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Estimates of Water-Column Nutrient Concentrations and Carbonate System Parameters in the Global Ocean: A Novel Approach Based on Neural Networks ArchiMer
Sauzede, Raphaelle; Claustre, Hervé; Bittig, Henry; Pasqueron De Fommervault, Orens; Gattuso, Jean-pierre; Legendre, Louis; Johnson, Kenneth S.
A neural network-based method (CANYON: CArbonate system and Nutrients concentration from hYdrological properties and Oxygen using a Neural-network) was developed to estimate water-column biogeochemically relevant variables in the Global Ocean. These are the concentrations of 3 nutrients [nitrate (NO3−), phosphate (PO43−) and silicate (Si(OH)4)] and 4 carbonate system parameters [total alkalinity (AT), dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), pH (pHT) and partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2)], which are estimated from concurrent in situ measurements of temperature, salinity, hydrostatic pressure and oxygen (O2) together with sampling latitude, longitude and date. Seven neural-networks were developed using the GLODAPv2 database, which is largely representative of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neural network; Nutrients; Carbonate system; Global ocean; GLODAPv2 database; Profiling floats.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Hydrography and biogeochemistry dedicated to the Mediterranean BGC-Argo network during a cruise with RV Tethys 2 in May 2015 ArchiMer
Taillandier, Vincent; Wagener, Thibaut; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Mayot, Nicolas; Legoff, Herve; Ras, Josephine; Coppola, Laurent; Pasqueron De Fommervault, Orens; Schmechtig, Catherine; Diamond, Emilie; Bittig, Henry; Lefevre, Dominique; Leymarie, Edouard; Poteau, Antoine; Prieur, Louis.
We report on data from an oceanographic cruise, covering western, central and eastern parts of the Mediterranean Sea, on the French research vessel Tethys 2 in May 2015. This cruise was fully dedicated to the maintenance and the metrological verification of a biogeochemical observing system based on a fleet of BGC-Argo floats. During the cruise, a comprehensive data set of parameters sensed by the autonomous network was collected. The measurements include ocean currents, seawater salinity and temperature, and concentrations of inorganic nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll pigments. The analytical protocols and data processing methods are detailed, together with a first assessment of the calibration state for all the sensors deployed during the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Processing Bio-Argo nitrate concentration at the DAC Level ArchiMer
Johnson, Ken; Pasqueron De Fommervault, Orens; Serra, Romain; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Schmechtig, Catherine; Claustre, Hervé; Poteau, Antoine.
The only method used to date to measure dissolved nitrate concentration (NITRATE) with sensors mounted on profiling floats is based on the absorption of light at ultraviolet wavelengths by nitrate ion (Johnson and Coletti, 2002; Johnson et al., 2010; 2013; D’Ortenzio et al., 2012). Nitrate has a modest UV absorption band with a peak near 210 nm, which overlaps with the stronger absorption band of bromide, which has a peak near 200 nm. In addition, there is a much weaker absorption due to dissolved organic matter and light scattering by particles (Ogura and Hanya, 1966). The UV spectrum thus consists of three components, bromide, nitrate and a background due to organics and particles. The background also includes thermal effects on the instrument and slow...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Seasonal dynamics and disturbance of phytoplankton biomass in the wake of Tahiti as observed by Biogeochemical-Argo floats ArchiMer
Sauzède, Raphaëlle; Martinez, Elodie; Pasqueron De Fommervault, Orens; Poteau, Antoine; Mignot, Alexandre; Maes, Christophe; Claustre, Hervé; Uitz, Julia; Maamaatuaiahutapu, Keitapu; Rodier, Martine; Schmechtig, Catherine; Laurent, Victoire.
The South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (SPSG) is a vast and remote area where large uncertainties on variability in phytoplankton biomass and production remain due to the lack of biogeochemical in situ observations. In such oligotrophic environments, ecosystems are predominantly controlled by nutrients depletion in surface waters. However, this oligotrophic character can be disturbed in the vicinity of islands where enhancement of biological activity is known to occur (i.e. the island mass effect, IME). This study mainly focuses on in situ observations showing that an IME can be evidenced leeward of Tahiti (17.7° S–149.5° W), French Polynesia. Concomitant physical and biogeochemical observations collected with two Biogeochemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) profiling...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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