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Les coraux profonds : une biodiversité à évaluer et à préserver ArchiMer
Olu-le Roy, Karine.
Submersible exploration of the deep-sea floor during the last decades revealed new insights in this part of our planet with the discovery of an unsuspected diversity of ecosystems. Coral reefs, confined in our mind to warm and shallow tropical waters, have been observed at several hundreds meter depth along continental margins. Like their tropical counterparts, cold water corals are home for several invertebrate and fish species. The diversity and complexity of this rich ecosystem has just started to be studied. Documented and potential treats by human activities including bottom fishing and petroleum industry activities have to be considered and there is an urgent need to prevent further degradation of these vulnerable reefs. The objective of the CARACOLE...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Impact; Deep bottom fishing; Submersibles; Carbonate mounds; Continental margins; Cold water corals; Impact; Pêche profonde; Submersibles; Monts carbonatés; Marges continentales; Coraux profonds.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Seep communities from two mud volcanoes in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea: faunal composition, spatial patterns and environmental control ArchiMer
Ritt, Benedicte; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Caprais, Jean-claude; Gauthier, Olivier; Ruffine, Livio; Buscail, Roselyne; Olu-le Roy, Karine; Sarrazin, Jozee.
The Mediterranean Sea constitutes a unique environment to study cold-seep ecosystems due to the presence of different geodynamic settings, from an active margin along the Mediterranean Ridge (MR) to a passive margin in the Nile Deep-Sea Fan (NDSF). We attempted to identify the structure of benthic communities associated with the Napoli and Amsterdam mud volcanoes (MVs) located on the MR and to establish the links between faunal distribution and environmental conditions at different spatial scales. Comparison between the 2 MVs revealed that the faunal distribution seemed to be mainly controlled by the characteristics of the microhabitats. On both geological structures, the variability between the different microhabitats was higher than the variability...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Ridge; Cold seeps; Benthic fauna; Environmental conditions; Diversity indices; Microhabitats.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity ArchiMer
Cordes, Erik E.; Cunha, Marina R.; Galeron, Joelle; Mora, Camilo; Olu-le Roy, Karine; Sibuet, Myriam; Van Gaever, Saskia; Vanreusel, Ann; Levin, Lisa A..
Cold seeps are among the most heterogeneous of all continental margin habitats. Abiotic Sources of heterogeneity in these systems include local variability in fluid flow, geochemistry, and substrate type, which give rise to different sets of microbial communities, microbial symbiont-bearing foundation species, and associated heterotrophic species. Biogenic habitats created by microbial mats and the symbiotic species including vesicomyid clams, bathymodiolin mussels, and siboglinid tubeworms add an additional layer of complexity to seep habitats. These forms of habitat heterogeneity result in a variety of macrofaunal and meiofaunal communities that respond to changes in structural complexity, habitat geochemistry, nutrient sources, and interspecific...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Beta diversity; Chemosynthetic communities; Cold seep; Continental margin; Macrofauna; Meiofauna; Metacommunity; Species accumulation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Trace element behaviour at cold seeps and the potential export of dissolved iron to the ocean ArchiMer
Lemaitre, Nolwenn; Bayon, Germain; Ondreas, Helene; Caprais, Jean-claude; Freslon, Nicolas; Bollinger, Claire; Rouget, Marie-laure; De Prunele, Alexis; Ruffine, Livio; Olu-le Roy, Karine; Sarthou, Geraldine.
Seawater samples were collected by submersible above methane seeps in the Gulf of Guinea (Regab and Baboon pockmarks) in order to investigate the behaviour of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and rare earth elements (REE) during fluid seepage. Our aim was to determine whether cold seeps may represent potential sources of dissolved chemical species to the ocean. Dissolved (<0.45 μm filtered samples) and total dissolvable (unfiltered samples) concentrations were determined over ∼50 m long vertical transects above the seafloor and at various discrete locations within the pockmarks. We show that substantial amounts of Fe and Mn are released into seawater during seepage of methane-rich fluids. Mn is exported almost quantitatively in the dissolved form (more than...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Iron; Rare earth elements; Cold seeps; Seawater; Organic ligands; Iron-sulfide nanoparticles.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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