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Comparison of nine DNA extraction methods for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by real time PCR Ciência Rural
Moura,André; Hodon,Mikael Arrais; Soares Filho,Paulo Martins; Issa,Marina de Azevedo; Oliveira,Ana Paula Ferreira de; Fonseca Júnior,Antônio Augusto.
ABSTRACT: Bovine tuberculosis is an infectious disease with a high impact on the cattle industry, particularly in developing countries. PCR is a very sensitive method for detection of infectious agents, but the sensitivity of molecular diagnosis is largely dependent on the efficiency of the DNA extraction methods. The objective of this study was to evaluate DNA extraction methods for direct detection of Mycobacterium bovis in bovine tissue. Nine commercial kits for DNA extraction were evaluated when combined with two real time PCRs. The DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit from QIAGEN showed better performance and sensitivity followed by the DNA Mini Kit RBC and FTA Elute Micro Card. Results suggested that, even when the analytical sensitivity of the qPCR is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine tuberculosis; DNA extraction; Real time PCR.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Genetic diversity of the Brazilian Creole cattle Pé-duro assessed by microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA R. Bras. Zootec.
Oliveira,Ana Paula Ferreira de; Carvalho,José Herculano de; Miretti,Marcos Mateo; Lara,Maria Aparecida Cassiano; Contel,Eucleia Primo Betioli.
The objective of this study was to describe the genetic diversity and structure of the largest Pé-duro population by assessing variation at ten autosomal microsatellite (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.755, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.600 and significant inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in most of analyzed loci demonstrate the impact of inbreeding and homozygosis on this population. A more in-depth genetic analysis could be achieved by expanding the STR list. The analysis of mtDNA provided evidence of ancestral African taurine haplotypes in Pé-duro and excluded maternal Zebuine introgression. In this report, the main Pé-duro population is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos taurus; Cattle; Conservation; Genetic diversity; Microsatellites; Mitochondrial DNA.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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