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A Multi-Period Analysis of Two Common Livestock Management Strategies Given Fluctuating Precipitation and Variable Prices AgEcon
Ritten, John P.; Frasier, W. Marshall; Bastian, Christopher T.; Paisley, Steven I.; Smith, Michael A.; Mooney, Sian.
Many areas of the US recently endured a severe drought and management strategies to cope with the lack of forage production varied. A multi-period mathematical model is presented that estimates the outcomes of two common producer responses to changes in precipitation, partial liquidation and purchasing hay, given fluctuating cattle prices over a long term planning horizon. Results were further summarized with regression analysis and selected elasticities were calculated to reflect the sensitivity of outcomes to variability in precipitation and livestock prices. Although little impact was seen from utilizing additional hay as a strategy during drought, producers who follow this strategy are in a position to market more animals immediately post drought in...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Drought management; Mathematical programming; Herd liquidation; Price cycle; Cattle management; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q12; C61; D24.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Can Carbon Find a Home on the Range? AgEcon
Ritten, John P.; Bastian, Christopher T.; Rashford, Benjamin S.; Norton, Jay; Norton, Urszula; Paisley, Steven I.; Burgener, Paul A..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Kaitibie, Simeon; Epplin, Francis M.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Horn, Gerald W.; Krenzer, Eugene G., Jr.; Paisley, Steven I..
Dual-purpose winter wheat production is an important economic enterprise in the southern Great Plains of the United States. Because of the complex interactions involved in producing wheat grain and beef gain from a single crop, stocking density is an important decision. The objective of the research is to determine the stocking density that maximizes expected net returns from dual-purpose winter wheat production. Statistical tests rejected a conventional linear-response plateau function in favor of a linear-response stochastic plateau function. The optimal stocking density of 1.48 steers per hectare (0.60 steers per acre) is 19% greater with a stochastic plateau than with a nonstochastic one.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Long Term Comparison of Alternative Range Livestock Management Strategies Across Extended Droughts and Cyclical Prices AgEcon
Ritten, John P.; Bastian, Christopher T.; Paisley, Steven I.; Smith, Michael A..
Variable precipitation, more importantly drought, impacts profitability for livestock management. Financial outcomes from management decisions related to forage shortages can be exacerbated by price variability. This research examines alternative management strategies to determine the potential profitability and riskiness over a long-term horizon and across various drought event scenarios. Results indicate that late calving can be a promising strategy, but it also can result in higher variability in profits as compared to some of the other strategies analyzed. Retaining ownership of steer calves over the winter, with the option to sell if forage supplies become scarce, outperforms both partial liquidation and summer feeding, and it results in less profit...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Production Economics; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Optimal Stocking Density for Dual-Purpose Winter Wheat Production AgEcon
Kaitibie, Simeon; Epplin, Francis M.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Horn, Gerald W.; Krenzer, Eugene G., Jr.; Paisley, Steven I..
Dual-purpose winter wheat production is an important economic enterprise in the southern Great Plains of the United States. Because of the complex interactions involved in producing wheat grain and beef gain from a single crop, stocking density is an important decision. The objective of the research is to determine the stocking density that maximizes expected net returns from dual-purpose winter wheat production. Statistical tests rejected a conventional linear-response plateau function in favor of a linear-response stochastic plateau function. The optimal stocking density of 1.48 steers/ha (0.60 steers/acre) is 19% greater with a stochastic than with a nonstochastic plateau.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dual purpose; Response function; Stochastic plateau; Stocking density; Wheat; R32; Q12; C29; D21.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Ranchers Diverse in Their Drought Management Strategies AgEcon
Bastian, Christopher T.; Mooney, Sian; Nagler, Amy M.; Hewlett, John P.; Paisley, Steven I.; Smith, Michael A.; Frasier, W. Marshall; Umberger, Wendy J..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Effect of Early vs. Normal Calf Weaning on Feedlot Performance and Herd Management: A Cross-Discipline Case Study AgEcon
Salverson, Robin R.; Fausti, Scott W.; Landblom, Douglas G.; Johnson, Patricia S.; Beutler, Martin; Gates, Roger N.; Patterson, Hubert H.; Paisley, Steven I..
A study of early vs. normal weaning of calves concludes that early weaning improves feedlot production efficiency, reducing per day and per pound feedlot production costs. Early weaned steers finished higher thus feedlot profitability was not affected. Early weaning has a positive affect on cow health and pasture utilization rates.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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