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Pollinator availability, mating system and variation in flower morphology in a tropical savanna tree Acta Botanica
Rech,André Rodrigo; Jorge,Leonardo Ré; Ollerton,Jeff; Sazima,Marlies.
ABSTRACT Widely distributed organisms face different ecological scenarios throughout their range, which can potentially lead to micro-evolutionary differentiation at specific localities. Mating systems of animal pollinated plants are supposed to evolve in response to the availability of local pollinators, with consequent changes in flower morphology. We tested the relationship among pollination , mating system, and flower morphology over a large spatial scale in Brazilian savannas using the tree Curatella americana (Dilleniaceae). We compared fruit set with and without pollinators in the field, and analyzed pollen tube growth from self- and cross-pollinated flowers in different populations. Populations with higher natural fruit set also had lower fruit set...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado savanna; Mating system; Pollination biogeography; Reproductive assurance; Self-compatibility.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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