 5-month-old (group 2), postpuberty (group 3), mid (group 4), and late (group 5) pregnancy. Furthermore, the sections of mammary glands were observed grossly at postmortem examination in one heifer in each group. Ultrasound images varied with the development of mammary glands. In group 1, the mammary glands had distinctive ultrasonographic findings: an oval to fusiform homogeneous hypoechoic structure. In all groups except group 1, mammary tissue consists of two major areas: a homogeneous, medium echogenic area... |
Palavras-chave: Dairy heifer; Mammary gland; Ultrasound. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4068 |
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NISHIMURA, Maki; TOYOTA, Yumi; ISHIDA, Yoshikazu; NAKAYA, Hideki; KAMEYAMA, Kyohko; NISHIKAWA, Yoshifumi; MIYAHARA, Kazuro; INOKUMA, Hisashi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 西川, 義文; 猪熊, 壽; 古岡, 秀文. |
A 9-month-old steer was autopsied due to recurrent ruminal tympany. A macroscopic examination found an enlarged caudal mediastinal lymph node, and a section of the lymph node revealed necrosis with marked calcification, similar to tuberculous lymphadenitis. Histopathologically, the lesion consisted of multiple coagulative necrotic foci and fibrosis with macrophage, lymphocyte, eosinophil and multinucleated giant cell infiltration. Non-uniform width hyphae were detected in the necrotic area and within the cytoplasm of the multinucleated giant cells, and they were found to be anti-Rhizopus arrhizus antibody positive in an immunohistochemical examination. Therefore, the steer was diagnosed with necrotic caudal mediastinal lymphadenitis due to zygomycetes... |
Palavras-chave: Cattle; Necrotic lymphadenitis; Ruminal tympany; Zygomycosis. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3943 |
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佐藤, 巌紀; 西村, 麻紀; 三好, 雅史; 川本, 恵子; 古林, 与志安; 磯村, 洋; 宮原, 和郎; SATO, Genki; NISHIMURA, Maki; MIYOSHI, Masahumi; KAWAMOTO, Keiko; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; ISOMURA, Hiroshi; MIYAHARA, Kazurou. |
下唇の腫脹と下顎リンパ節の腫脹を伴った1 2 歳のT 細胞型皮膚型リンパ腫のシーズー犬に対してロムスチン (CCNU)による治療を行ったが効果は認められなかった.そこで,1回4Gyを2日おきに計5回,総線量20Gyで放射 線治療を実施したところ,腫脹の軽減が認められた.その後,飼い主希望により,積極的な治療は行わなかったが,数 回の放射線治療のたびに,改善が認められた.最終的に下唇と下顎リンパ節の腫瘤が増大し,第234 病日に斃死した.We administered lomustine (CCNU) to a 12-year-old Shih Tzu with T-cell type cutaneous lymphoma with swelling of the lower lip and mandibular lymph node. The treatment was ineffective and there was no reduction in the swelling in either area. Next, we carried out five radiation treatments (4Gy once every two days) with a total dose of radioactivity of 20Gy. Following the wishes of the owner, we did not perform further treatment. However, after several radiation treatments, there was a noticeable reduction in the swelling of the lower lip and... |
Palavras-chave: 皮膚型リンパ腫; ロムスチン(CCNU); 放射線治療; Cutaneous lymphoma; Lomustine (CCNU); Radiationtherapy. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2940 |
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三好, 雅史; 西村, 麻紀; 浅井, 寛之; 宮原, 和郎; MIYOSHI, Masafumi; NISHIMURA, Maki; ASAI, Hiroshi; MIYAHARA, Kazuro. |
三次元超音波検査法の小動物臨床への応用の可能性を探求するために,妊娠後期の6 歳 のビーグル犬に対して,腹部用三次元プローブを用いた三次元超音波検査法を出産まで数 日毎に行い,8 頭の胎子の顔を描出しようと試みた。胎子の顔の三次元超音波画像が全ての 検査日において少なくとも1 頭の胎子で得られたが,胎子が成長するにつれて良好な画像 を得るのは難しくなった。交配後43 日目ならびに45 日目では胎子の顔の鮮明な三次元画 像が容易に得られた。技術的に解決しなければならない問題がいくつか残されているもの の,適切に用いさえすれば,三次元超音波検査法は従来の二次元超音波検査法を補足する 方法として小動物臨床に応用可能であると考えられる。 This study was delineated to explore the possibility of using three-dimensional ultrasonography in small animal practice. In a 6-year-old pregnant beagle bitch with eight feti, we tried to visualize the feti faces with three-dimensional ultrasonography by scanning with a transabdominal three-dimensional probe every two to three days until parturition. At each date of examination, Three-dimensional sonographic images of the feti faces were... |
Palavras-chave: 犬; 顔; 胎子; 三次元超音波検査法; Dog; Face; Fetus; Three-dimensional ultrasonography. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2834 |
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