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Analyse des stratégies d'occupation du domaine maritime côtier : le cas des concessions conchylicoles. Rapport final du projet ASTRODOME ArchiMer
Mongruel, Remi; Perez Agundez, José A.; Girard, Sophie; Bailly, Denis; Nassiri, Abdelhamid.
1. The ASTRODOME research project aims to study the economic aspects of the system of allocation and transmission of shellfish concessions, which is considered as an essential element in the understanding of the occupancy strategies of the coastal maritime space. Two series of questions are highlighted. The first series examines the system from a sectorial development point of view: what are the shellfish farmers' needs that the implementation of a quasi concession market satisfied, and to a larger extent, what is the contribution of the evolution of the system of allocation and transmission of concessions to the evolution of the sector's structure? The second series takes a look at the system from a collective interest point of view: to what extent does...
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Ano: 2006 URL:
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