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A Guatemalan Soycow Cooperative: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts? 31
Blumthal, Meredith; Micheels, Eric T.; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Farrell, Rhett C..
Teaching Notes available upon request:; Author video:
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Soycow; Cooperative; Guatemala; Teaching case; Agribusiness; Q10.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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A Spatial Approach to Addressing Weather Derivative Basis Risk: A Drought Insurance Example 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Hart, Chad E..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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An Insurance Approach to Risk Management in the Ethanol Industry 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A.; Hart, Chad E.; Hayes, Dermot J..
The vast majority of crop and revenue insurance policies sold in the United States are single-crop policies that insure against low yields or revenues for each crop grown on the farm. But, increasingly, producer income is based more on the value of crops that have been converted into a value-added product such as ethanol. Moreover, the recent increases in energy and com-modity price levels and volatilities emphasize the importance of risk management to ethanol investors. This paper uses an insurance approach to outline a risk management tool which mimics the gross margin level of a typical corn-based ethanol plant. The gross margin, pre-mium, and indemnity levels are calculated on a per bushel basis to enable producers/investors to utilize the product...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Corn-based ethanol; Insurance; Risk management; Correlation; Monte Carlo; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bank Failures In The Financial Crisis And Agricultural Banks 31
Nam, Sangjeong; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Ellinger, Paul N..
Replaced with revised version of poster 6/30/11.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Marketing Contract Structures 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Katchova, Ani L.; Lence, Sergio H..
Initial draft replaced by updated/revised version. This is an electronic version of a journal article, please cite as: Paulson, N.D., A.L. Katchova, and S.H. Lence. “An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Marketing Contract Structures for Corn and Soybeans.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 8(2010), 4: 1-23.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evaluating Yield Models for Crop Insurance Rating 31
Lanoue, Christopher; Sherrick, Bruce J.; Woodard, Joshua D.; Paulson, Nicholas D..
Generated crop insurance rates depend critically on the distributional assumptions of the underlying crop yield loss model. Using farm level corn yield data from 1972-2008, we revisit the problem of examining in-sample goodness-of-fit measures across a set of flexible parametric, semi-parametric, and non-parametric distributions. Simulations are also conducted to investigate the out-of-sample efficiency properties of several competing distributions. The results indicate that more parameterized distributional forms fit the data better in-sample due to the fact that they have more parameters, but are generally less efficient out-of-sample–and in some cases more biased–than more parsimonious forms which also fit the data adequately, such as the Weibull. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Yield distributions; Crop Insurance; Weibull Distribution; Beta Distribution; Mixture Distribution; Out-of-Sample Efficiency; Goodness-of-Fit; Insurance Rating Efficiency; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Expected Payments and Considerations for the New ACRE Program 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Schnitkey, Gary D..
The 2008 Farm Bill provided an option for receiving commodity program payments through existing programs or a new revenue-based alternative – the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) program. ACRE is a state-level revenue program which, if elected, replaces the price-based countercyclical program. Enrollment requires the forfeiture of 20 percent of a producer’s direct payments and reduces loan rates by 30 percent. This article provides estimates of long-term expected ACRE payments for corn, soybean, and wheat acres across a variety of states. Within the cornbelt, expected ACRE payments are similar across regions for each of the crops considered, and will likely exceed the required reduction in direct payments. Outside of the cornbelt, expected ACRE...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Get a GRIP: Should Area Revenue Coverage Be Offered through the Farm Bill or as a Crop Insurance Program? 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A..
The successful expansion of the U.S. crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by members of Congress and others in preparation of the 2007 farm bill is to simply remove the "ad hoc" part of disaster assistance programs by creating a standing program that would automatically funnel aid to hard-hit regions and crops. One form such a program could take can be found in the area yield and area revenue insurance programs currently offered by the U.S. crop insurance program. The Group Risk Plan (GRP) and Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) programs automatically trigger payments when county yields or revenues, respectively, fall below a producer-elected coverage level. The per-acre taxpayer...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Area revenue insurance; Commodity programs; Crop insurance; Group Risk Income Protection; Agricultural and Food Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Get a Grip: Should Area Revenue Coverage Be Offered Through the Farm Bill or as a Crop Insurance Program? 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A..
The successful expansion of the U.S crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by Congress in preparation of the 2008 farm bill is a standing disaster relief program. One form such a program could take can be found in the area insurance programs currently offered by the U.S crop insurance program. Total per acre taxpayer costs of offering Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa for corn and soybeans are estimated to have the ability to fund a country target revenue program at the 93% coverage level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Area insurance; Commodity programs; Crop insurance; Farm bill; Group Risk Income Protection; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Get a GRIP: Should Area Revenue Coverage be Offered through the Farm Bill or as a Crop Insurance Program? 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A..
The successful expansion of the U.S. crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by members of Congress and others in preparation of the 2007 farm bill is to simply remove the “ad hoc” part of disaster assistance programs by creating a standing program that would automatically funnel aid to hard-hit regions and crops. One form such a program could take can be found in the area yield and area revenue insurance programs currently offered by the U.S. crop insurance program. The Group Risk Plan (GRP) and Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) programs automatically trigger payments when county yields or revenues, respectively, fall below a producer-elected coverage level. The per-acre taxpayer...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A.; Hart, Chad E.; Hayes, Dermot J..
A wide variety of insurance products is available to agricultural producers to insure against yield or price risks in the markets for the raw commodities they produce. Value-added enterprises, such as ethanol production, have been expanding over the last decade. This paper outlines the development of an insurance product aimed at corn producers who are members of an ethanol production cooperative. The product has the potential to provide these producers with a new and useful risk management tool to insure against price risks in the markets for corn, distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), ethanol, and natural gas. Monte Carlo analysis is used to develop fair premiums at various coverage levels. A historical correlation structure is imposed on the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Correlations; Ethanol; Insurance; Risk management; Value-added agriculture; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Measurement of Farm Credit Risk: SUR Model and Simulation Approach 31
Yan, Yan; Barry, Peter J.; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Schnitkey, Gary D..
The study addresses problems in measuring credit risk under the structure model, and then proposes a seemingly unrelated regression model (SUR) to predict farms’ ability in meeting their current and anticipated obligations in the next 12 months. The empirical model accounts for both the dependence structure and the dynamic feature of the structure model, and is used for estimating asset correlation using FBFM data for 1995-2004. Farm credit risk is then predicted by copula based simulation process with historical default rates as benchmark. Results are reported and compared to previous studies on farm default.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Credit Risk Measurement; Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model; Simulation; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Readdressing the Fertilizer Problem 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A..
The production literature has shown that inputs such as fertilizer can be defined as risk-increasing. However, farmers also consistently overapply nitrogen. A model of optimal input use under uncertainty is used to address this paradox. Using experimental data, a stochastic production relationship between yield and soil nitrate is estimated. Numerical results show that input uncertainty may cause farmers to overapply nitrogen. Survey data suggest that farmers are risk averse, but prefer small chances of high yields compared to small chances of crop failures when expected yields are equivalent. Furthermore, yield risk and yield variability are not equivalent.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Corn; Nitrogen fertilizer; Risk-increasing; Yield risk; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Risk and Incentives: A Not-So-Tenuous Trade-off 31
Kirwan, Barrett E.; Paulson, Nicholas D..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Spatial Analysis of Illinois Agricultural Cash Rents 31
Woodard, Shannon; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Baylis, Katherine R.; Woodard, Joshua D..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Spatial Approaches to Panel Data in Agricultural Economics: A Climate Change Application 31
Baylis, Katherine R.; Paulson, Nicholas D.; Piras, Gianfranco.
Panel data are used in almost all subfields of the agricultural economics profession. Furthermore, many research areas have an important spatial dimension. This article discusses some of the recent contributions made in the evolving theoretical and empirical literature on spatial econometric methods for panel data. We then illustrate some of these tools within a climate change application using a hedonic model of farmland values and panel data. Estimates for the model are provided across a range of nonspatial and spatial estimators, including spatial error and spatial lag models with fixed and random effects extensions. Given the importance of location and extensive use of panel data in many subfields of agricultural economics, these recently developed...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Panel data; Spatial econometrics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C33; Q10; Q54.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Effects of Uncertainty and Contract Structure in Specialty Grain Markets 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Babcock, Bruce A..
The increase in vertical integration in agriculture has been motivated by many factors including the evolving demand of consumers as well as factors specific to agricultural markets (i.e. production and price uncertainty and farm policy). The literature on agricultural contracts has focused more on contracting in the livestock sector relative to crop production under contract, most likely due to the fact that contracting in livestock production has been historically more prevalent. However, crop production under contract has also realized extensive growth, especially in the markets for crops with specialty traits. This paper provides a theoretical model of a contracting relationship between a risk-neutral monopsonistic processor of a specialty crop and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marketing.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Growth and Direction of the Biodiesel Industry in the United States 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Ginder, Roger G..
The biodiesel industry in the United States has realized significant growth over the past decade through large increases in annual production and production capacity and a transition from smaller batch plants to larger-scale continuous producers. The larger, continuous-flow plants provide operating cost advantages over the smaller batch plants through their ability to capture co-products and reuse certain components in the production process. This paper uses a simple capital budgeting model developed by the authors along with production data supplied by industry sources to estimate production costs, return-on-investment levels, and break-even conditions for two common plant sizes (30 and 60 million gallon annual capacities) over a range of biodiesel and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Biofuels; Feedstock; Production costs; Return on investment; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Growth and Direction of the Biodiesel Industry in the US 31
Ginder, Roger G.; Paulson, Nicholas D..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Relationship Between the ACRE Program and Crop Insurance (PowerPoint) 31
Paulson, Nicholas D.; Schnitkey, Gary D.; Zulauf, Carl R..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: ACRE program; Crop insurance; Risk; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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