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Report Management Strategy Evaluation and performance test of the decision- support tool(s) ArchiMer
Piet, Gerjan; Soma, Katrine; Bonanomi, Sara; Laffargue, Pascal; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Notti, Emilio; Polet, Hans; Sala, Antonello; Zengin, Mustafa; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan.
The mobile demersal gears currently applied in the fishery sectors across Europe are known to have a large impact both directly and indirectly on the benthic habitats and communities. There is increasing concern about these impacts and the aim is to reduce these impacts on the wider ecosystem without compromising the ability of the fishery to provide food or maintain a socio-economically viable fishery. This is reflected in the main policy framework, i.e. the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which encourages an ecosystem based approach, in which benefits from living aquatic resources are ensured ‘while the direct and indirect impacts of fishing operations on marine ecosystems are low and not detrimental to the future functioning, diversity and integrity of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Report on assessing trawling impact in regional seas ArchiMer
Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Bastardie, Francois; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Eigaard, Ole; Gümüs, Aysun; Hintzen, Niels T.; Kavadas, Stefanos; Laffargue, Pascal; Mehault, Sonia; Notti, Emilio; Papadoupoulou, Nadia; Polet, Hans; Reid, David; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Robert, Alexandre; Sala, Antonello; Smith, Chris; Virgili, Massimo; Zengin, Mustafa.
Baltic Sea Benthic ecosystem impacts from demersal fishery in the western Baltic is assumed to come mainly from Nephrops trawling in the central and southern Kattegat, mussel dredging in the Belt Sea, and mixed cod trawling in the western Baltic Sea.These fisheries both impact the seabed, as well as produce substantial amounts of discards. The western Baltic Sea offer a unique opportunity to analyse the benthic effects of fishingthanks to the closure of Øresund to towed gears since the 1920s, and the introduction of the Kattegat MPA in2009 (including cod closure) and the western Baltic Sea Natura-2000 areas. Furthermore an extensive benthic nationalmonitoring and data collection effort has taken place in the area over a number of years, which can be usedto...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Report on investment theory, its application in fisheries and the lessons on key factors influencing the investment behaviour ArchiMer
Hamon, Katell; De Vos, Birgit; Verlé, Katrien; Kinds, Arne; Bonanomi, Sara; Ferraris, Matteo; Falavigna, Greta; Notti, Emilio; Pagliarino, Elena; Pronti, Andrea; Sala, Antonello; Zoboli, Roberto; Guyader, Olivier; Macher, Claire; Zengin, Mustafa; Uzmanoglu, M.selcuk; Eigaard, Ole Ritzau; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Jensen, Frank; Elleby, Christian.
In this deliverable we investigated the drivers of investment in fisheries and how those can be activated to stimulate investment in alternative technologies to protect the benthos. To capture a wider range of factors than quantitative factors only we modified the work plan and included interviews with fishing industries in all regions. As a result we identified a wide range of reasons why fishers have (or have not) invested in alternative gears. As expected, the profitability of alternative technology is an important factor to invest but we also found many others. Those drivers were classified as economic, technical, regulatory, social, governance and environmental drivers. As advice to managers we also identified where and how interventions could improve...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Report on options for mitigation fishing impacts in regional seas ArchiMer
Sala, Antonello; Bastardie, Francois; De Carlo, F.; Dinesen, Grete E.; Eigaard, Ole; Feekings, J.p.; Frandsen, R.f.; Jonsson, P.; Krag, L.a.; Laffargue, Pascal; Magnusson, M.; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Notti, Emilio; Papadoupoulou, Nadia; Polet, Hans; Rijnsdorp, A. D.; Sköld, Mattias; Smith, Chris; Van Marlen, B.; Virgili, Massimo; Zengin, Mustafa.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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