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Alleyway groundcover management and scab resistant apple varieties Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Bertelsen, Marianne.
The use of scab resistant apple varieties is the best way to prevent infections of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). In 1995 the then 10 most promising resistant apple varieties for Denmark where planted at Research Centre Årslev, Denmark in an organic production system. Three different cover crops where established in the alleyways. Weed cleaning in the tree row was done mechanically and the trees were kept unfertilised. The annual shoot growth, nutrients in leaf sample, mineralised nitrogen in soil, content of water in the upper 50 cm soil, fruit yield and fruit quality were assessed. The annual cover crop caused the longest shoot growth, the highest content of nitrogen in leaves and soil, the smallest competition with the trees concerning soil water...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Alleyway groundcover management and scab resistant apple varieties Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Bertelsen, Marianne.
The use of scab resistant apple varieties is the best way to prevent infections of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). In 1995 the then 10 most promising resistant apple varieties for Denmark where planted at Research Centre Årslev, Denmark in an organic production system. Three different covercrops where established in the alleyways. Weed cleaning in the tree row was done mechanically and the trees were kept unfertilised. The annual shoot growth, nutrients in leaf sample, mineralised nitrogen in soil, content of water in the upper 50 cm soil, fruit yield and fruit quality were assessed. The annual covercrop caused the longest shoot growth, the highest content of nitrogen in leaves and soil, the smallest competition with the trees concerning soil water and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan planteekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? Organic Eprints
Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans J.Lyngs; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørbæk, Rikke; Paaske, Klaus.
Der er et stort behov for at finde alternative muligheder til at bekæmpe æbleskurv i økologisk æbledyrkning, da de fleste tilgængelige metoder, inklusive sprøjtning med svovl, kun har ringe effekt. I det danske samarbejdsprojekt ”StopScab” mellem Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole og Danmarks JordbrugsForskning undersøges planteekstrakter, essentielle olier, biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer og midler, der aktiverer plantens egne resistensmekanismer (induceret resistens) for deres effektivitet mod æbleskurv.
Tipo: Web product Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan planteekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? Organic Eprints
Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans Jørgen Lyngs; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørbæk, Rikke; Paaske, Klaus.
Der er et stort behov for at finde alternative muligheder til at bekæmpe æbleskurv i økologisk æbledyrkning, da de fleste tilgængelige metoder, inklusive sprøjtning med svovl, kun har ringe effekt. I det danske samarbejdsprojekt "StopScab" mellem den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole og Danmarks JordbrugsForskning undersøges planteekstrakter, essentielle olier, biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer og midler, der aktiverer plantens egne resistensmekanismer (induceret resistens) for deres effektivitet mod æbleskurv.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan plantekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Nørbæk, Rikke; Paaske, Klaus.
Der er stort behov for at finde alternative muligheder til at bekæmpe æbleskurv i økologisk æbledyrkning, da de fleste tilgængelige metoder, inklusive sprøjtning med svovl, kun har ringe effekt. I det danske samarbejdsprojekt "StopScab" mellem Den Kgl. Veterinær- & Landbohøjskole og Danmarks JordbrugsForskning undersøges planteekstrakter, essentielle olier, biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer og midler, der aktiverer plantens egne resistensmekanismer (induceret resistens) for deres effektivitet mod æbleskurv.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Soil.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Contributions of EU-project REPCO to apple scab control Organic Eprints
Köhl, Jürgen; Heijne, Bart; Hockenhull, John; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Trapman, Marc; Eiben, Ute; Tamm, Lucius.
The objective of REPCO is to contribute to the replacement of copper fungicides in organic agriculture by new measures for control of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in grapevine and scab (Venturia inaequalis) in apple. Both major European organic crops strongly depend on copper fungicides. Permitted amounts will be reduced stepwise during the following years (Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91, Annex II) to avoid environmental risks. In European countries where copper fungicides are already out of use, production of organic apples suffers severe economical problems because of insufficient scab control. Potentiators of resistance, organically based fungicides and biocontrol agents are screened and evaluated in apple. Effects of crop management...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Covercrops in Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard.
With the objective to identify the effect of soil cultivation and nitrogen supply in organic production of blackcurrant a field trial was planted autumn 1996 under unsprayed conditions. The bush rows were cleaned mechanically for weed, and cover crops were established in the alleyways. During establishment all four cover crops gave a sufficient nitrogen supply. The level of nitrogen in soil and the growth were smallest in the annual sown cover crop. Miniritzotrons were used to follow blackcurrant root growth in total mechanical cleaned plots and plots with sown alleyways. The maximum root dept of blackcurrants of 125 cm were obtained direct under the bush in autumn 1998, whereas the roots only were present down to 40 cm 1.5 meters from the centre of the...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Evaluation of 14 Old Unsprayed Apple Varieties Organic Eprints
Kühn, Birka Falk; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard.
The performance of 14 old apple varieties planted in three experimental plots was evaluated over four or five seasons. The yield and fruit size were recorded on conventionally grown trees. The level of disease and pests on trees and fruits was estimated in an organically grown unsprayed plot, and the eating quality was evaluated in an unsprayed experimental plot. Large differences in yield and fruit size were found between varieties. It was demonstrated that Holsteiner Cox was the only variety that combined high yield, good fruit size and good eating quality with an acceptably low susceptibility to disease. Most varieties had poor eating quality. ‘Holsteiner Cox’ had a medium susceptibility to canker and powdery mildew, while susceptibility to apple scab...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Forskning i økologisk frugt og bær Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard.
Institut for Fødevarer, Aarhus Universitet råder over 8 ha til forskning i økologisk frugt og bær. Arealet indeholder forsøg med hindbær og brombær i tunnel, samt solbær og æbler.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Kyllinger gør ikke så megen forskel Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard.
Mindre røde æbler var en af de synlige konsekvenser af at have kyllinger i æbleplantagen. Kombinationsproduktion af slagtekyllinger og frugtdyrkning er kendt men ikke særligt udbredt. De seneste to somre har vi lavet forsøg med slagtekyllinger i en æbleplantage på Fejø Forsøgsplantage som led i et QEMP-projekt under ICROFS. De foreløbige resultater viser, at kyllingernes tilstedeværelse kun har haft begrænset effekt på æbleproduktionen, men det endelige billede tegner sig først, når projektet slutter næste år, og man kan se eventuelle eftervirkninger af kyllingerne.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler Organic Eprints
Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Collinge, David B.; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørgaard, Rikke; Larsen, Erik; Paaske, Klaus.
Brochuren præsenterer FØJO II projektet StopScab: Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv. I projektet afprøves potentielle alternative bekæmpelsesmidler (planteekstrakter, olier og biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer)for deres bekæmpelseseffekt overfor æbleskurv (Venturia inaequalis) i laboratorie, vækstkammer og plantage. Udvalgte midler undersøges nærmere for deres virkemekanismer.
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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New fungicides for apple scab control in organic growing Organic Eprints
Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Hockenhull, John.
In the future control of apple scab in organic apple growing could be based on the use of natural fungicides like plant extracts and oils. Current projects are testing this idea.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Nye løsninger sikrer fremtidig vækst i økologisk æbledyrkning Organic Eprints
Williams, Michelle; Bertelsen, Marianne; Sigsgaard, Lene; Andersen, Lillie; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Jørgensen, Rasmus Nyholm; Bertelsen, Keld; Korsgaard, Maren.
Den danske produktion af æbler er lille og ustabil på grund af udbytte- og kvalitetstab forårsaget af skadedyr og sygdomsangreb. Projektet FruitGrowth fokuserer på nogle af de vigtigste problemstillinger for at reducere tab i æbleproduktionen.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Crop husbandry Food systems Fruit and berries Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management Environmental aspects Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Nye løsninger sikrer fremtidig vækst i økologisk æbledyrkning Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Williams, Michelle; Bertelsen, Marianne; Andersen, Lillie; Paaske, Klaus; Sigsgaard, Lene; Korsgaard, Mare; Jørgensen, Rasmus Nyholm; Bertelsen, Keld.
Den danske produktion af æbler er lille og ustabil pga. udbytte- og kvalitetstab forårsaget af skadedyr og sygdomme.Projektet FruitGrowth fokuserer på robuste sorter, nye innovative metoder til ukrudtsbekæmpelse og ny lagringsteknologi. Der arbejdes med løsninger på kort og langt sigt for de alvorligste skadevoldere, bl.a. nyttedyr i blomsterbræmmer og naturstoffer til bekæmpelse.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Crop husbandry Fruit and berries Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Nye midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler Organic Eprints
Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Jørgensen, Hans J.Lyngs; Hockenhull, John.
Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl kan måske i fremtiden baseres på alternative midler som planteekstrakter og olier. Effektiviteten af alternative midler undersøges i FØJO projektet StopScab, og arbejdet fortsætter i et nyt EU-projekt.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Phenolic compounds and disease resistance of 5 blackcurrant varieties in an organic growing system Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Iversen, C.K.; Brandt, Kirsten.
The field resistance and the concentration of phenolic compounds of five black currant varieties grown under organic conditions were compared Significant differences between varieties were seen for all of seven quantified hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives The variety 'Intercontinental' clearly contained the highest level of hydroxycinnamlc acid esters and at the same time was the most resistant variety There seems to be a connection between the content of a caffeoyl-di-quinic acid ester and coumaryl-quinic acid ester and disease resistance under field conditions The effect of four different growing conditions was much less evident Analysis of the content of these phenolic acids might be a tool to help choosing the disease resistant varieties that are...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Plant Biomarker Pattern, Apples grown with various availability of organic nitrogen and with or witout the use of pesticides Organic Eprints
Ravn, Helle Weber; Christensen, Trine F.; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Brandt, Kirsten; Diedrichsen, Birgitte; Kristensen, Charlotte V.; Jensen, Anders K.; Husted, Carina L.; Andersen, Jan Buch.
In the recent years there has been an increasing focus on the quality and health value of organic plant products compared with conventional products. The use of pesticides and concentrated fertilisers in conventional agriculture implies a risk of effects on plant composition, which may affect health of the consumer (Brandt & Mølgaard, 2001). To determine if organically grown plant food could provide more or less benefits to health than conventional food, a first step is to investigate the differences in the composition and relative concentration of natural compounds in the plant products. In this project apples were grown with two levels of nitrogen availability and with or without the use of pesticides. The apples were screened for changes in the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Soil treatments and rootstocks for organic apple production. Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Pedersen, Birgitte.
6 different soil treatments: Mechanical weeding to the middle of the alleyway, mechanical weeding using 3 different equipments Clemens, Humus and a dish harrow, Soil covering with wheat straw and natural vegetation were combined with 3 rootstocks: M9, J9 and M26 to find the best combination for the apple variety ‘Retina’. The trees were planted in the winter 1997/1998, only sprayed at primary RIMpro warnings and drip irrigated. The tree growth, nutrient content of the leaves in august, yield and fruit quality were determined. The rootstock J9 had the highest yield and the biggest amount marketable fruit. Mechanical cleaning to the middle of the alleyways, tree row weed control using Humus or soil covering with straw gave the highest yield and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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