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The use of papain gel cream and sunflower oil in promoting healing in a wound in dogs: three case reports 45
Porsani,M.Y.H.; Carvalho,L.A.R.; Pereira,C.S.; Paludetti,M.; Zangeronimo,M.G.; Pereira,L.J..
ABSTRACT Papain is a proteolytic enzyme removed from the leaves of green papaya and/or latex. This enzyme is widely known as a medicinal fruit used extensively in human medicine for the treatment of wounds of various etiologies. However, studies and reports in veterinary medicine are scarce. Another herbal drug widely used in wound healing is Sunflower oil (Helianthus annus). It has inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which stimulate the local neovascularization, promoting tissue granulation, cell migration, fibroblast proliferation, and differentiation. Three dogs were treated with infected necrosis wounds, considered large, extent, and severe, with varied etiology. All cases were treated with papain gel with the exception of one dog, which was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phytotherapy; Carica papaya L; Helianthus annus; Necrosis.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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