Registros recuperados: 22 | |
Nikolic, Natacha; Bourjea, Jerome. |
Tunas are important commercial species that represent a share of about 8 percent of total fish exports. In 2010, the total catch of tuna in three oceans was about 6.6 million tons, 4.3 million tons for the most marketed species, a level roughly stable since 2002 (FAO 2012). Among these tuna species, there are in descending order of capture: skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Overall, the biology of albacore stock in the Indian Ocean is not well known and there is relatively little new recent information on albacore stocks. Albacore life history characteristics, including a relatively late maturity, long life and sexual... |
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Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00160/27109/25289.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Lauretta, Matthew; Patucca, Audrey; Morandeau, Gilles. |
We compiled and analysed logbook data from the French trawl albacore fishery covering the period 1991–2015. The dataset comprised catch and effort data for the French fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay and Celtic Sea, as well as spatiotemporal and gear characteristics. Generalized linear modelling was used to model spatial, seasonal, environmental, and gear covariates of fleet CPUE rates. A long-term index of relative abundance is provided that can be integrated into the stock assessment of North Atlantic albacore. The analysis revealed higher albacore CPUE associated with relatively low sea surface temperature and distinct seasonal effects. The derived abundance trend for the French trawl fishery agreed with the estimated time series of stock abundance... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Albacore; Catch; Atlantic; Trawl; Fisheries; Stock. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00461/57256/59283.pdf |
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Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Brach-papa, Christophe; Auger, Dominique; Bodin, Nathalie; Bruzac, Sandrine; Crochet, Sylvette; Degroote, Maxime; Hollanda, Stephanie J.; Hubert, Clarisse; Knoery, Joel; Munschy, Catherine; Puech, Alexis; Rozuel, Emmanuelle; Thomas, Bastien; West, Wendy; Bourjea, Jerome; Nikolic, Natacha. |
Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is a highly commercial fish species harvested in the world's Oceans. Identifying the potential links between populations is one of the key tools that can improve the current management across fisheries areas. In addition to characterising populations' contamination state, chemical compounds can help refine foraging areas, individual flows and populations' structure, especially when combined with other intrinsic biogeochemical (trophic) markers such as carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. This study investigated the bioaccumulation of seven selected trace metals – chromium, nickel, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead – in the muscle of 443 albacore tunas, collected over two seasons and/or years in the... |
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Palavras-chave: Top predator; Bioaccumulation; Inorganic elements; Organic contaminants; Stable isotopes; Intrinsic markers. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00384/49532/51152.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Montes, Iratxe; Lalire, Maxime; Puech, Alexis; Bodin, Nathalie; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Kerwath, Sven; Corse, Emmanuel; Gaspar, Philippe; Hollanda, Stéphanie; Bourjea, Jerome; West, Wendy; Bonhommeau, Sylvain. |
Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is an important target of tuna fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The commercial catch of albacore is the highest globally among all temperate tuna species, contributing around 6% in weight to global tuna catches over the last decade. The accurate assessment and management of this heavily exploited resource requires a robust understanding of the species’ biology and of the pattern of connectivity among oceanic regions, yet Indian Ocean albacore population dynamics remain poorly understood and its level of connectivity with the Atlantic Ocean population is uncertain. We analysed morphometrics and genetics of albacore (n = 1,874) in the southwest Indian (SWIO) and southeast Atlantic (SEAO) Oceans to investigate the... |
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Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00653/76483/77555.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Chevalet, Claude. |
Understanding and predicting population abundance is a major challenge confronting scientists. Several genetic models have been developed using microsatellite markers to estimate the present and ancestral effective population sizes. However, to get an overview on the evolution of population requires that past fluctuation of population size be traceable. To address the question, we developed a new model estimating the past changes of effective population size from microsatellite by resolving coalescence theory and using approximate likelihoods in a Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach. The efficiency of the model and its sensitivity to gene flow and to assumptions on the mutational process were checked using simulated data and analysis. The model was found... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Atlantic salmon; Effective population size; Microsatellites; Past demography. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00194/30565/28986.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Bourjea, Jerome. |
Because one of the most common problems in fisheries is the definition of management units, we propose in this paper a bibliometric review focusing on the differentiation of Albacore populations, Thunnus alalunga, among and within oceanic regions (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and Mediterranean Sea). This paper is the first step of a current work on a global review of Albacore tuna using an international aquatic database (ASFA). For the present purpose, 367 publications, mainly composed of articles (64%), but also conference papers, proceedings and reports (24%), and books (12%), were analyzed. We will see that the concept of the stock and its delimitation is controversial because of the divergence of results. Such a conclusion makes us believe in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Albacore; Stock; Structure; Distribution; Thunnus alalunga. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00149/25990/24085.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Duthoy, Stephanie; Destombes, Antoine; Bodin, Nathalie; West, Wendy; Puech, Alexis; Bourjea, Jerome. |
Recent developments in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis provide a greater amount of DNA sequencing reads at a low cost. Microsatellites are the markers of choice for a variety of population genetic studies, and high quality markers can be discovered in non-model organisms, such as tuna, with these recent developments. Here, we use a high-throughput method to isolate microsatellite markers in albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, based on coupling multiplex enrichment and next-generation sequencing on 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing. The crucial minimum number of polymorphic markers to infer evolutionary and ecological processes for this species has been described for the first time. We provide 1670 microsatellite design primer pairs, and... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00293/40460/39151.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha. |
This thesis was concerned mainly with the genetic diversity and the effective size (Ne) of wild fish stocks of diadromous migratory endangered Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). For this, four populations were chosen in the northern (Scotland) and southern (France) part of Europe for their differences in their structure and management. This work led to the development of two new models. DemoDivMS predicted genetic diversity of a population whose evolutionary scenario, given by the user, describes variations of Ne during the previous generations. VarEff tries to estimate the effective sizes, sampling time and pasts, based on direct analytical calculations to shorten the time of calculations. |
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Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00074/18544/16093.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Devloo-delva, Floriaan; Bailleul, Diane; Noskova, Ekaterina; Rougeux, Clément; Liautard-haag, Cathy; Hassan, Mohamad; Marie, Amandine; Borsa, Philippe; Feutry, Pierre; Grewe, Peter; Davies, Campbell; Farley, Jessica; Fernando, Daniel; Biton Porsmoguer, Sébastien; Poisson, Francois; Parker, Denham; Aulich, Jorden; Lansdell, Matt; Marsac, Francis; Arnaud-haond, Sophie. |
The blue shark Prionace glauca is a cosmopolitan species that inhabits all oceans worldwide except the poles. Several IUCN regional assessments have classified it as Near Threatened, mostly due to overfishing. Previous genetic studies that have used classical genetic markers failed to reject the hypothesis that the species is a single worldwide population (panmixia). As such, the blue shark was proposed to be an archetype of the ‘grey zone of population differentiation’, named to signify those cases common in the marine realm, where the split among population is too recent or too faint to be detected using classical genetic markers. Here, samples collected across the majority of the global range of blue shark were sequenced (using a specific genome scan... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00645/75701/76606.pdf |
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Evano, Hugues; Metral, Luisa; Brisset, Blandine; Bourjea, Jerome; Nikolic, Natacha; Mahe, Kelig. |
Ce guide présente les modes et règles de prélèvement puis de stockage des otolithes de grands pélagiques (thons et espadons). Ils ont été mis en place dans le cadre de projets de recherche comme « Germon » (http://wwz.ifremer.fr/lareunion/Les-projets/GERMON-en-cours), « IOSSS-Espadon » (http://wwz.ifremer.fr/lareunion/Les-projets/IOSSS-ESPADON) et «thon rouge (ICCAT-GBYP) » et dans le cadre de réseaux de surveillance coordonnés au niveau international, en particulier au sein du règlement européen sur la collecte des données halieutiques (DCMAP, Data Collection Multi Annual Programme). Ce guide a pour but de standardiser les prélèvements d’otolithes effectués à l'Ifremer sur ces grands pélagiques. Il reprend et complète la synthèse française des procédures... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00212/32318/30767.pdf |
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Fauconnet, Laurence; Badts, Vincent; Biseau, Alain; Dimeet, Joel; Dintheer, Christian; Dube, Benoit; Gaudou, Olivier; Lorance, Pascal; Messannot, Cecile; Nikolic, Natacha; Peronnet, Isabelle; Reecht, Yves; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Tetard, Alain. |
Ce document est une synthèse des informations collectées en 2010 à bord des navires de pêche professionnelle dans le cadre de l'action ObsMer. Cette action vise à observer in situ l'activité de pêche et l'ensemble de la capture, particulièrement la partie non retenue, en identifiant les espèces capturées, les tonnages par espèce et en prenant des mesures de tailles. |
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Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00054/16490/16058.pdf |
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Darnaude, Audrey M; Labonne, Maylis; Petit, Cécile; Médieu, Anais; Pernak, Marianne; Nikolic, Natacha; Artetxe-arrate, Iraide; Clear, Naomi; Farley, Jessica; Eveson, Paige; Lozano-montes, Hector; Davies, Campbell; Marsac, Francis. |
Variation in otolith elemental fingerprints was investigated in the broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius) to complement genetic data obtained by next generation sequencing in the framework of a collaborative project on population stock structure of tuna, billfish and sharks of the Indian Ocean (PSTBS-IO). Swordfish specimens for this work were sampled in the southwest (SWI), west central (WCI) and southeast (SEI) regions of the Indian Ocean. A total of 70 otoliths (30 from SWI and 20 from each WCI and SEI) were selected and the elemental signatures of their cores were analysed by LA-ICP-MS to investigate potential differences in spawning origin among regions. Among the 15 chemical elements analysed, only Mg, P, Sr, Ba and B were above detection limits and... |
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Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00652/76400/77439.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Puech, Alexis; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Munschy, Catherine; Bodin, Nathalie; Brach-papa, Christophe; Potier, Michel; West, Wendy; Knoery, Joel; Zudaire, Iker; Dhurmeea, Zahirah; Degroote, Maxime; Cedras, Maria; Evano, Hugues; Bourjea, Jerome. |
The GERMON project had several aims i) to understand the populations’ structure between albacore tuna southwest of the Indian Ocean and southeast Atlantic, ii) to determine the origin of juveniles observed in South Africa iii) to improve the understanding of the biology field (Size/Size and Size/Weight; reproduction and feeding area; trophic linkages) and iv) to initiate work on chemical analyzes and adaptation of the albacore species to its environment. These aims have been held and the results allow a better understanding of the management albacore. A general summary of results is presented in Part 9. |
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Palavras-chave: Germon; Thunnus alalunga; Génétique; Stock; Structure; Connectivité; Chimie; Reproduction; Alimentation; Habitat; Albacore; Thunnus alalunga; Genetic; Stock; Structure; Connectivity; Chemical; Reproduction; Feeding behavior; Habitat. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00293/40461/39152.pdf |
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Dhurmeea, Zahirah; Zudaire, Iker; Chassot, Emmanuel; Cedras, Maria; Nikolic, Natacha; Bourjea, Jerome; West, Wendy; Appadoo, Chandani; Bodin, Nathalie. |
The reproductive biology of albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, in the western Indian Ocean was examined through analysis of the sex ratio, spawning season, length-at-maturity (L50), spawning frequency and fecundity. From 2013 to 2015, a total of 923 female and 867 male albacore were sampled. A bias in sex ratio was found in favor of females with fork length (LF) < 100 cm. Using histological analyses and gonadosomatic index, spawning was found to occur between 10°S and 30°S, mainly to the east of Madagascar from October to January. Large females contributed more to reproduction through their longer spawning period compared to small individuals. The L50 (mean ± standard error) of female albacore was estimated at 85.3 ± 0.7 cm LF. Albacore spawn on average... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00362/47284/47261.pdf |
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Coelho, Rui; Nikolic, Natacha; Evano, Hugues; Miguel, N; Santos; Bourjea, Jerome. |
This document presents a characterization of the Reunion Island pelagic longline fishery, with a first description of the albacore catches, catch-at-size, and the standardized catch per unit of effort (CPUE) series for the period 1992-2013. The spatial catch and effort analysis revealed the major areas of operation of the fishery, and the identification of the fishery core region closer to the Reunion Island area. The trends in the albacore catch-at-size were analyzed annually, and compared between the seasons and regions of operation of the fishery. The albacore nominal CPUEs were calculated as number of fish per 1000 hooks, and were standardized using Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). Four different modeling approaches were used (including Tweedie,... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00208/31926/30344.pdf |
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Nikolic, Natacha; Fonteneau, Alain; Hoarau, Ludovic; Morandeau, Gilles; Puech, Alexis; Bourjea, Jerome. |
The most comprehensive contribution to our understanding of albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, comes from studies in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, there is little information about this species in the literature. In the present paper, we propose a short review on albacore in the Indian Ocean with a particular attention on the biology, the structure, and the migration. We focused on these fields because they are key components of stock assessment undertaken by the Regional Fishery Management Organization. This work is part of an ongoing work on a global review of albacore tuna in the world. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00208/31925/30343.pdf |
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Dhurmeea, Zahirah; Pethybridge, Heidi; Langlais, Clothilde; Somes, Christopher J.; Nikolic, Natacha; Bourjea, Jerome; Appadoo, Chandani; Bodin, Nathalie. |
Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is a highly economically important species in the western Indian Ocean. However, knowledge of its ecological and nutritional characteristics, essential for proper management of the species, is lacking in the region. The trophodynamics of the Indian Ocean albacore was thus examined using known fatty acid trophic markers (FATMs) of primary producers, nutritional condition indices (NCIs) (omega-3/omega-6 ratio and total fatty acid content (TFA)), and baseline and lipid corrected stable isotope of carbon (δ13Ccorr) and nitrogen (δ15Ncorr), measured in the muscle tissue. We applied generalized additive mixed models to understand the spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of these tracers, taking into consideration several intrinsic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Trophodynamics; Phytoplankton; Environmental parameters; Climate change. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00623/73497/72787.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 22 | |