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Insect diversity, community composition and damage index on wild and cultivated murtilla 118
Chacón-Fuentes,Manuel A; Lizama,Marcelo G; Parra,Leonardo J; Seguel,Ivette E; Quiroz,Andrés E.
Plant domestication is a process in which plants’ chemical defenses that help them cope with herbivores might decline. Consequences of this process could be reflected in an increase in insect pests. Therefore, we carried out a survey to contrast the diversity, damage indexes and insect assemblages between cultivated and wild "Murtilla" (Ugni molinae) plants. The main scientific question put forward in this paper is as follows: Is there a decrease in diversity and an increase in both insect assemblages and damage indexes associated with the domestication process in U. molinae plants? The objective of this report was to compare the structure of a taxonomic assemblage collected in both wild and cultivated plants and their temporal variation over the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Damage index; Domestication; Insect diversity; Ugni molinae.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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