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Hepatitis C virus infection among Brazilian hemophiliacs: a virological, clinical and epidemiological study BJMBR
Carmo,R.A.; Oliveira,G.C.; Guimarães,M.D.C.; Oliveira,M.S.; Lima,A.A.; Buzek,S.C.; Corrêa-Oliveira,R.; Rocha,M.O.C..
We determined and analyzed risk factors of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected Brazilian hemophiliacs according to their virological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics. A cross-sectional and retrospective study of 469 hemophiliacs was carried out at a Brazilian blood center starting in October 1997. The prevalence of HCV infection, HCV genotypes and factors associated with HCV RNA detection was determined. The seroprevalence of anti-HCV antibodies (ELISA-3.0) was 44.6% (209/469). Virological, clinical and epidemiological assessments were completed for 162 positive patients. There were seven (4.3%) anti-HCV seroconversions between October 1992 and October 1997. During the same period, 40.8% of the positive anti-HCV hemophiliacs had abnormal alanine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C virus; HCV genotypes; Hemophilia; Chronic liver disease; Transfusion; Brazil.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Levedura de cana-de-açúcar spray dry na alimentação de suínos na fase de crescimento e terminação Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Poveda-Parra,A.R.; Moreira,I.; Furlan,A.C.; Oliveira,G.C.; Carvalho,P.L.O.; Toledo,J.B..
Foi estudado o valor nutricional (digestibilidade total e ileal) de duas leveduras spray dry (cana-de-açúcar - LEV35 e cerveja+cana-de-açúcar - LEV40) e o efeito da sua inclusão em rações para suínos na fase de crescimento e terminação. Os valores de ED (kcal/kg) da LEV35 e da LEV40 foram 3.496 e 3.901 e EM (kcal/kg) foram 3.475 e 3.862, respectivamente. Os valores de lisina, metionina+cistina e treonina digestível para a levedura de cana-de-açúcar e da levedura de cerveja+cana-de-açúcar são 2,66 e 2,64, 1,11 e 1,03, 1,95 e 1,92, respectivamente. No desempenho foram utilizados 40 suínos com peso inicial de 34,39± 7,57kg (crescimento) e de 62,45± 5,68kg (terminação), distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco níveis de inclusão (0, 5,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aminoácidos digestíveis; Cânula ileal; Levedura de cerveja; Subproduto; Valor nutricional.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Method of using increasing levels of substitution of the basal diet by test feedstuffs in pig digestibility trials Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Piano,L.M.; Moreira,I.; Scapinello,C.; Carvalho,P.L.O.; Toledo,J.B.; Oliveira,G.C..
Two experiments were carried out to study the methodology of using increasing levels of substitution of the basal diet with fibrous test feedstuffs (sticky coffee hull - SCH) in digestibility trials with pigs. In Experiment 1, a digestibility trial was conducted using 30 crossbred barrows, allotted in a randomized block design. In Experiment 2, 42 growing and 42 finishing pigs were used, allotted in a completely randomized design, with six diets and seven replicates, with one animal per experimental unit. The six diets consisted of: a control diet, four diets using SCH ME values as obtained in Experiment 1 plus a diet using SCH ME value estimated by linear regression equation for 15% substitution. The digestibility study indicated that the use of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass traits; Fibrous feedstuffs; Nutritional value; Performance.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Sm14 gene expression in different stages of the Schistosoma mansoni life cycle and immunolocalization of the Sm14 protein within the adult worm BJMBR
Brito,C.F.A.; Oliveira,G.C.; Oliveira,S.C.; Street,M.; Riengrojpitak,S.; Wilson,R.A.; Simpson,A.J.G.; Correa-Oliveira,R..
Sm14 is a 14-kDa vaccine candidate antigen from Schistosoma mansoni that seems to be involved in cytoplasmic trafficking of fatty acids. Although schistosomes have a high requirement for lipids, they are not able to synthesize fatty acids and sterols de novo. Thus, they must acquire host lipids. In order to determine whether Sm14 is present in different stages of the life cycle of the parasite, we performed RT-PCR. Sm14 mRNA was identified in all stages of the life cycle studied, mainly schistosomulum, adult worm and egg. Additionally, we used a rabbit anti-Sm14 polyclonal antibody in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to localize Sm14 in adult worm sections. The basal lamella of the tegument and the gut epithelium were strongly labeled. These tissues...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Sm14; Fatty acid-binding protein; FABP; Immunolocalization; RT-PCR.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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