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On the Mediterranean Water Composition ArchiMer
Carracedo, Lidia; Pardo, P. C.; Flecha, S.; Perez, Ff.
The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) spills from the Mediterranean Sea (east North Atlantic basin) west off the Strait of Gibraltar. As MOW outflows, it entrains eastern North Atlantic Central Waters (ENACW) and Intermediate Waters to form the neutrally buoyant Mediterranean Water (MW) that can be traced over the entire North Atlantic basin. Its high salinity content influences the thermohaline properties of the intermediate-deep water column in the North Atlantic and its dynamics. Here, the composition of MW in its source region (the Gulf of Cadiz, west off Strait of Gibraltar) is investigated on the basis of an optimum multiparameter analysis. The results obtained indicate that mixing of MOW (34.1% +/- 0.3%) occurs mainly with overlying ENACW (57.1% +/-...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water masses; Geographic location/entity; Physical Meteorology and Climatology; North Atlantic Ocean; Entrainment; Circulation/ Dynamics; Mixing; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Climatology.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Temporal changes in the water mass distribution and transports along the 20 degrees W CAIBOX section (NE Atlantic) ArchiMer
Carracedo, Lidia; Pardo, P. C.; Villacieros-robineau, N.; De La Granda, F.; Gilcoto, M.; Perez, F.f..
The CAIBOX cruise was conducted from 25 July to 14 August 2009. Three consecutive transects (zonal, meridional, and transverse) formed a closed box to the west of the Strait of Gibraltar. This study aimed to analyze the thermohaline properties, volume transports, and water mass distributions (percentages) along the meridional section (30-41.5 degrees N, 20 degrees W). We identified the main geostrophic current (Azores Current) and its associated volume transport and interannual changes. Data from previous cruises (AZORES 1, A16N, CLIVAR, OACES, and CHAOS) with similar tracks were employed to compare with the CAIBOX meridional section. All but one (CHAOS) were summer cruises. We estimated a mean transport for the Azores Current at 20 degrees W of 9.3 +/-...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Northeast Atlantic; Azores Current; Water masses; Multiparametric mixing analysis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Trends of anthropogenic CO 2 along 20º W in the Iberian Basin ArchiMer
Fajar, N. M.; Pardo, P. C.; Carracedo, Lidia; Vazquez-rodriguez, M.; Rios, A. F.; Perez, Ff.
The carbon system in the water masses of the Iberian Basin (North Atlantic Ocean) has been affected over the last two decades by the increase in anthropogenic CO2 (C-ant). In order to study the storage of C-ant in the Iberian Basin, variables of the carbonic system (i.e., pH, total inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity), among others, were measured during the CAIBOX cruise conducted between July and August 2009 within the framework of the CAIBEX project (Shelf-Ocean Exchanges in the Canary-Iberian Large Marine Ecosystem). The storage of C-ant was estimated using two different back-calculation techniques (i.e., the phi C degrees(T) and TrOCA methods) and for six layers of the water column corresponding to the approximate locations of the characteristic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic CO2; Back-calculation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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