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An Ecological Time Series of Pacific Oyster (C. gigas) Growth and Survival: data curation and analysis of 24 years of monitoring along the French coast 5
Normand, Julien; Dubroca, Laurent; Fleury, Elodie.
As global change becomes a major concern, the need to contextualize discrete observations to highlight long-term evolutions also becomes more relevant. In response to this challenge, Marine Historical Ecology (MHE) has recently emerged as a new discipline within the marine sciences, dedicated to studying the relationship between long-term evolution of marine ecosystems and temporal variations of external predictors such as meteorological parameters, or descriptors of human activities. In recent years, therefore, considerable effort has been devoted to study long-term time series on fisheries and environmental data. This approach has increased our knowledge about natural variability and functioning of marine environments and has helped us to characterize...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Avis sur la proposition de modification du Schéma des Structures pour le département du Calvados 5
Gangnery, Aline; Normand, Julien.
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bases génétiques et écophysiologiques de l’allocation à la reproduction chez les huîtres creuses triploïdes 5
Normand, Julien.
L’amélioration génétique de l’huître creuse par l’induction de la triploïdie consiste en l’adjonction d’un jeu haploïde de 10 chromosomes au génome diploïde (n= 20 chromosomes) de l’huître. Cette modification du génome entraîne chez Crassostrea gigas des remaniements physiologiques avantageux pour son aquaculture, dus notamment à la réduction de l’effort reproducteur. Les huîtres triploïdes ne sont pourtant pas complètement stériles et peuvent présenter dans certains cas une gamétogenèse assez avancée. Nous étudions les bases génétiques et environnementales de l’allocation à la reproduction chez les huîtres creuses triploïdes par une approche mixte inspirée par la génétique quantitative et l’écophysiologie, afin d’estimer la faisabilité d’une sélection, ou...
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Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bilan 2015 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins 5
Lupo, Coralie; Osta Amigo, Axel; Fleury, Elodie; Robert, Stephane; Garcia, Celine; Arzul, Isabelle; Baillon, Laury; Bechemin, Christian; Canier, Lydie; Chollet, Bruno; Dechamps, Lucie; Dubreuil, Christine; Faury, Nicole; Francois, Cyrille; Godfrin, Yoann; Lapegue, Sylvie; Morga, Benjamin; Travers, Marie-agnes; Tourbiez, Delphine; Masson, Jean-claude; Verin, Francoise; Cordier, Remy; Gangnery, Aline; Louis, Wilfried; Mary, Charlotte; Normand, Julien; Penot, Julia; Cheve, Julien; Dagault, Francoise; Le Jolivet, Aurore; Le Gal, Dominique; Lebrun, Luc; Bellec, Gwenael; Bouget, Jean-francois; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Palvadeau, Hubert; Grizon, James; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Pepin, Jean-francois; Seugnet, Jean-luc; D'Amico, Florence; Maurer, Daniele; Le Gall, Patrik; Mortreux, Serge; Baldi, Yoann; Orsoni, Valerie; Bouchoucha, Marc; Le Roy, Valerian; Pouvreau, Stephane; Queau, Isabelle; Lamoureux, Alice.
Depuis 1992, la surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins du littoral français est assurée par le réseau de Pathologie des Mollusques (Repamo). Ses activités s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la Directive Européenne 2006/88/CE. Depuis son évaluation par la plateforme nationale d’épidémiosurveillance en santé animale en 2012, l’objectif de surveillance est la détection précoce des infections dues à des organismes pathogènes exotiques et émergents affectant les mollusques marins sauvages et d’élevage. L’année 2015 est la première année de transition pour laquelle un début d’évolution des modalités de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins animées par l’Ifremer a été amorcé. Un dispositif hybride de surveillance a été mis en place, s’appuyant sur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Réseau; Surveillance; Pathologie; Mollusques; Coquillages; Santé; Mortalité; Maladie.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bilan 2016 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins 5
Lupo, Coralie; Fleury, Elodie; Normand, Julien; Osta Amigo, Axel; Robert, Stephane; Canier, Lydie; Francois, Cyrille; Garcia, Celine.
Depuis 1992, une surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins du littoral français est assurée par le réseau de Pathologie des Mollusques (Repamo). Ses activités s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la Directive Européenne 2006/88/CE. Depuis son évaluation par la plateforme nationale d’épidémiosurveillance en santé animale en 2012, l’objectif de surveillance est la détection précoce des infections dues à des organismes pathogènes exotiques et émergents affectant les mollusques marins sauvages et d’élevage. L’année 2016 est la deuxième année de transition pour laquelle une évolution des modalités de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins animées par l’Ifremer a été amorcée. Un dispositif hybride de surveillance a été mis en place en 2015, s’appuyant sur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Réseau; Surveillance; Pathologie; Mollusques; Coquillages; Santé; Mortalité; Maladie.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Comparative histological study of gametogenesis in diploid and triploid pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) reared in an estuarine farming site in France during the 2003 heatwave 5
Normand, Julien; Le Pennec, Marcel; Boudry, Pierre.
We compared the temporal dynamics of gametogenesis in diploid and triploid Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) using histology. Oysters were reared in an estuarine farming site in Brittany over 3 years and their gametogenesis was monitored over the exceptionally hot summer of 2003. Both diploids and triploids showed active gametogenesis, but a high proportion of triploids remained at early stages of gonad development. Gametogenesis of triploids was characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of gonias and immature cytes together with mature gametes rather than overall retardation, though some triploids showed complete gonad maturation. Evidence of spawning was seen in both groups, and the quantity of germinal products emitted appeared to be similar in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Triploidy; Crassostrea gigas; Oyster; Gametogenesis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Compléments d'information sur le contexte hydroclimatologique de la baie de Pénestin au moment des mortalités de moules 5
Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Normand, Julien.
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Connectivities with shellfish farms and channel rivers are associated with mortality risk in oysters 5
Gangnery, Aline; Normand, Julien; Duval, Cyrielle; Cugier, Philippe; Grangeré, Karine; Petton, Bruno; Petton, Sebastien; Orvain, Francis; Pernet, Fabrice.
Oyster diseases have major consequences on fisheries and aquaculture. In France, young Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas are severely hit by the ostreid herpesvirus, whereas adults suffer mortalities presumably caused by pathogenic bacteria. Here we investigated the origin and spread of mortalities that affect both young and adult oysters, and we identified and compared their risk factors. Mortality was monitored in 2 age classes of oysters deployed in early spring at 39 sites spread over a 37 km2 surface area inside and outside of shellfish farms. Environmental data obtained from numerical modelling were used to investigate risk factors. Mortality of young oysters associated with ostreid herpesvirus occurred in the oyster farming area. Hydrodynamic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Bivalve; Disease; Epidemiology and health; Ecological modelling; Hydrodynamic connectivity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Contrasted survival under field or controlled conditions displays associations between mRNA levels of candidate genes and response to OsHV-1 infection in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas 5
Normand, Julien; Li, Ronghua; Quillien, Virgile; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Boudry, Pierre; Pernet, Fabrice; Huvet, Arnaud.
Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas suffers from chronic or sporadic mortality outbreaks worldwide, resulting from infectious diseases and/or physiological disorders triggered by environmental factors. Since 2008, ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 μVar has been identified as the main agent responsible for mass mortality of juvenile oysters in Europe. Previous studies of genome-wide expression profiling have provided candidate genes that potentially contribute to genetically-based resistance to summer mortality. To assess their value in determining resistance to the juvenile mass mortality that has occurred in France since 2008, we analyzed the expression of 17 candidate genes in an experimental infection by OsHV-1 μVar, and in an in vivo field experiment. Individual...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Molluscs; Gene expression profiling; Inhibitor of kappa B; Summer mortality; Ostreid herpesvirus.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Demande de méthodes d'évaluation des pertes mytilicoles dues à la prédation par les étoiles de mer 5
Normand, Julien; Bouget, Jean-francois; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie.
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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Déterminismes génétiques de l'allocation à la reproduction chez les huîtres creuses (Crassostrea gigas) triploïdes 5
Normand, Julien.
In diploid Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, gonadic development can be important in terms of energetic investment. Phenotypic and genetic negative correlations have also been observed between gonadic occupation and traits related to survival and growth, and this fact suggests that this trait could be deleterious for its aquaculture production. Triploidy can be been artificially induced to improve the production of Pacific oysters as it results in a general diminution of mean gonadic development. This trait is however highly variable. In this context, this study aimed to quantify and qualify the allocation to reproduction in triploid oysters and to study its genetic bases. Variability for allocation to reproduction and growth was first studied in 3 sets of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Triploidy x genetic interaction; Genetic determinism; Sexual dimorphism; Gametogenesis; Allocation to reproduction; Triploid; Oyster; Interaction triploïdie x génétique; Déterminisme génétique; Dimorphisme sexuel; Gamétogenèse; Allocation à la reproduction; Triploïde; Huître.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of oral exposure to the acaricide pirimicarb, a new varroacide candidate, on apis mellifera feeding rate 5
Riva, Clemence; Sokolowski, Michel B. C.; Normand, Julien; Santos, Jana Sopkova-de Oliveira; Halm-lemeille, Marie-pierre.
BACKGROUND The ectoparasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor is one of the main causes related to the gradual decline of honey bees Apis mellifera. Nowadays, beekeepers utilize a wide range of different synthetic acaricides, organic acids and essential oils to keep mite populations under control. A previous work had shown that pirimicarb could be a new varroacide candidate. The aim of this study was to observe the chronic effects on worker honey bees feeding activity after an oral exposure to 1.05 mM of pirimicarb. Long-term effect of a 24 hours exposition to pirimicarb were also tested. RESULTS After three successive trials were performed, no mortality could be detected at the tested concentration, oral exposure to pirimicarb had significant effect on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Apis mellifera; Varroa destructor management; Acaricide; Pirimicarb; Acetylcholinesterase.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Expertise sur le contexte hydro-climatologique de la Baie de Pénestin pour décrire les conditions physico-chimiques environnementales et l'impact possible sur les mortalités de moules 5
Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Schapira, Mathilde; Bouget, Jean-francois; Manach, Soazig; Retho, Michael; Le Merrer, Yoann; Schmitt, Anne; Pierre-duplessix, Olivier; Gabellec, Raoul; Normand, Julien; Combette, Agnes.
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Genetic basis of gametogenesis in diploid and triploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas 5
Normand, Julien; Ernande, Bruno; Boudry, Pierre.
Today, triploidy is the most common method used to genetically improve marine bivalve aquaculture production. In the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, triploidy affects many traits. The most proeminent one is reproductive effort, which is greatly reduced compared to diploids. The combined effects of physiological trade-offs between survival, growth and reproduction together with the reduction of reproductive effort in triploids explains the global enhancement of yield observed. However, the sterility of triploid oysters is only partial and some triploid individuals can show normal gametogenesis (i.e. similar to diploids), especially under warm conditions. In diploid oysters, the heritability of reproductive effort has been shown to be relatively low, but a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Parentage analysis; Triploidy; Oyster; Quantitative genetics; Gametogenesis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Genetic variation and trade-offs for reproduction ans survival in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas 5
Boudry, Pierre; Degremont, Lionel; Bedier, Edouard; Pouvreau, Stephane; Normand, Julien; Ernande, Bruno.
To date, the most significant method to genetically reduce reproductive effort in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) has been through the production of triploids, especially since the development of tetraploid lines allowing the breeding of 'natural' triploids. Gametogenesis of triploid oysters is strongly reduced compared with diploids, although they are not fully sterile and can produce viable gametes and some progenies when crossed with diploids. Reduced reproductive allocation and higher heterozygocity are commonly proposed as the main reasons why triploids often present superior yield compared with diploids. Temperature and food availability are known to favour gametogenesis in triploids, but the existence of genetic variation for this trait...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Selective breeding; Reproduction; Genetic variation; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oyster; Genetic.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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In situ markers of Crassostrea gigas oyster sensibility to pathogen infection : toward the selection of early indicators of summer mortality 5
Fleury, Elodie; Normand, Julien; Suquet, Eloïse; Dechamps, Lucie; Quillien, Virgile; Richard, Marion; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie.
Massive mortalities of Crassostrea gigas spat associated with OsHV-1 virus occurred every year since 2008, all along the French coasts. Previous experimental studies lead to identify physiological functions of the oyster metabolism that responds to infection, denoting infection routes and symptoms or indicating immune response. Among these functions, studies highlighted several genes whose expression was significantly down or upregulated before the mortality event. The expression of these genes should be then used as predictive indicator of oyster response to pathogen infection, including marker-associated selection. In this study, two experiments were designed to identify genes linked to early infection response of Pacific oyster spat during in situ...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Latitudinal drivers of oyster mortality: deciphering host, pathogen and environmental risk factors 5
Fleury, Elodie; Barbier, Pierrick; Petton, Bruno; Normand, Julien; Thomas, Yoann; Pouvreau, Stephane; Daigle, Gaétan; Pernet, Fabrice.
Diseases pose an ongoing threat to aquaculture, fisheries and conservation of marine species, and determination of risk factors of disease is crucial for management. Our objective was to decipher the effects of host, pathogen and environmental factors on disease-induced mortality of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) across a latitudinal gradient. We deployed young and adult oysters at 13 sites in France and we monitored survival, pathogens and environmental parameters. The young oysters came from either the wild collection or the hatchery while the adults were from the wild only. We then used Cox regression models to investigate the effect of latitude, site, environmental factors and origin on mortality risk and to extrapolate this mortality risk to the...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Modulations of the interactions between pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas and Vibrio according to bacterial virulence and to genetic and physiological status of the host : Methodology and first results 5
De Decker, Sophie; Normand, Julien; Duperthuy, Marylise; Boudry, Pierre; Saulnier, Denis.
Rearing of Crassostrea gigas is the most economically important aquaculture activity in France. Bacteria belonging to Vibrio genus constitute one of the most abundant bacterial group in marine ecosystems. Two Vibrio species, V. splendidus and V. aestuarianus, were associated with many cases of mortality events in reared C. gigas spat and juvenile oysters, commonly during summer. This summer mortality syndrome has been extensively documented as the result of complex interactions between pathogens, host and environmental conditions. This work aims to study the Vibrio-host interactions and their modulations according to the virulence of pathogens and the genetic and/or physiological parameters of the host. These factors will be characterized by in vitro and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genetic; Pathogens; Interaction; Vibrio; Crassostrea gigas; Oyster.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Mortalité du naissain d’Huître creuse Crassostrea gigas dans l’étang de Thau en 2009 5
Pernet, Fabrice; Barret, Jean; Le Gall, Patrik; Malet, Nathalie; Pastoureaud, Annie; Munaron, Dominique; De Lorgeril, Julien; Bachere, Evelyne; Vaquer, Andre; Huvet, Arnaud; Corporeau, Charlotte; Normand, Julien; Boudry, Pierre; Moal, Jeanne; Quere, Claudie; Quilien, Virgile; Daniel, Jean-yves; Pepin, Jean-francois; Saulnier, Denis; Gonzalez, Jean-louis.
This study was conducted in the Mediterranean area during a mass mortality event of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. The objectives of this work were to increase our understanding of the mass mortality phenomena in Pacific oysters, to identify risky cultivation practises and to propose mitigation strategies. In the first part of this work, we followed environmental parameters of the Thau lagoon in relation with mortality events. Then, we compared mortality and growth parameters of oysters as a function of their origins, their development stages and cultivation sites in relation with energetic, reproduction and pathogens. Finally, we conducted transfer experiments where oysters maintained free of mortality in open sea were transferred in the Thau lagoon...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles : description et étude des facteurs liés, action –MORBLEU-2017 5
Pepin, Jean-francois; Benabdelmouna, Abdellah; Bierne, Nicolas; Costes, Louis; Degremont, Lionel; Garcia, Celine; Guesdon, Stephane; Lamy, Jean-baptiste; Le Moine, Olivier; Morga, Benjamin; Normand, Julien; Robert, Stephane; Saunier, Alice; Soletchnik, Patrick; Travers, Marie-agnes.
Depuis 2014, des épisodes de mortalité anormale affectent les cheptels mytilicoles tant adultes que juvéniles. Dès l’année 2015, une étude spécifique cofinancée par la DPMA et réalisée par l’Ifremer a été initiée, l’action de recherche MORBLEU (Mortalité des moules Bleues). Les années 2015 et 2016 ont permis de dégager des éléments de connaissance et des pistes relatifs aux facteurs biotiques et abiotiques qui semblent intervenir dans le phénomène de hausse de mortalité des moules depuis 2014. Pour l’année 2017, les trois objectifs principaux étaient de : i) poursuivre la description du phénomène de mortalité ainsi que le contexte environnemental associé en effectuant une nouvelle campagne d’études et d’observations in situ, ii) tester des hypothèses...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Moules; Mytilus edulis; Mortalité; Statut cytogénétique; Anomalies génomiques; Populations; Facteurs environnementaux; Ecologie microbienne.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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