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Incidence of Metopism in Adult Thai Skulls 77
Khamanarong,Kimaporn; Tuamsuk,Panya; Woraputtaporn,Worawut; Namking,Malivalaya; Sawatpanich,Tarinee; Toomsan,Yanyong; Iamsaard,Sitthichai.
The persistent metopic suture on adult skull (also known as metopism) can confuse the clinicians during diagnosis of the frontal bone fractures in emergency conditions. The incidences of metopism have been documented in many populations except in Thais. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the incidence of metopism in adult Thai skulls. The identified 706 Thai dried skulls (481 males and 225 females) were carried out for metopic suture observations. The results showed that 53 skulls (7.51%) were present of the metopic sutures. The metopism observed could be classified into major two types (complete metopic suture (20 skulls [2.83%]) and incomplete metopic suture (33 skulls [4.67%]). For the incomplete metopic suture could be further classified into...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Metopism; Metopic suture; Frontal bone.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Incidence of Unusual Formation of the Median Nerve in Thai-Northeast Embalmed Cadavers 77
Namking,Malivalaya; Chaiyamoon,Arada; Chaijaroonkhanarak,Wunnee; Khamanarong,Kimaporn; Woraputtaporn,Worawut; Iamsaard,Sitthichai.
This study aimed to investigate the incidence of unusual formation of the median nerve in Thai cadavers. Two hundred and ninety-two upper limbs were dissected and observed. The results showed that 5 out of 292 (1.71 %) arms had unusual splitting of median nerve that supplied the flexor arm muscles. Concomitantly, the musculocutaneous nerve was absent. In 4 out of 5 variant arms (80 % or 1.37 % of total upper limbs), each median nerve was unusually formed by 3 roots; the first and second roots were from lateral cord and the third one from medial cord. The union of the second lateral and medial roots to become a median nerve distantly extended in the arm. The second lateral roots gave off small muscular branches to the upper part of flexor arm muscles....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomical ariation; Median nerve; Upper limbs; Thai cadavers.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Phyllanthus emblica L. Branch Extract Ameliorates Testicular Damage in Valproic Acid-Induced Rats 77
Iamsaard,Sitthichai; Arun,Supatcharee; Burawat,Jaturon; Sukhorum,Wannisa; Boonruangsri,Porntip; Namking,Malivalaya; Uabundit,Nongnut; Nualkaew,Somsak; Sripanidkulchai,Bungorn.
Valproic acid (VPA), widely used in treating epileptic patients, can damage reproductive parameters causing male infertility. This study aimed to investigate protective effect of Phyllanthus emblica L. branch (PE) extract on rat testicular damage induced with VPA. Male rats were divided into 6 groups (control, VPA, 250 mg/kgBW PE only, and 50, 100, 250 mg/kgBW PE+VPA, respectively). Animals were pretreated with PE for 23 days and co-administered with VPA for 10 days before all reproductive parameters were determined. The results showed all doses of PE significantly protected the decrease testicular weight and testosterone level in VPA rats. PE significantly improved the decrease sperm concentration in VPA treated rats. Moreover, testicular histology of...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Valproic acid; Phyllanthus emblica L; Testicular damage; Rats.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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