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Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries ArchiMer
Queiroz, Nuno; Humphries, Nicolas E.; Couto, Ana; Vedor, Marisa; Da Costa, Ivo; Sequeira, Ana M. M.; Mucientes, Gonzalo; Santos, Antonio M; Abascal, Francisco J.; Abercrombie, Debra L.; Abrantes, Katya; Acuna-marrero, David; Afonso, Andre S.; Afonso, Pedro; Anders, Darrell; Araujo, Gonzalo; Arauz, Randall; Bach, Pascal; Barnett, Adam; Bernal, Diego; Berumen, Michael L.; Lion, Sandra Bessudo; Bezerra, Natalia P. A.; Blaison, Antonin V.; Block, Barbara A.; Bond, Mark E.; Bonfil, Ramon; Bradford, Russell W.; Braun, Camrin D.; Brooks, Edward J.; Brooks, Annabelle; Brown, Judith; Bruce, Barry D.; Byrne, Michael E.; Campana, Steven E.; Carlisle, Aaron B.; Chapman, Demian D.; Chapple, Taylor K.; Chisholm, John; Clarke, Christopher R.; Clua, Eric G.; Cochran, Jesse E. M.; Crochelet, Estelle C.; Dagorn, Laurent; Daly, Ryan; Cortes, Daniel Devia; Doyle, Thomas K.; Drew, Michael; Duffy, Clinton A. J.; Erikson, Thor; Espinoza, Eduardo; Ferreira, Luciana C.; Ferretti, Francesco; Filmalter, John D.; Fischer, G. Chris; Fitzpatrick, Richard; Fontes, Jorge; Forget, Fabien; Fowler, Mark; Francis, Malcolm P.; Gallagher, Austin J.; Gennari, Enrico; Goldsworthy, Simon D.; Gollock, Matthew J.; Green, Jonathan R.; Gustafson, Johan A.; Guttridge, Tristan L.; Guzman, Hector M.; Hammerschlag, Neil; Harman, Luke; Hazin, Fabio H. V.; Heard, Matthew; Hearn, Alex R.; Holdsworth, John C.; Holmes, Bonnie J.; Howey, Lucy A.; Hoyos, Mauricio; Hueter, Robert E.; Hussey, Nigel E.; Huveneers, Charlie; Irion, Dylan T.; Jacoby, David M. P.; Jewell, Oliver J. D.; Johnson, Ryan; Jordan, Lance K. B.; Jorgensen, Salvador J.; Joyce, Warren; Daly, Clare A. Keating; Ketchum, James T.; Klimley, A. Peter; Kock, Alison A.; Koen, Pieter; Ladino, Felipe; Lana, Fernanda O.; Lea, James S. E.; Llewellyn, Fiona; Lyon, Warrick S.; Macdonnell, Anna; Macena, Bruno C. L.; Marshall, Heather; Mcallister, Jaime D.; Mcauley, Rory; Meyer, Michael A.; Morris, John J.; Nelson, Emily R.; Papastamatiou, Yannis P.; Patterson, Toby A.; Penaherrera-palma, Cesar; Pepperell, Julian G.; Pierce, Simon J.; Poisson, Francois; Quintero, Lina Maria; Richardson, Andrew J.; Rogers, Paul J.; Rohner, Christoph A.; Rowat, David R. L.; Samoilys, Melita; Semmens, Jayson M.; Sheaves, Marcus; Shillinger, George; Shivji, Mahmood; Singh, Sarika; Skomal, Gregory B.; Smale, Malcolm J.; Snyders, Laurenne B.; Soler, German; Soria, Marc; Stehfest, Kilian M.; Stevens, John D.; Thorrold, Simon R.; Tolotti, Mariana T.; Towner, Alison; Travassos, Paulo; Tyminski, John P.; Vandeperre, Frederic; Vaudo, Jeremy J.; Watanabe, Yuuki Y.; Weber, Sam B.; Wetherbee, Bradley M.; White, Timothy D.; Williams, Sean; Zarate, Patricia M.; Harcourt, Robert; Hays, Graeme C.; Meekan, Mark G.; Thums, Michele; Irigoien, Xabier; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Sousa, Lara L.; Simpson, Samantha J.; Southall, Emily J.; Sims, David W..
Effective ocean management and the conservation of highly migratory species depend on resolving the overlap between animal movements and distributions, and fishing effort. However, this information is lacking at a global scale. Here we show, using a big-data approach that combines satellite-tracked movements of pelagic sharks and global fishing fleets, that 24% of the mean monthly space used by sharks falls under the footprint of pelagic longline fisheries. Space-use hotspots of commercially valuable sharks and of internationally protected species had the highest overlap with longlines (up to 76% and 64%, respectively), and were also associated with significant increases in fishing effort. We conclude that pelagic sharks have limited spatial refuge from...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Uncovering ecological state dynamics with hidden Markov models ArchiMer
Mcclintock, Brett T.; Langrock, Roland; Gimenez, Olivier; Cam, Emmanuelle; Borchers, David L.; Glennie, Richard; Patterson, Toby A.; Coulson, Tim.
Ecological systems can often be characterised by changes among a finite set of underlying states pertaining to individuals, populations, communities or entire ecosystems through time. Owing to the inherent difficulty of empirical field studies, ecological state dynamics operating at any level of this hierarchy can often be unobservable or ‘hidden’. Ecologists must therefore often contend with incomplete or indirect observations that are somehow related to these underlying processes. By formally disentangling state and observation processes based on simple yet powerful mathematical properties that can be used to describe many ecological phenomena, hidden Markov models (HMMs) can facilitate inferences about complex system state dynamics that might otherwise...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behavioural ecology; Community ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Hierarchical model; Movement ecology; Observation error; Population ecology; State-space model; Time series.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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