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Avaliação do programa “Circuito Sul-mineiro de Cafeicultura” nas regiões Sul e Sudoeste do estado de Minas Gerais 31
Romaniello, Marcelo Marcio; Gomes, Marcos Affonso Ortiz; Oliveira, Luis Carlos Ferreira de Souza; Guimaraes, Paulo Tacito Gontijo; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira.
Aiming at the maintenance of the prominence of the South Minas coffee culture in the national scenario, the state of Minas Gerais, by means of its public institutions, has created a regional development program to meet the main problems concerning regional coffee production. With that purpose, the Southern Minas Ambit of Coffee culture was established, in search of the following objectives: to improve the quality of coffee, keep and create new employments, increase yield, reduce production costs and, as a consequence, improve the coffee farmers’ income. Nevertheless, in spite of the importance of such program as a subside for the solution of the problems concerning to coffee production of the Southern and Southeastern regions of the state of Minas Gerais,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Rural development; Coffee..
Ano: 2004 URL:
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