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Determinants of the Speed of Adoption of Soil Fertility-Enhancing Technologies in Western Kenya AgEcon
Odendo, Martins; Obare, Gideon A.; Salasya, Beatrice.
Most adoption studies have employed cross-sectional data in a static discrete choice modelling framework to analyze why some farmers adopt at a certain point in time. The static approach does not consider the dynamic environment in which the adoption decision is made and thus does not incorporate the speed of adoption and the effect of time-dependent elements in explaining adoption. The adoption speed of an innovation is important in various aspects. Based on data from a survey of a random sample of 331 smallholder households in western Kenya, this study investigated determinants of time to adoption of mineral fertilizer, animal manure and compost using Duration analysis. Results revealed that factors that influenced timing of the adoption varied by the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Duration analysis; Soil nutrients; Crop Production/Industries; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Economics of Insecticide use and Potential for Bt Maize Varieties in the Control of Stalkborer in Kenya. AgEcon
Wanyama, Joseph M.; De Groote, Hugo; Mose, Lawrence Obae; Odendo, Martins; Ouma, James Okuro; Owuor, George; Lutta, M.; Ndung'U, J.; Mutoko, M.C..
Maize is the staple food crop and source of income for majority of the Kenyan population and many sub-Saharan African countries. The increasing Kenyan population demands an increase in maize production if intermittent food deficits have to be averted. Since the introduction of improved maize varieties in mid-1960, the start of Green Revolution period, maize yields increased drastically up to 1970s and started declining from 1980’s to-date. The key contributory factors are nutrient mining, sub-optimal input use and insect pest damage. Of the insect pests, stalk borer is of economic importance. Currently, KARI and CIMMYT are developing maize varieties that are tolerant to stalk borer damage. In order to evaluate the potential impact of these interventions...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Linking Farmers to Markets: The Case of Grain Marketing Information in Western Kenya AgEcon
Odendo, Martins; De Groote, Hugo.
Market liberalization created a situation where there are no guaranteed grain prices, no central information source and the need for marketing information increased. Unfortunately, most farmers have little or no access to marketing information. This study evaluates farmers’ perceptions of importance of marketing information; identifies farmers’ sources of grain marketing information; determine farmers’ confidence in and use of marketing information; and assesses determinants farmers’ willingness (WTP) to pay for marketing information. Data used in this study were generated using a structured questionnaire in a survey that covered a random sample of 120 households in traditionally grain surplus-and deficit zones of Kenya. The data were analyzed by...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farmer; Grains; Logit; Markets.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; International Relations/Trade; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Participatory Farmer Evaluation of Stem borer Resistant Maize varieties in three maize growing ecologies of Kenya AgEcon
Ouma, James Okuro; Odendo, Martins; Bett, Charles; De Groote, Hugo; Mugo, Stephen; Mutinda, Charles; Gethi, James; Njoka, Stephen; Ajanga, S.; Shuma, J..
Insect Resistant Maize for Africa Project (IRMA) aims at developing and deploying insect resistant maize varieties to reduce grain losses due to insect pests. As part of incorporating farmer’s perceptions and improving the adoption of the developed varieties, participatory approaches are adopted. The paper analysis farmer’s preferences of maize germplasm developed through conventional breeding. The paper uses data collected from evaluations conducted at the end of 2006 April and October rains. Nine stem borer resistant maize varieties were evaluated alongside six commercial checks in the moist transitional zones (East and West) at vegetative and harvest stage, while in the dry transitional zone and dry mid altitude zones, 6 new varieties were evaluated...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Potential Markets for Herbicide Resistant Maize Seed for Striga Control in Africa AgEcon
De Groote, Hugo; Wangare, Lucy; Kanampiu, Fred; Odendo, Martins; Friesen, Dennis.
Striga is an obligate parasitic weed attacking cereal crops in Subsaharan Africa. In Western Kenya, it is identified by farmers as their major pest problem in maize. A new technology, consisting of seed coating of herbicide tolerant maize varieties, has prove to be very effective in farmer fields. To bring this technology to the farmer, a sustainable delivery system needs to be developed, preferably through the private sector. To help of the seed companies develop a strategy, the potential market for this technology is hereby calculated, combines different data sources into a Geographic Information System (GIS). Superimposing secondary data, field surveys, agricultural statistics and farmer surveys makes it possible to clearly identify the Striga-prone...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Maize; Striga; Africa; Weeds; Pest control; Crop Production/Industries; Q12.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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