Gatesoupe, Joel; Coves, Denis; Ortega, Aurelio; Papandroulakis, Nikos; Vadstein, Olav; De La Gandara, Fernando. |
During the first 2 years of larval rearing trials with Atlantic bluefin tuna, survival was a challenging issue. As bacterial colonization of the gut has been shown to play a key role for other species, we studied the profiles of the microbiota associated with individual larvae at different stages in three distant hatcheries. The Bacterial Community Profile (BCP) was quantified based on PCR-DGGE analyses of partial amplicons from 16S rDNA. Considerable individual variability in BCP was observed before onset of feeding, and the BCP did not show regular fluctuation during ontogenesis. Microalgae were added to the rearing tanks in two of the three hatcheries, but it was not possible to distinguish the effect of location from the effect of algal addition on... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Larval rearing; Bacterial diversity; DGGE; Thunnus thynnus. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00075/18648/16197.pdf |
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Ghysen, Alain; Schuster, Kevin; Coves, Denis; De La Gandara, Fernando; Papandroulakis, Nikos; Ortega, Aurelio. |
The lateral line system of amphibians and fish comprises a large number of individual mechanosensory organs, the neuromasts, and their sensory neurons. The pattern of neuromasts varies markedly between species, yet the embryonic pattern is highly conserved from the relatively basal zebrafish, Danio rerio, to more derived species. Here we examine in more detail the development of the posterior lateral line (PLL) in embryos and early larvae of one of the most derived fish species, the blue-fin tuna Thunnus thynnus, and of its close relative, the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda. WE! show that the basic features of embryonic PLL development, including the migratory properties of the PLL primordium, the patterning of neuromasts and their innervation, are largely... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Neuromast; Hair cell; Planar polarity; Cupula; Migrating primordium. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00019/13032/10162.pdf |
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Ghysen, Alain; Dambly-chaudiere, Christine; Coves, Denis; De La Gandara, Fernando; Ortega, Aurelio. |
The posterior lateral line system (PLL) of teleost fish comprises a number of mechanosensory organs arranged in defined patterns on the body surface. Embryonic patterns are largely conserved among teleosts, yet adult patterns are highly diverse. Although changes in pattern modify the perceptual abilities of the system, their developmental origin remains unknown. Here we compare the processes that underlie the formation of the juvenile PLL pattern in Thunnus thynnus, the bluefin tuna, to the processes that were elucidated in Danio rerio, the zebrafish. In both cases, the embryonic PLL comprises five neuromasts regularly spaced along the horizontal myoseptum, but the juvenile PLL comprises four roughly parallel anteroposterior lines in zebrafish, whereas it... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00077/18777/16357.pdf |
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Mazurais, David; Coves, Denis; Papandroulakis, Nikos; Ortega, Aurelio; Desbruyeres, Elisabeth; Huelvan, Christine; Le Gall, Marie-madeleine; De La Gandara, Fernando; Cahu, Chantal. |
The aim of this study was to determine whether mortality observed during the larval development of reared bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) could be related to improper expression profiles of key genes involved in digestive or antioxidant response capabilities. Tuna larvae were sampled at hatching, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dph (days post hatching) for the relative quantification of transcripts encoded by genes involved in digestive [trypsinogen 1 (TRYP1), alpha-amylase (AMY), aminopeptidase N (ANPEP)] and antioxidant [catalase (CAT)] functions. The levels of expression of ANPEP related to the development and maturation of intestinal function increased from 5 to 20 dph. Furthermore, AMY and TRYP1 genes, which are pancreatic enzymes implicated in carbohydrate and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Tuna; Gene; Expression; Development; Digestion; Antioxidant. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00171/28264/26521.pdf |
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De La Gandara, Fernando; Mylonas, Constantinos C.; Coves, Denis; Ortega, Aurelio; Bridges, Christopher R.; Belmonte Rios, Antonio; Vassallo-agius, Robert; Papandroulakis, Nikos; Rosenfeld, Hanna; Tandler, A; Medina, Antonio; Demetrio, A; Corriero, Aldo; Fauvel, Christian; Falcon, Jack; Sveinsvoll, K; Ghysen, Alain; Deguara, S; Gordin, Hillel. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00029/14015/11205.pdf |
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