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Blastodinium spp. infect copepods in the ultra-oligotrophic marine waters of the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Alves-de-souza, C.; Cornet, C.; Nowaczyk, A.; Gasparini, S.; Skovgaard, A.; Guillou, L..
Blastodinium are chloroplast-containing dinoflagellates which infect a wide range of copepods. They develop inside the gut of their host, where they produce successive generations of sporocytes that are eventually expelled through the anus of the copepod. Here, we report on copepod infections in the oligotrophic to ultra-oligotrophic waters of the Mediterranean Sea sampled during the BOUM cruise. Based on a DNA-stain screening of gut contents, 16% of copepods were possibly infected in samples from the Eastern Mediterranean infected, with up to 51% of Corycaeidae, 33% of Calanoida, but less than 2% of Oithonidae and Oncaeidae. Parasites were classified into distinct morphotypes, with some tentatively assigned to species B. mangini, B. contortum, and B. cf....
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Distribution of epipelagic metazooplankton across the Mediterranean Sea during the summer BOUM cruise ArchiMer
Nowaczyk, A.; Carlotti, F.; Thibault-botha, D.; Pagano, M..
The diversity and distribution of epipelagic metazooplankton across the Mediterranean Sea was studied along a 3000 km long transect from the eastern to the western basins during the BOUM cruise in summer 2008. Metazooplankton were sampled using both a 120 mu m mesh size bongo net and Niskin bottles in the upper 200 m layer at 17 stations. Here we report on the stock, the composition and the structure of the metazooplankton community. The abundance was 4 to 8 times higher than in several previously published studies, whereas the biomass remained within the same order of magnitude. An eastward decrease in abundance was evident, although biomass was variable. Spatial (horizontal and vertical) distribution of metazooplankton abundance and biomass was strongly...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Mesozooplankton structure and functioning during the onset of the Kerguelen phytoplankton bloom during the KEOPS2 survey ArchiMer
Carlotti, F.; Jouandet, M. -p.; Nowaczyk, A.; Harmelin-vivien, M.; Lefevre, D.; Richard, P.; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, M..
This paper presents results on the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of mesozooplankton in the naturally fertilized region to the east of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) visited at early bloom stage during the KEOPS2 survey (15 October to 20 November 2011). The aim of this study was to compare the zooplankton response in contrasted environments localized over the Kerguelen Plateau in waters of the east shelf and shelf edge and in productive oceanic deep waters characterized by conditions of complex circulation and rapidly changing phytoplankton biomass. The mesozooplankton community responded to the spring bloom earlier on the plateau than in the oceanic waters, where complex mesoscale circulation stimulated initial more or less ephemeral...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Trophic niche overlap of sprat and commercial small pelagic teleosts in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Le Bourg, B.; Banaru, Daniela; Saraux, Claire; Nowaczyk, A.; Le Luherne, E.; Jadaud, Angelique; Bigot, Jean-louis; Richard, P..
Increasing abundance of non-commercial sprats and decreasing biomass and landings of commercial anchovies and sardines justify the need to study the feeding ecology and trophic niche overlap of these planktivorous species in the Gulf of Lions. Their diet has been investigated on the basis of stomach content and stable isotope analyses in 2011 and 2012 according to different depths and regions in the study area. The main prey were Corycaeidae copepods, Clauso/Paracalanus, Euterpina acutifrons and Microsetella, for sprats and small copepods, such as Microsetella, Oncaea and Corycaeidae, for anchovies and sardines. This is the first time that the diet of sprats is described in the Gulf of Lions. Sprats fed on a larger size spectrum of prey and seem to be more...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anchovies; Sardines; Sprats; North-western Mediterranean sea; Stomach contents; Stable isotopes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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