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Consumer Preferences for Quality Foods from a South European Perspective: A Conjoint Analysis Implementation on Greek Olive Oil AgEcon
Krystallis, Athanasios; Ness, Mitchell.
The objective of the present study is to describe the preferences of younger, more educated and higher income Greek consumers for "quality" olive oil brands - quality being defined as a bundle of extrinsic quality cues such as quality assurance labels, health-related information, country-of-origin indication, bottling material and price. The aim of the research is, with the implementation of a conjoint analysis task, to describe and analyze consumer preferences using a random, stratified, sample of urban consumers. The extrinsic quality attributes of olive oil, strongly linked to a previous qualitative, Means-end Chains (MEC) analysis survey, is used as starting points for the development of conjoint profiles. Special emphasis is given to the development...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Quality extrinsic cues; Conjoint analysis; Segmentation; Market shares; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Consumers' Motivations in Purchasing "New Wines" in Greece with Emphasis on Wine Produced by Organic Grapes: A Means-end Chains Approach AgEcon
Fotopoulos, Christos; Krystallis, Athanasios; Ness, Mitchell.
The present study attempts to offer more insights into the Greek wine market with emphasis on wines produced from organically grown grapes by relating wine choice to consumers' personal value structure. With the use of a qualitative sample and applying the Means-end Chains methodology and the corresponding "laddering" interviewing technique, it attempts first to reveal the way basic motives are linked to wine shopping behaviour of consumers and the way wine purchase-relevant knowledge is stored and organised in their memory in relation to their personal values. Then, by discriminating between organic food buyers and non-buyers, the study identifies motivational and cognitive discriminating differences between the two consumer types, which can offer a solid...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic consumer; Purchasing motives; Means-end Chains; Benefits; Personal values; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Perceptions of PDO Beef: The Portuguese Consumer AgEcon
Marreiros, Cristina; Ness, Mitchell.
The objectives of this paper are to examine consumers' perceptions of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) beef on the basis of a survey of consumers and buyers of beef. The paper identifies a profile of PDO beef consumers, examines their behaviour and perceptions on PDO beef, derives the dimensions of perceptions of PDO beef, and establishes segments based upon those dimensions. The results reveal that PDO consumers are representative of all geographical regions, age and profession groups, are lighter consumers of beef and shop for food mainly in the butchers. Consumers' perceptions on PDO beef emphasises quality, safety, and control. However, underlying those perceptions are six main dimensions and it is possible to identify three segments of PDO beef...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Protected designations of origin; Beef; Perceptions; Factor analysis; Cluster analysis; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Standardization versus customisation. The role of culture AgEcon
Mamalis, Spyridon; Ness, Mitchell; Bourlakis, Michael.
Fast food restaurants have expanded globally in recent years. As companies become global marketers to acquire new knowledge and a greater understanding of the fast food business and the environment, in which they operate in order to determine and adopt an appropriate marketing mix. Managers can use knowledge of a market's national culture to develop successful image strategies. This paper aims to explore the role of culture in the formation of consumer perceptions. To measure cultural influences a store image scale was constructed for fast food restaurants. An eight - step process based on Churchill's (1979), model, guided the development, validation and refinement of the scale. The final structure of the scale included six factors consisting of 14 items....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Store image; Internationalisation; Adaptation to locality; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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