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Recent progress in the methods of genome sequencing BABT
Genome sequencing is a very important tool for the development of genetic diagnosis, drugs of gene engineering, pharmacogenetics, etc. As the HGP comes into people's ears, there is an emerging need for the genome sequencing. During the recent years, there are two different traditional strategies available for this target: shotgun sequencing and hierarchical sequencing. Besides these, many efforts are pursuing new ideas to facilitate fast and cost-effective genome sequencing, including 454 GS system, polony sequencing, single molecular array, nanopore sequencing, with each having different unique characteristics, but remains to be fully developed.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genome sequencing; HGP; Shotgun; Hierarchical; Polony; Nanopore.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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