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Agricultural use of treated sewage effluents: agronomic and environmental implications and perspectives for Brazil Scientia Agricola
Fonseca,Adriel Ferreira da; Herpin,Uwe; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Victória,Reynaldo Luiz; Melfi,Adolpho José.
In many studies worldwide the use of treated sewage effluents (TSE) as water and nutrient sources in agricultural irrigation have been introduced as a viable alternative for wastewater destination in the environment. Considering agronomic and environmental aspects the objectives of this review were: (i) to present an overview of TSE irrigation on different agro-systems (annual crops, orchards, forests and forages); and (ii) to show the principal changes on chemical, physical and microbiological soil characteristics after TSE application. Various studies have revealed that the nutrient supply only by TSE irrigation was not sufficient to meet plant nutrient requirements resulting in yield decreases. The problem could be solved by an adapted...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wastewater; Water reuse; Nutrient source; Agriculture; Environmental impact.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Contaminação do solo com antraceno e creosoto e o crescimento vegetal e a colonização micorrízica pelo Glomus etunicatum Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Siqueira,José Oswaldo de; Soares,Claúdio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa.
A contaminação do solo por compostos orgânicos, especialmente os hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) de petróleo, é um problema crescente e que traz graves conseqüências ambientais. Para avaliar os impactos causados por esses compostos, torna-se necessário conhecer seus efeitos sobre as plantas e a microbiota rizosférica associada. No presente estudo avaliaram-se os efeitos de antraceno e creosoto no crescimento e na colonização micorrízica de Brachiaria brizantha e Pueraria phaseoloides. Antraceno e creosoto foram aplicados a um solo infestado com o fungo micorrízico Glomus etunicatum, sendo: antraceno nas concentrações de 0; 0,25; 0,5; 0,75 e 1 g kg-1 solo; e creosoto nas concentrações de 0; 0,5; 1; 2 e 3 g kg-1 solo. O solo com os tratamentos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HAPs; Fungos do solo; Micorrizas arbusculares; Fitorremediação.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Maize Productivity, Mycorrhizal Assessment, Chemical and Microbiological Soil Attributes Influenced by Maize-Forage Grasses Intercropping BABT
Méndez,Daniel Fernando Salas; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Ramos,Maria Lucrécia Gerosa; Busato,Jader Galba.
Abstract Mycorrhizae are important components of agroecosystems and the diversification of crops stimulates the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the participation of symbiosis in plant growth. This experiment examined mycorrhizal assessment, chemical and microbiological soil attributes in a maize-forage grasses intercropping compared to a maize-monocropping system. A complete randomized block design was used with crop systems installed under no-till management with three replicates, as follow: Maize (Zea mays L.); Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana; Urochloa humidicola (Rendle.) Schweickerdt.; Maize-P. maximum intercropping and Maize-U. humidicola intercropping. In 2015/2016 season, intercropping maize with Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cropping systems; Arbuscular mycorrhiza; Tropical soils; Grain crops.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Nitrogênio, carbono e compactação do solo como fatores limitantes do processo de recuperação de matas ciliares Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Vasconcellos,Rafael Leandro de Figueiredo; Bini,Daniel; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Andrade,Joice Bonfim; Cardoso,Elke Jurandy Bran Nogueira.
A recuperação de áreas de floresta, principalmente de matas ciliares, tornou-se fator-chave para a adequação ambiental da agricultura, com o propósito de proteger os recursos hídricos e a biota. Entretanto, o cultivo agrícola tradicional, além de ter alterado a ciclagem de nutrientes com a perda de matéria orgânica, biomassa e atividade microbiana, causou também a compactação do solo, o que influencia a posterior implantação de reflorestamentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar quais atributos do solo (físicos, químicos e microbiológicos) mais influenciam o teor de C, N, P e umidade da serapilheira em áreas de mata ciliar com diferentes idades de recuperação (20, 10 e cinco anos), em comparação com uma área nativa (NT). A partir da ANOVA e dos...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atividades da desidrogenase e urease; Biomassa microbiana; Ciclagem de nutrientes; Compactação do solo; Recuperação de áreas degradadas.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Soil health: looking for suitable indicators. What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health? Scientia Agricola
Cardoso,Elke Jurandy Bran Nogueira; Vasconcellos,Rafael Leandro Figueiredo; Bini,Daniel; Miyauchi,Marina Yumi Horta; Santos,Cristiane Alcantara dos; Alves,Paulo Roger Lopes; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Nakatani,André Shigueyoshi; Pereira,Jamil de Moraes; Nogueira,Marco Antonio.
Soil Health refers to the ecological equilibrium and the functionality of a soil and its capacity to maintain a well balanced ecosystem with high biodiversity above and below surface, and productivity. To understand and use soil health as a tool for sustainability, physical, chemical, and biological properties must be employed to verify which respond to the soil use and management within a desired timescale. Attributes with a rapid response to natural or anthropogenic actions are considered good indicators of soil health. Among the physical indicators, soil texture, aggregation, moisture, porosity, and bulk density have been used, while among chemical indicators total C and N, mineral nutrients, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, among others are...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Land-use; Microbial community; Soil fauna; Soil quality; Sustainability.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Soil quality indicators under management systems in a Quilombola community in the Brazilian Cerrado Scientia Agricola
Silva,Antonio Marcos Miranda; Ramos,Maria Lucrecia Gerosa; Nascimento,Robervone Severina de Melo Pereira do; Silva,Alberto do Nascimento; Silva,Stefany Braz; Cardoso,Elke Jurandy Bran Nogueira; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de.
ABSTRACT: Soil management systems exert different effects on soil attributes, especially on the organic matter content, and, consequently, the soil aggregation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different land uses practiced by quilombola family farmers on water stable aggregates, glomalin and organic carbon in soil aggregates. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm from areas cultivated under the following management systems: 1) conventional corn plantation (MA), 2) cultivation of citrus trees intercropped with annual crops (AC) (a conservationist approach), 3) pasture of Brachiaria (Urochloa spp.) (PA), and, as reference, an area of the Cerrado (CR) free of any anthropogenic interference. The studied areas were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rhodic Hapludox; Water-stable aggregates; Soil protein; Quilombo.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Water type and irrigation time effects on microbial metabolism of a soil cultivated with Bermuda-grass Tifton 85 BABT
Nogueira,Sandra Furlan; Paula,Alessandra Monteiro de; Pereira,Bruno Fernando Faria; Salemi,Luiz Felippe; Fonseca,Adriel Ferreira da; Montes,Célia Regina; Victoria,Reynaldo Luiz.
This study investigated the microbial metabolism in Bermuda-grass Tifton 85 areas after potable-water and effluent irrigation treatments. The experiment was carried out in Lins/SP with samples taken in the rainy and dry seasons (2006) after one year and three years of irrigation management, and set up on an entirely randomized block design with four treatments: C (control, without irrigation or fertilization), PW (potable water + 520 kg of N ha-1 year-1); TE3 and TE0 (treated effluent + 520 kg of N ha-1 year-1) for three years and one year, respectively. The parameters determined were: microbial biomass carbon, microbial activity, and metabolic quotient. Irrigation with wastewater after three years indicated no alteration in soil quality for C and ET3; for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Reuse; Irrigated agriculture; Microbial respiration; Cmic; QCO2.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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