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Behavior, performance and physiological parameters of pigs reared in deep bedding 70
Caldara,Fabiana R.; Rosa,Poliana S. G.; Ferreira,Rony A.; Reis,Nayana M. de O.; Nääs,Irenilza de A.; Paz,Ibiara C. de L. A.; Garcia,Rodrigo G.; Ferreira,Viviane M. O. dos S..
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the behavior, performance and physiological parameters of pigs in different production systems. Twenty four animals in the growth phase were distributed in a randomized block design in three treatments: T1 - concrete floor, T2 - deep bedding with wood shaving, and T3 - deep bedding with coffee husks. The behavioral study was carried out by observing the animal behavior for an uninterrupted period of eight hours throughout seven weeks. The proportions of time spent in each behavior were characterized using the frequency histogram composition. Environmental (IBGTH), physiological (rectal and skin temperature and respiratory rate) and performance (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) parameters were measured in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environment; Animal welfare; Coffee husks; Wood shaving; Swine production.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Light emitting diode (LED) use in artificial lighting for broiler chicken production 70
Santana,Mayara R. de; Garcia,Rodrigo G.; Naas,Irenilza de A.; Paz,Ibiara C. de L. A.; Caldara,Fabiana R.; Barreto,Bruna.
Light emitting diode (LED) has been used in commercial poultry industry by presenting superior energy savings and providing feasibility on production process. The objective of this research was to evaluate performance and carcass yield of broiler chickens exposed to different LED colors compared with fluorescent lamps. For that, two experiments (E1 and E2) were performed and 2,646 Cobb® chickens were used. In experiment E1, male birds were exposed to 20 lux artificial lighting with red, yellow, blue, and white LED bulbs; and fluorescent bulb. In experiment E2, male and female birds were exposed to 15 lux artificial lighting with red and blue LED bulbs; and fluorescent bulb. Cumulative weight gain (kg), feed intake (kg), feed conversion, hot carcass weight...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Poultry; Production; Artificial lighting.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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