Alves, Yony Brugnolo; Costa, Gilberto Fernandes Da; Ribeiro, Joao Gabriel; Parre, Jose Luiz; Alves, Alexandre Florindo. |
O presente trabalho investigou, com as metodologias de causalidade segundo Granger e VECM, a relação entre o PIB Agropecuário brasileiro e as variáveis consumo de energia do setor, maquinário agrícola, rebanho bovino e produção de grãos no período de 1970 a 2005. O consumo de energia foi enfatizando devido à agropecuária ser produtora e consumidora desta. Os resultados apontam uma grande relação, no curto prazo, entre o PIB e o consumo de energia. Quando se considera o conjunto das variáveis encontrou-se evidência de causalidade segundo Granger, evidenciando a importância das variáveis selecionadas como variáveis explicativas do PIB agropecuário. --------------This study used Granger causality and VECM methodologies, to investigate the relationship between... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Energia; PIB Agropecuário; VECM; Causalidade segundo Granger; Energy; Agricultural GDP; VECM; Granger Causality; Agribusiness; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/108096 |
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Carneiro, Paula Tissiany; Parre, Jose Luiz. |
Based in concepts and models of “commercialization”, this work has as objective to analyze the transmissions of prices between producer, attacked and retail of the productive chain of the beans in the state of the Paraná, in the period of 1995/ 2003. For this, it was verified as the variable price was transmitted between the segments, esteem itself the edges and the causality direction enters the three sectors of market, that, together with the improvement of the final product, serve as indicating of efficiency in the distribution and commercialization of the product. In general way, the retail caused variations in the prices to the producer and attacked - causality confirmed for the application of model VAR - but that it did not represent an explosive... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Commercialization; Transmission of prices; Beans; Paraná; Marketing. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56740 |
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Parre, Jose Luiz; Bankuti, Sandra Mara Schiavi; Zanmaria, Nelito Antonio. |
The aim of this work is to characterize milk producers in Southwestern Paraná. It has been considered technical, technological, managerial, economic and social aspects. 202 producers have been interviewed, grouped into three distinct clusters, according to productivity levels. As results, milk producers in the region presented, on average, superior indicators when compared to data in Paraná, ratifying better organization and productive system in the region. Relevant differences among producers with different productivity levels could be pointed out. Low-productivity producers, in general, are more engaged in rural work, produce low volume of milk and work in milk activity for longer time, which can indicate path dependency. Besides that, higher percentage... |
Tipo: Article |
Palavras-chave: Milk chain; Milk productivity; Southwestern Paraná; Agribusiness. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/121299 |
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