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An analysis of seafood consumption survey methods in France. 5
Girard, Sophie; Mariojouls, Catherine; Paquotte, Philippe; Wisner-bourgeois, Claude.
(Not controled OCR) The different statistical data sources available for seafood I consumption analysis in France belong to three types : the apparent consumption estimated on the basis of a balance between production and trade, used at national scale and for international comparison, the data in value published by the national Institute for economic statistics, aggregating food balance sheet, and economic results of inquiries about the activities of the branch industries, and the household consumption estimated through consumers' panels. A critical and historical analysis of the different available data series is presented, with focus on the major difficulties when interpreting and cross-checking the data (series breaking-nomenclature items, range of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Analysis; Methods; Consumption; Seafood; SEM.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Analyse économique d'un projet d'élevage de crevettes en cages dans la région de Salvador de Bahia. Rapport de mission au Brésil du 27 Novembre au 8 Décembre 1993 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Cette mission a été réalisée dans le cadre de l'accord de coopération signé en juin 1992 entre IFREMER et différents organismes brésiliens (Bahia-Pesca, Université de Salvador, Littoral Sul Maricultura, Sansuy de Nordeste SA, Rohr Estrutura Tubulares SA). Cette coopération concerne la mise au point d'une technique innovante pour l'élevage de la crevette pénéide, l'élevage en cages flottantes et l'application de cette technique à un projet de développement d'une petite région de pêche au sud de Salvador de Bahia. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Analyse économique d'une nouvelle technique d'élevage de crevettes en cages flottantes au Brésil 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
In the framework of French-Brazil co-operation, the French Institute of research for exploitation of the sea (IFREMER), the State of Bahia and the company Littoral Sul Maricultura have developed a new technique for shrimp farming (Penaeus vannamei) using floating cages. After trials carried out during three years, this technique turns out very interesting from several viewpoints. The growth speed and the survival rate are very good, the negative effects on the environmental quality are weak and local fishermen have proved eager to adopt this technique as a part-time activity. In the same time, a technico-economic analysis, using a computerised simulation tool, as well as a market analysis in the State of Bahia have been carried out in order to assess the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Analyse technico-économique de projets d'élevage d'ombrine (Sciaenops ocellata) en cages flottantes à la Martinique 5
Houel, S; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Paquotte, Philippe.
The availability in interesting sites and the zootechnical performances of tropical fish are two impo rt ant assets in favor of the development of fish farming in the Caribbean islands. This repor presents a technical and financial analysis of red drum farming projects in floating cages in Martinique(French West Indies). This project analysis makes it possible to compare the economic feasability of a small-scale production system with that of a semi-industrial one submitted to different technical constraints. The main criteria of the project analysis are the profitability of the funded capital, the financial feasability during the buildup period, the profitability at a steady state and the cost price. Production costs are hi gher in the the small-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caribbean; French West Indies; Martinique; Financial analysis; Production costs; Finfish; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata; SEM; Caraïbes; Antilles Françaises; Martinique; Analyse économique; Coûts de production; Poissons; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Aquaculture : activité économique déconcentrée ou intégrée 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Comme toute industrie, l'aquaculture doit pour se développer dans une région ou un pays donné être capable de fournir une offre concurrentielle en termes de quantité, de qualité et de prix. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des choix se posent en matière de dimensionnement d'entreprise, de niveau d'intégration, de diversification et d'organisation de la production. Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas qu'une seule sorte d'entreprise adoptant une technique standardisée ? La grande diversité observée actuellement dans le secteur aquacole résulte de la prise en compte d'autres facteurs que la seule maximisation du profit en situation de concurrence parfaite. En effet, la forte dépendance du milieu naturel et la maîtrise technique encore imparfaite font que le fonctionnement...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Aquaculture en système clos : estimation des coûts de production pour l'élevage du bar et du turbot 5
Lavenant, M; Paquotte, Philippe.
Two major constraints to aquaculture have raised in most countries : the little availability of convenient sites because of the competition for the use of the coastline and the progressive implementation of regulations to reduce the impact of the farms on the environment. The technique of recirculation, widely used for hatcheries, has been developed to answer these constraints and to get free of the natural variations in order to regulate the résults. The ongrowing experimental facilities have proved good enough results to make it possible to conceive industrial projects for sea-bass and turbot. In first approach, the production costs of these systems are similar to traditional techniques but expected productivity gains due to an increase of zootechnical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economical aspects; Production costs; Sea bass; Turbot; Marine aquaculture; Recirculation; Closed system; SEM; Aspects économiques; Coût de production; Bar; Turbot; Aquaculture marine; Système clos; Circuit fermé.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Aquaculture, restocking and stock enhancement as an answer to the scallop fisheries management crisis in the areas of Brest and Saint-Brieuc (Brittany) 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Since the beginning of the century, scallop fisheries in France have known successive phases of expansion and recession. Although a system of fishing licences has been implemented, the number of fishermen involved in the scallop fishery has increased and huge investments have been made. The important fishing effortduring this period has induced a serions stock depletion, and output has dropped to less than 2 000 m.t. per year since 1986. Hence, the remunerations of capital and labour have dramatically decreased. As early as 1973, attempts have been made to use aquaculture methods for the management of thisstock, following the successful Japanese model. Because of insufficient amounts of spat available from the wild, hatchery and nursery techniques have...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock enhancement; Restocking; Scallop; Fishing licence; Aquaculture; SEM; Surpeuplement; Repeuplement; Coquille Saint Jacques; Licence de pêche; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Bilan des essais d'élevage de pectinides en Méditerranée 1987-1991 5
Coatanea, Denis; Paquotte, Philippe; Buestel, Dominique; Defossez, Jérôme; Moriceau, Jacques.
L'objectif de ce programme était de mettre au point une technique d'élevage pour les Pectinidés en Méditerranée afin de diversifier la conchyliculture en mer ouverte limitée jusqu'à présent à la mytiliculture. C'est pourquoi des essais ont été conduits pour évaluer les possibilités de croissance des trois espéces Pecten maximus, Pecten jacobaeus et Patinopecten yessoensis à partir de naissain d'écloserie. Ce programme a permis de réaliser une structure d'élevage pour fonds non protégés qui résiste aux tempêtes mais qui reste difficile à manipuler dans de mauvaises conditions de mer. Les résultats biologiques sont très médiocres, que ce soit en croissance ou en survie, et la taille réglementaire de mise en marché n'a pas pu être atteinte au bout de quatre...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Croissance et indice de condition de l'huître plate Ostrea edulis élevée en mer et en étang sur la côte méditerranéenne 5
Paquotte, Philippe; Moriceau, Jacques.
A monitoring of the growth and condition index of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis has been conducted in the Thau Lagoon and in open sea off the Cap d'Agde. Between April and November, its growth is greater in open sea than in the lagoon. In winter, the growth doesn't stop in open sea, but one needs to get away from mussel collection in practicing seabed farming. In these conditions, the oyster's growth, throughout the year, is very close in open sea and in lagoons whereas the condition index is higher in open sea.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Mer ouverte; Etang de Thau; Indice de condition; Croissance; Ostrea edulis.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Definition of scientific basis for the development of an overall aquaculture masterplan for South Africa - Report of the mission in South Africa from 9 to 15 February 1998 - Project definition and detailed workplan for 1998 5
Dosdat, Antoine; Fuchs, Jacques; Mazurie, Joseph; Paquotte, Philippe; Mariojouls, Catherine.
After the decision taken by the French - South African committee to reduce the budget and the duration of all the selected proposaIs of the first call, Rhodes University and Ifremer decided to revise their joint proposaI and organized a meeting in South Africa in february 1998. A multidisciplinary team composed of economists and specialists in different fields of aquaculture spent on week in South Africa (9 and 15 february 1998) with Prof Hecht and his team in Rhodes University, in order to precise the proposaI and define detailed actions to be carried out within the next two years. The present report summarises the principal conclusions of the survey in term of general approach, detailed methodologies and planning for 1998.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Démarche qualité et différenciation des produits en aquaculture 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
In spite of its young age, aquaculture is now an activity subject to competition just like any other activity in the agri-food sector. The differences in environmental conditions give comparative advantages to operations located in certain sites, but the intensification of production methods tends to reduce the impact of this natural variation. It is for this reason that aquaculture must seek sources of competitiveness in the quality of its products, which is not limited to just freshness or taste and includes meeting the increasing demand for diversity. A quality process requires knowing how to assess modifications in product characteristics with respect to environmental conditions and culture techniques and should allow producers and consumers to clearly...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Diagnostic technico-économique et aide à la gestion d'entreprise en aquaculture 5
Calleja, P; Paquotte, Philippe.
Formal accounting sheets usually turn out being unappropriate to identify the technical or managerial elements causing the financial situation of an enterprise and to imagine the future of that enterprise as well. That is the reason why, as it has been widely developed in agriculture, a technico-economic approach linking the physical flows related to the activity of the enterprise and the resulting financial flows should be a better answer to the need of vigilance on husbandery practices and to the need of projection in the future. The realization of a computerized simulation tool taking into account some relevant technical, biological and economic criteria makes it possible to assess the consequences of investment decisions on the cash-flow and on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation tool; Management; Economics; Aquaculture; SEM; Outil de simulation; Gestion; Économie; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Eléments de réflexion pour l'évaluation économique de la filière d'élevage de la coquille Saint Jacques (1992) 5
Dao, Jean-claude; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Paquotte, Philippe.
This document is made from reports of a working group joining together JFREMER biologists and economics to shape an economic evaluation of scallop Pecten maximus aquaculture. It lays out the synthesis of al1 available data on french scallop fisheries and market and takes stock of the farming technical results. The study also approaches the difficulties to implement this farming techniques and the problems linked with the development of a new aquacultural activity. This work contributes to determine the right research fields to cany out, to identify the projects which will be submitted to an economic analysis and to define the measures to take in order to allow an efficient technical transfer as well as a good sectorial survey
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint-Jacques; Aquaculture; Marché; Economie; Développement.; King scallop; Aquaculture; Marketting; Economics; Development..
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Entreprises aquacoles. Quels sont les facteurs déterminants de la taille et du niveau d'intégration ? 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Should one favour small artisanal aquaculture enterprises or industrial production units? Should one specialize in a single stage of the breeding cycle or, on the contrary, cover several stages of the production chain and even include the processing and marketing of the product? Most of the questions asked to economists about the development of aquaculture refer to the size and integration level of the enterprises. (unverified OCR)
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Environmental constraints and aquaculture development 5
Paquotte, Philippe; Bailly, Denis.
Aquaculture is an economic activit y which is characterised by a great dependence on environmental conditions. Therefore, aquaculture development is subdued to institutional context which defines the rules for use and conservation of natural resources. This paper analyses the impact of marine environment regulations on economic operating of aquaculture enterprises and on industrial d ynamics. Because aquaculture enterprises use common goods, an economic approach of aquaculture has to take into account not only the relations between enterprises and environment, but also the relations between the enterprises themselves, through production externalities. In this study, several economic tools are considered in order to incite enterprises to integrate parr of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etat et perspectives de la conchyliculture méditérranéenne. Aspects économiques 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
This presentation of the economic aspects of the Mediterranean shellfish culture is based on the first intermediary report and on different country reports (France, Spain, Italy) from EU's FAR program n°2-456 about "the analysis of the costs and prices for an economic study of shellfish culture management in Europe". The aim of the first part of this study is to identify the production and marketing techniques of the main EEC countries, analyse international trade between them and consider the development perspectives of these productions and trade. (unverified OCR)
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economy; Mediterranean sea; Shellfish culture; SEM; Economie; Méditerranée; Conchyliculture.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Etude économique de la production et de la commercialisation des moules en Italie 5
Antona, Martine; Paquotte, Philippe; Bailly, Denis.
Limitations and assets of shellfish farming in Italy are presented in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. In the case of oysters, which are only wild-caught and not cultured, the perspectives of this activity are tightly linked to problems in stock and fleet management. The current research and development institutions do not seem to favour the emergence of aquaculture in the near future. Mussel farming is done on a small-scale and its prospects for development are modest. While the demand creates favourable conditions for its development, mussel farming is confronted with a lack of available sites suitable for traditional techniques, problems in environmental quality and problems in product quality. Moreover, the study of the Italian market shows that competition from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Etude technique et économique de la filière de production intensive de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum en marais 5
Baud, Jean-pierre; Paquotte, Philippe; Ayel, Jean-philippe; Lepage, Claude.
A 20 g clam total weight was reached in 19 months at a 300.m-2 density using a mixture of sea water and Skeletonema costatum algae. Currently, initiating an intensive ongrowing clam business is not economically viable since the marketable value is at a record low of . Phytoplankton production and sea water pumping cost effectiveness should be improved. However, a company's activities may be diversified using intensive clam rearing techniques but without labor staff increase.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Analyse financière; Ruditapes philippillarum; Diversification; Élevage intensif; Financial analysis; Manila clam; Diversification; Intensive ongrowing.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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European marine fish farming : an emerging industrial activity 5
Harache, Yves; Paquotte, Philippe.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the aquaculture support policies of the commission with special reference to regulation eec 4028/86 5
Bailly, Denis; Antona, Martine; Paquotte, Philippe.
During the 80s, aquafarming saw the development of new lines of production alongside older sectors of shellfish farming and trout farming that have also seen significant changes. Aid from the Commission of European Communities, along with national aid, has played an important role in the formation of this new aquafarming landscape. At the request of the Commission and under the aegis of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE), this report presents the current state and future prospects of growth of the main marine and continental aquafarming lines on the one hand, and evaluates the role of this community aid on the other. These experimental or developmental lines, as well as those that can benefit from community aid are not addressed in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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