Registros recuperados: 23 | |
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Williams, Galen S.; Raper, Kellie Curry; DeVuyst, Eric A.; Peel, Derrell S.; McKinney, Doug. |
Many value-added practices cannot be observed by feeder cattle buyers. Third-party verification can decrease market inefficiency associated with this asymmetric information. We evaluate the effectiveness of a verification program, the Oklahoma Quality Beef Network, in increasing received prices. We estimate the value of verification, weaning, vaccinating, certification and phenotypic traits of feeder cattle at Oklahoma auctions. Results indicate that the OQBN program adds $2.39 to $5.74/cwt. Vaccinating calves adds $1.44/cwt, and weaning calves adds $2.05/cwt. Differential values for lot size, average weight, hide color, frame size, conditioning, Brahman influence, gender and other characteristics are also reported. |
Tipo: Article |
Palavras-chave: Feeder cattle; Preconditioning; Value-added marketing; Agribusiness; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/122309 |
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Chung, Chanjin; Zhang, Tong; Peel, Derrell S.. |
The study examines the impacts of implementing mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) on producer and consumer welfare in the U.S. meat industry. The equilibrium displacement model developed in this study includes twenty-nine equations representing retail-, processing-, and farm-level equilibrium conditions for the beef, pork, and chicken industries. Unlike previous studies, the model allows trade between domestic- and foreign-origin products and considers the imperfectly competitive market structure of meat processers. Empirical results show that without a significant increase in domestic meat demand, producers are not expected to benefit from the mandatory COOL implementation. Results of a sensitivity analysis indicate that consumers tend to bear... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Checkoff; Country of origin labeling; Imperfect competition; Price elasticity; Marketing. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/59255 |
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Anderson, John D.; Ward, Clement E.; Koontz, Stephen R.; Peel, Derrell S.; Trapp, James N.. |
Federal budgetary pressures raise questions regarding the importance of public market information. This study assesses the impact of price discovery and production efficiency of reducing public price and quantity information. The amount and type of information provided to Fed Cattle Market Simulator (FCMS) participants was varied by periodically withholding current and weekly summary information according to a predetermined experimental design. Results show that reducing information increased price variance and decreased marketing efficiency; that is, more cattle were delivered at weights deviating from 1,150 pounds- the least-cost marketing weight in the simulator. These factors, which increase costs, make the industry less competitive. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis; Marketing. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/31170 |
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Johnson, Rachel J.; Doye, Damona G.; Lalman, David L.; Peel, Derrell S.; Raper, Kellie Curry; Chung, Chanjin. |
Binary logit regression models were used to estimate factors affecting adoption of recommended management practices. Variables analyzed include aspects of farm structure, human capital, farm objectives, and production system employed by the producer. Results reveal that operation size and dependency upon income from the stocker operation, in particular, influence the adoption of recommended practices. Older producers and those pursuing a year-round production strategy were found to lag in adoption. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Beef production; Logit; Management practices; Stocker cattle; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Industrial Organization; Labor and Human Capital; Livestock Production/Industries; Q12; Q16. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/57153 |
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Hogan, Robert J., Jr.; Carlberg, Jared G.; Ward, Clement E.; Peel, Derrell S.. |
Prices for Choice and Select grade fed cattle are derived from wholesale and retail beef markets. Choice-Select price discounts are a key component of fed cattle pricing, whether packers purchase fed cattle on a live weight, dressed weight, or grid. This study identifies supply, demand, and other factors affecting the Choice-Select discount series using an adaptive expectations model. It is found that the lagged value of the discount as well as the percentage grading Choice exert statistically significant influences on the discount, while neither the boxed beef price nor seasonality affect the discount. |
Tipo: Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Choice-Select discount; Marketing; Prices; Quality; Demand and Price Analysis; Marketing. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/119814 |
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Duke, Jason C.; Epplin, Francis M.; Vitale, Jeffrey D.; Peel, Derrell S.. |
Winter wheat may be grown in the Southern Plains either to produce grain only, or as a dual-purpose crop to produce both fall-winter forage and grain. The objective of the research is to determine expected net returns for both production systems. The estimated expected net value of the dualpurpose system stocked with steers with an initial weight of 450 pounds is from $38 to $92 per acre greater than that of the grain-only system. The economic success of dual-purpose wheat depends on a number of management factors including stocking density. |
Tipo: Article |
Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/118948 |
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Parker, Ruslyn; Doye, Damona G.; Ward, Clement E.; Peel, Derrell S.; McGrann, James M.; Falconer, Lawrence L.. |
In this study, cow/calf Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) data for Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico are used to analyze how total cost, production, and profitability are affected by management choices. Total cost is the financial cost associated with raising a calf through the weaning stage; profits are measured using the rate of return on assets; production is determined by pounds weaned per exposed female. Variables such as herd size, pounds of feed fed, calving percentage, death loss, length of breeding season and investment in asset groups are used in regressions. Key factors contributing to a cow/calf operation's costs, production, and profitability are identified. |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/34776 |
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Lyford, Conrad P.; Hicks, R. Todd; Ward, Clement E.; Trapp, James N.; Peel, Derrell S.. |
The increased amount of contracting in many agricultural markets continues to be a source of considerable controversy. Some research indicates that increased levels of contracting lead to better prices for processors/users while other research is inconclusive. This article uses an experimental economics approach to study the effects on prices of systematic variations in contracting levels using an experimental model of the fed cattle market. Using experimental economics allowed the control of contracting levels and other variables (e.g. supply levels) that are not possible using industry data. Pricing dynamics changed considerably with increased levels of contracting, but the mean price level was found to be not related to contracting levels. The... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Marketing. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/20535 |
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Registros recuperados: 23 | |