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Cartographie et évaluation des principaux mollusques filtreurs du Golfe Normano-Breton ArchiMer
Noel, Philippe; Blanchard, Michel; Berthou, Patrick.
During 1993 and 1994, quantitative sampling were realized in Norman Gulf (Western Channel) to estimate molluscs suspension-feeders. Four bivalves are regularly sampled : Spisula ovalis, Tapes rhomboides, Glycymeris glycymeris and Venus verrucosa. For each species, individual age and weight were noticed. The spreading gastropod Crepidula fornicata was also sampled. The resultant biomass and distribution are proposed. These results will contribute to the evaluation of trophic exchanges in boundary layer and to the proposed modeling, in the program PNOC (National Program for Coastal Oceanography). NOT CONTROLLED OCR
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Western Channel; Norman Gulf; Crepidula fornicata; Venus verrucosa; Glycymeris glycymeris; Tapes rhomboides; Spisula ovalis; Suspension feeders; Cartography; Estimation; Manche Ouest; Golfe Normano Breton; Crepidula fornicata; Venus verrucosa; Glycymeris glycymeris; Tapes rhomboïdes; Spisula ovalis; Suspensivores; Cartographie; Evaluation.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Compte rendu des essais de pêche du Laminaria hyperborea ArchiMer
Arzel, Pierre; Mingant, Christian; Noel, Philippe; Gourronc, Eugene.
Introduction During the month of April 1994, the "Ressources Halieutiques de l'Ifremer" laboratory (Ifremer Halieutic Resources) in Brest tested tools to be used for the harvesting of Laminaria hyperborea as requested by Système Bio-Industries. The first results of this trial campaign are as follows: The tools are effective as far as interspecific as well as intraspecific selectivity. Rightly so, Laminaria hyperborea accounts for nearly 100% of the harvest. We also noticed that only large size plants are harvested, commercial harvest is satisfactory in terms of yield. However insufficiencies still remain. Comb efficiency is low, since the actual harvest only represents 10 to 12% of the stipes collected when the machine goes through. This low efficiency...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oceanographical campagne; Seaweed; Laminaria hyperborea; Fishing; Campagne océanographique; Algue; Laminaria hyperborea; Pêche.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Deep cold-water coral ecosystems in the Brittany submarine canyons (Northeast Atlantic): Hydrodynamics, particle supply, respiration, and carbon cycling ArchiMer
Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Le Bruchec, Julie; Rodier, Philippe; Noel, Philippe; Cathalot, Cecile.
The submarine canyons of the Brittany continental slope (Bay of Biscay–Northeast Atlantic) were studied to describe the conditions in which cold-water corals occur in these areas and their consequences for coral metabolism. Near-bottom current, oxygen, temperature, and particle flux, simultaneously measured for 2 yr at 850 m depth, revealed by spectral analysis the presence of several frequencies with a dominant semidiurnal tidal cycle and a current direction determined exclusively by the canyon topography. Sediment trap data also showed a seasonal input of material with a large peak of particles and carbon fluxes at the end of winter. Daily particle and carbon fluxes at 20 m above the bottom were 2.49 g m−2 d−1 and 20 mg C m−2 d−1, respectively. At the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Dosage des carotenoides de la macrofaune benthique par spectrometrie d'adsorption visible ArchiMer
Merlin, J; Noel, Philippe; Lafageoe-szydlowski, S; Petitt-cossi, G; Wallart, F.
The resonance Raman spectrometry allows the determination carotenoid composition. This method has many advantages in particular to analyse a non-purified solution without measuring the other constituents. The application of this technique is used for benthic macrofauna studies.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Absorption spectroscopy; Zoobenthos; Carotenoids.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etat de l'art sur l'outillage du HROV ArchiMer
Fabri, Marie-claire; Noel, Philippe; Ciausu, Viorel; Artzner, Laurent.
Ce document s'intéresse à la charge utile "Prélèvement". Il est réalisé avec l'objectif d'informer le groupe de travail scientifique du H-ROV de l'avancement des décisions qui ont été prises par les ingénieurs de développement et qui influent sur les équipements de prélèvement futurs (tels que le volume et la forme du panier, la capacité d'emport, etc.). Il propose un bilan des différentes charges utiles existantes et embarquables sur un engin sous-marin, ainsi que leurs évolutions possibles et/ou nécessaires.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: H-ROV; Prélèvements.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Etude de la pêcherie de palourdes du Golfe du Morbihan. ArchiMer
Berthou, Patrick; Huet, Jerome; Noel, Philippe; Jezequel, Michele; Fifas, Spyros.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Étude de surveillance écologique des ressources halieutiques FLAMANVILLE (Manche) - Surveillance de la pêche cotière des crustacés - Rapport pour 1983 ArchiMer
Veron, Gerard; Miossec, Dominique; Noel, Philippe.
L'étude de Projet relative aux ressources halieutiques du site de la centrale thermonucléaire de Flamanville a mis en évidence l'intérêt de la pêcherie des crustacés du nord-ouest Cotentin pour la flottille de petites unités travaillant au casier dans ce secteur. En raison de cet intérêt et en accord avec l'Institut des Pêches maritimes, l'Electricité de France a décidé de poursuivre les observations sur cette pêcherie durant une période plus longue que celle à laquelle elle était tenue par les textes réglementaires.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique (phase 1) ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain; Noel, Philippe; Ottenheimer De Gail, G.; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
This study of the demersal and benthic fisheries in the Celtic Sea is the logical continuation of the works conducted on the scampi fisheries since 1978. The program of the first phase of the study consists of 1 - A description of fisheries in the Celtic Sea. 2 – An assessment of the rejection of the marketable species in each fishery, with a special mention for fish fisheries. 3 – The constitution a computerized database including international fishing statistics since 1980. 4 – The sampling of the unloading of seven main species or groups of species: - cod and whiting, already sampled (length and age) regularly since 1978 in order to provide data to the CIEM workgroup. "Irish Sea – Bristol Channel", - scampi, sampled since 1980 in the scope of the CIEM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cartography; Ray; Monk; Common dab; Hake; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Cartographie; Rejets; Raie; Baudroie; Cardine; Merlu; Poissons demersaux; Langoustines; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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First insights into the structure and environmental setting of cold-seep communities in the Marmara Sea ArchiMer
Ritt, Benedicte; Sarrazin, Jozee; Caprais, Jean-claude; Noel, Philippe; Gauthier, Olivier; Pierre, Catherine; Henry, Pierre; Desbruyeres, Daniel.
A brackish-water cold seep on the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Marmara Sea was investigated with the Nautile submersible during the MarNaut cruise in 2007. This active zone has already been surveyed and revealed evidence of active seeping on the seafloor, such as bubble emissions, patches of reduced sediments, microbial mats and authigenic carbonate crusts. MarNaut was the first opportunity to sample benthic communities in the three most common microhabitats (bioturbated and reduced sediments, carbonate crust) and to examine their relationships with environmental conditions. To do so, faunal communities were sampled and chemical measurements were taken close to the organisms. According to diversity indices, the bioturbated microhabitat exhibited the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marmara Sea; Cold seep; Benthic fauna; Biological diversity; Environmental conditions; Chemosynthetic.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Interet de la microscopie analytique pour l''etude d''impact de metaux traces et de terres rares sur le milieu vivant. Application a l''etude d''une zone polluee: La Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Chassard Bouchaud, C; Noel, Philippe; Hubert, M; Hallegot, P.
To study bioaccumulation and metabolism of trace metals (silver-lead-copper-iron-uranium) and rare earths (lanthanium) in estuarine organisms (Crangon crangon, Mytilus edulis, Abra Alba, Cutellus pellucidus, Owenia furiformis ) the authors use in situ microanalysis associated with electronic or photonic microscopy.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rare earths; Trace metals; Bioaccumulation; Pollution effects; Microscopy.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Les variations quantitatives des carotenoides de la macrofaune benthique en Baie de Seine, ont-elles des relations avec la pollution ou l'ecologie des especes? ArchiMer
Noel, Philippe; Merlin, J; Lafage-szydlowski, S; Hubert, M; Chassard-bouchaud, C.
Macular skin affects in relation to pollution have been displayed, but the analysis shows carotenoid variations between organisms living in rocky bottom or in muddy sand area.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sublethal effects; Ecology; Pollution tolerance; Pollution effects; Benthos; Carotenoids.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Low incidence of clonality in cold water corals revealed through the novel use of standardized protocol adapted to deep sea sampling ArchiMer
Becheler, Ronan; Cassone, Anne-laure; Noel, Philippe; Mouchel, Olivier; Morrison, Cheryl L.; Arnaud-haond, Sophie.
Sampling in the deep sea is a technical challenge, which has hindered the acquisition of robust datasets that are necessary to determine the fine-grained biological patterns and processes that may shape genetic diversity. Estimates of the extent of clonality in deep-sea species, despite the importance of clonality in shaping the local dynamics and evolutionary trajectories, have been largely obscured by such limitations. Cold-water coral reefs along European margins are formed mainly by two reef-building species, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata. Here we present a fine-grained analysis of the genotypic and genetic composition of reefs occurring in the Bay of Biscay, based on an innovative deep-sea sampling protocol. This strategy was designed to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cold-water coral; Lophelia pertusa; Madrepora oculata; Clonality; Fine-grained spatial genetic structure; Standardized sampling.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Mortalité du tourteau Cancer pagurus provoquée par le dinoflagelle parasite : Hematodinium sp. ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon; Noel, Philippe; Chagot, Dominique; Wilhelm, G.
Unusural crab mortality in winter led us to identify a Hematodinium like parasitic dinoflagellate in the blood of edible crabs Cancer pagurus. Crabs from several fishing areas (the English Channel, the Iroise sea, the bay of Biscay, off Scotland) and from one area of the Channel shore were examined. The crab parasit was found everywhere we investigated and throughout the year. The prevalence which was found independant of the intermolt stage, sex and size of crabs was higher inshore than offshore. The pathogenicity is assumed to differ according to season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Edible crab; Pathology; Bay of Biscay; Iroise sea; Channel; Parasite; Mortality; Hematodinium; Bitter crab desease; Dinoflagelle; Aquiculture; Cancer pagurus; Mortalité; Hematodinium; Cancer pagurus; Tourteau; Pathologie.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Observations sur la maturité sexuelle et la ponte du tourteau Cancer pagurus en Manche ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Noel, Philippe.
Few observations have been reported on the reproductive cycle and size at maturity of female edible crab in the Channel. This could be linked to non catchability of berried females. During the present study carried over three different years, females were taken from commercial catches prior to the spawning period and placed in tanks in the laboratory. The various criteria used to establish the mean size at first maturity are discussed and the relation between size and functional maturity is described. The smallest berried females are at a carapace length of 76mm, and maximum values are reached at about 105mm. The mean value is between 85 and 90mm carapace length. The duration of the spawning period was the same in each years, extending from mid-November to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spawning; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Channel; Cancer pagurus; Edible crab; Reproduction; Ponte; Manche; Tourteau; Maturité sexuelle; Cancer pagurus.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Pêche de la langouste rouge Palinurus elephas en france. Eléments pour fixer une taille marchande ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Noel, Philippe.
From the end of XIX century to the 1950', spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) fishing has been an important economical activity for potters of Brittany and led to landings over two thousands tons. Later, impoverishment of traditional fishing grounds and closure, to French fleet, of foreign fishing area obliged a reconversion of potters toward crabs (edible crab and spider crab). Recently in the 80', development of a netting activity has restarted catches of spiny lobster (at a modest scale). Presently, the only reglementary measure concerning this species/metier is a national minimum legal size (total length) but European Commission has wished that a European MLS would be established. In that aim, this paper presents the main features of spiny lobster...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Fishery; France; Atlantic; Droit; Commerce; Size; Spiny lobster; Palinurus elephas; Biometry; Fishing; Reproduction; Biométrie; Pêche; Palinurus elephas; Langouste rouge.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Relations biométriques chez l'araignée de mer Maja squinado : longueur de référence, distinction juvénile-adulte, taille-poids. ArchiMer
Le Foll, Didier; Latrouite, Daniel; Noel, Philippe.
For the analysis of spider crab populations it is necessary to split the size composition by sex and between age groups, and to convert length to weight. In some cases different length measurements need to be correlated in order to compare the results from different authors. Morphometricaly it is easy to use the abdominal flap to distinguish between male and female, and between immature and adult females, but for immature and adult males it is necessary to use Somertons method to analyse the relation between carapace length and claw width. The relation between carapace length and weight is normally established at moult stage 4, and it obtained separately for males, females, immature and adults spider crabs. When measuring carapace length the present length...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adult; Biometry; Western Channel; Juvenile; Biology; Maja brachydactyla; Spider crab; Adulte; Juvénile; Manche; Maja brachydactyla; Biométrie; Araignée.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Respiration of bivalves from three different deep-sea areas: cold seeps, hydrothermal vents and organic carbon-rich sediments ArchiMer
Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Decker, Carole; Le Bruchec, J.; Noel, Philippe; Husson, Berengere.
We studied bivalves (vesicomyids and mytilids) inhabiting four different areas of high sulfide and methane production: 1) in the Gulf of Guinea, two pockmarks (650 m and 3150 m depth) and one site rich in organic sediments in the deepest zone (4950 m average depth), 2) at the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, one hydrothermal site (Lucky Strike vent field, 1700 m depth). Two types of Calmar benthic chambers were deployed, either directly set into the sediment (standard Calmar chamber) or fitted with a tank to isolate organisms from the sediment (modified Calmar chamber), to assess gas and solute exchanges in relation to bivalve bed metabolism. Fluxes of oxygen, total carbon dioxide, ammonium and methane were measured. At the site with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea; Benthic chamber; Vesicomyid and Mytilid bivalves; Respiration rate; Cold seep; Hydrothermal vent.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Schéma de mise en valeur de la mer de la baie de Lannion - Cote de Granit Rose - Contribution au diagnostic de pêche ArchiMer
Berthou, Patrick; Salaun, M.; Guenole, Annie; Jezequel, Michele; Noel, Philippe.
Le laboratoire Ressources Halieutiques d'Ifremer Brest a été sollicité pour contribuer au diagnostic pêche dans le cadre du Schéma de Mise en Valeur de la Mer de la baie de Lannion - Côte de Granit Rose, secteur s'étendant depuis Plestin-les-Grèves, à l'ouest, jusqu'à Trévou-Tréguignec, à l'est.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1993 URL:
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The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling ArchiMer
Rabouille, C.; Olu, Karine; Baudin, F.; Khripounoff, Alexis; Dennielou, Bernard; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Babonneau, Nathalie; Bayle, Christophe; Beckler, J.; Bessette, Sandrine; Bombled, B.; Bourgeois, S.; Brandily, Christophe; Caprais, Jean-claude; Cathalot, Cecile; Charlier, K.; Corvaisier, R.; Croguennec, Chantal; Cruaud, Perrine; Decker, Carole; Droz, L.; Gayet, Nicolas; Godfroy, Anne; Hourdez, S.; Le Bruchec, J.; Saout, Johan; Le Saout, Marie-helene; Lesongeur, Francoise; Martinez, P.; Mejanelle, L.; Michalopoulos, P.; Mouchel, Olivier; Noel, Philippe; Pastor, Lucie; Picot, M.; Pignet, Patricia; Pozzato, L.; Pruski, A. M.; Rabiller, Manuella; Raimonet, M.; Ragueneau, O.; Reyss, J. L.; Rodier, Philippe; Ruesch, Blandine; Ruffine, Livio; Savignac, F.; Senyarich, C.; Schnyder, J.; Sen, Arunima; Stetten, E.; Sun, Ming Yi; Taillefert, M.; Teixeira, S.; Tisnerat-laborde, N.; Toffin, Laurent; Tourolle, Julie; Toussaint, F.; Vetion, G.; Jouanneau, J. M.; Bez, M..
The presently active region of the Congo deep-sea fan (around 330 000 km2), called the terminal lobes or lobe complex, covers an area of 2500 km2 at 4700–5100 m water depth and 750–800 km offshore. It is a unique sedimentary area in the world ocean fed by a submarine canyon and a channel-levee system which presently deliver large amounts of organic carbon originating from the Congo River by turbidity currents. This particularity is due to the deep incision of the shelf by the Congo canyon, up to 30 km into the estuary, which funnels the Congo River sediments into the deep-sea. The connection between the river and the canyon is unique for major world rivers. In 2011, two cruises (WACS leg 2 and Congolobe) were conducted to simultaneously investigate the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chemosynthetic habitats; Congo deep-sea fan; Fine sediment; Sedimentation rate; Seafloor morphology; Turbidite; Vesicomyidae.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Variability in gas and solute fluxes through deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems inhabited by vesicomyid bivalves in the gulf of Guinea ArchiMer
Khripounoff, Alexis; Caprais, Jean-claude; Decker, Carole; Essirard, Mikael; Le Bruchec, Julie; Noel, Philippe; Olu, Karine.
We have studied two species of vesicomyid bivalves inhabiting different areas of sulfide-rich sediments in association with methane seepage at two pockmarks located at about 650 m and 3150 m depth, respectively, along the Gabon-Congo margin, and organic-rich sediments in the deepest zone (4950 m depth) of the Congo deep-sea fan. Benthic chambers Calmar were deployed on three study sites to assess gas and solute exchanges at the water-sediment interface. We recorded in situ measurements of oxygen, total carbon dioxide, ammonium, methane, and sulfide in two clam beds at each site. At all sites, irrespective of which the vesicomyid species are present, oxygen consumption was high and variable (28–433 mmol m−2 d−1) as was total carbon dioxide emission (36–1857...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic chamber; Cold-seep ecosystem; Reduced sediment; Gas fluxes; Vesicomyid bivalves; Gulf of Guinea.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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