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Focused hydrocarbon-migration in shallow sediments of a pockmark cluster in the Niger Delta (Off Nigeria) ArchiMer
De Prunele, Alexis; Ruffine, Livio; Riboulot, Vincent; Peters, Carl A.; Croguennec, Claire; Guyader, Vivien; Pape, Thomas; Bollinger, Claire; Bayon, Germain; Caprais, Jean-claude; Germain, Yoan; Donval, Jean-pierre; Marsset, Tania; Bohrmann, Gerhard; Geli, Louis; Rabiu, Abdulkarim; Lescanne, Marc; Cauquil, Eric; Sultan, Nabil.
The Niger Delta is one of the largest hydrocarbon basin offshore Africa and it is well known for the presence of active pockmarks on the seabed. During the Guineco-MeBo cruise in 2011, long cores were taken from a pockmark cluster in order to investigate the state of its current activity. Gas hydrates, oil and pore-water were sampled for geochemical studies. The resulting dataset combined with seismic data reveal that shallow hydrocarbon migration in the upper sedimentary section was focused exclusively within the pockmarks. There is a clear tendency for gas migration within the hydrate-bearing pockmarks, and oil migration within the carbonate-rich one. This trend is interpreted as a consequence of hydrate dissolution followed by carbonate precipitation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anaerobic oxidation of methane; Cluster of pockmarks; Fluid flow; Gas hydrates; Pore-water profiles; Transient state.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Formation of seep carbonates along the makran convergent margin, northern Arabian sea and a molecular and isotopic approach to constrain the carbon isotopic composition of parent methane ArchiMer
Himmler, Tobias; Birgel, Daniel; Bayon, Germain; Pape, Thomas; Ge, Lu; Bohrmann, Gerhard; Peckmann, Joern.
Authigenic carbonate deposits have been sampled with the remotely operated vehicle ‘MARUM-QUEST 4000 m’ from five methane seeps between 731 and 1823 m water depth along the convergent Makran continental margin, offshore Pakistan (northern Arabian Sea). Two seeps on the upper slope are located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ; ca. 100 to 1100 m water depth), the other sites are situated in oxygenated water below the OMZ (below 1100 m water depth). The carbonate deposits vary with regard to their spatial extent, sedimentary fabrics, and associated seep fauna: Within the OMZ, carbonates are spatially restricted and associated with microbial mats, whereas in the oxygenated zone below the OMZ extensive carbonate crusts are exposed on the seafloor with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anaerobic oxidation of methane Authigenic carbonates Cold-seep carbonates; Makran subduction zone Oxygen minimum zone Methane Lipid biomarkers.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Gas hydrate distributions in sediments of pockmarks from the Nigerian Margin - Results and interpretation from shallow drilling ArchiMer
Wei, Jiangong; Pape, Thomas; Sultan, Nabil; Colliat, Jean-louis; Himmler, Tobias; Ruffine, Livio; De Prunele, Alexis; Dennielou, Bernard; Garziglia, Sebastien; Marsset, Tania; Peters, Carl A.; Rabiu, Abdulkarim; Bohrmann, Gerhard.
A joint research expedition between the French IFREMER and the German MARUM was conducted in 2011 using the R/V Pourquoi pas? to study gas hydrate distributions in a pockmark field (1141 – 1199 meters below sea surface) at the continental margin of Nigeria. The sea floor drill rig MeBo of MARUM was used to recover sediments as deep as 56.74 meters below seafloor. The presence of gas hydrates in specific core sections was deduced from temperature anomalies recorded during continuous records of infrared thermal scanning and anomalies in pore water chloride concentrations. In situ sediment temperature measurements showed elevated geothermal gradients of up to 258 °C/km in the center of the so-called pockmark A which is up to 4.6 times higher than that in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gas hydrate; Pockmark; Chloride profile; Infrared thermal imaging; Fluid flow; Nigerian continental margin; MeBo drill rig.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Shallow gas hydrate accumulations at a Nigerian deep‐water pockmark ‐ Quantities and dynamics ArchiMer
Pape, Thomas; Ruffine, Livio; Hong, Wei‐li; Sultan, Nabil; Riboulot, Vincent; Peters, Carl A.; Kölling, Martin; Zabel, Matthias; Garziglia, Sebastien; Bohrmann, Gerhard.
The evolution of submarine pockmarks is often related to the ascent of fluid from the subsurface. For pockmarks located within the gas hydrate stability zone, methane oversaturation can result in the formation of gas hydrates in the sediment. A ca. 600 m‐wide sea floor depression in deep‐waters offshore Nigeria, Pockmark A, was investigated for distributions and quantities of shallow gas hydrates, origins of hydrocarbons and time elapsed since the last major fluid ascent event. For the first time, pressure coring of shallow sediments and drilling of more than 50‐m‐long cores with the sea floor drill rig MARUM‐MeBo70 were conducted in this pockmark. Unusually high hydrate saturations of up to 51% of pore volume in the uppermost 2.5 meters of sediment in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pockmark; Gas hydrate; Methane; MeBo; Pressure coring; Pore water modeling.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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