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Rural extension, agriculture and quality of life: the case study of farmers in the district of Boane, Mozambique 194
Rosário, Nelson Maria; Ndava, Alex Orlando; Faduco, Castarina Inês Mário.
This article evaluates the contribution of agricultural extension in the development of agricultural activity and in improving the quality of life of farmers in the district of Boane. The research is supported by a quantitative and qualitative approach. Interviews and questionnaires were the instruments used for data collection. The results show that agricultural activity is carried out by farmers mostly in the family sector. It was also found that the dissemination of agricultural technology is done using mass, group and individual methods, with the group being the most used. The access to agricultural extension services by farmers in the district of Boane, influenced the increase in production and income of farmers, thus causing an improvement in access...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultura; Extensão Rural; Qualidade de vida; Rural extension; Agriculture; Quality of life.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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