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Effet d'une crise dystrophique dans l'etang de Salses-Leucate ArchiMer
Boutiere, H; Boree, Fde; Delille, D; Fiala, M; Gros, C; Jacques, G; Knoepffler, M; Labat, J P; Panouse, M; Soyer, J.
The dystrophic crisis in the lagoon of Salses-Leucae in 1979-1980 resulted in a bloom of the chlorophyceae Nannochloris sp. which attained a density in the order of 10 super(9) cells/litre. The worst effect was the destruction of oyster and mussel cultures because of overfeeding. This bloom also caused high turbidity which induced the destruction of large parts of sea-grass communities (Zostera)). One year after the beginning of this crisis, a gradual improvement of ecological conditions was noted, especially in the pelagic zone. The benthic environment recovered at a much slower rate. Sea-grass showed signs of recovery, organic matter concentrations and bacterial populations decreased. Furthermore, the macrofauna density increased notably. Nevertheless,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Les sites méditerranéens. Ecologie pélagique et benthique. Rapport concernant les campagnes Ecolion 1 & 2 ArchiMer
Arzul, G; Panouse, M; Romana, A; Fiala, M; Razouls, S; De Bovee, F; Labat, J.p..
As part of its nuclear program, E.D.F. put the C.N.E.X.O. in charge of the ecological study of a list of sites that had been considered for the implantation of nuclear power plants on the Mediterranean coast: PORT-la-N0UVELLE South, PORT-la-NOUVELLE North and FLEURY-sur-AUDE. The aim of this study is to compare, from an ecological point of view, the different sites during critical periods of the annual cycle: summer and spring. This report summarises the results of the two campaigns (ECOLION l and II) conducted on the area located between the Cap d'Agde and the Cap Leucate, and including the three studied sites. The study analysed the physicochemical parameters and the primary and secondary pelagic productions, and includes a qualitative and quantitative...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecology; Ecolion; Cruise; Mediterranean sea; Ecologie; Ecolion; Campagne océanographique; Mer Méditerranée.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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The spatial-distribution of phytoplankton in a mediterranean lagoon (Etang de Thau) ArchiMer
Jarry, V; Fiala, M; Frisoni, Gf; Jacques, G; Neveux, J; Panouse, M.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1990 URL:
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