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Path Dependence, Institutions and the Density of Economic Activities: Evidence from Italian Cities AgEcon
Percoco, Marco.
In recent years a growing body of literature has begun to consider the possible presence of path dependence in the development processes of countries. This phenomenon has always been recognized in regional and urban studies because the path of development almost naturally follows a history-dependent spatial diffusion influenced by both physical geography and the quality of institutions. In this paper, I consider the case of firm concentration in Italy and its impact on local development. A large and growing literature has argued in favour of persisting effects of past institutions on current outcomes. Hence, in order to identify the impact of firm density on income, I use instruments from the history of a set of Italian cities: namely the presence of a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Path dependence; Urban development; Geography; Institutions; Firm density; Community/Rural/Urban Development; O18; R12.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Fight Against Geography: Malaria and Economic Development in Italian Regions AgEcon
Percoco, Marco.
Geography has long been considered as a fundamental prerequisite for economic development and growth. In recent years, a growing number of papers have considered the role of physical geography as a determinant of regional growth and development by considering it as a source of “intrinsic advantage”. Malaria is considered to be strictly related to poverty and its geographically-related origin is now widely recognized, i.e. it is endemic only in certain areas of the globe whose environmental and climatic characteristics are ideal for the proliferation of mosquitoes which are the vector for the transmission of the disease. The World Health Organization is currently setting a series of policies aiming to eradicate the disease from Africa, with the specific...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Geography; Regional Growth; Malaria; Political Economy; J100; N300; O100; R100.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Urban Transport Policies and the Environment: Evidence from Italy AgEcon
Percoco, Marco.
The paper reviews urban transport policies in Italian cities and their impact on the concentration of NO2 and PM10. Using parametric and non-parametric techniques, it finds no significant effect of the policy actions currently implemented. Further, it finds evidence of a weak positive impact of plans adoption. These results are interpreted as evidence of positive externalities among actions. Finally, by also discussing case studies, the paper points out the absence of economic instruments and argues that significant welfare gains would derive from their adoption.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Urban Transport Policies; Traffic Externalities; Pollution Abatement; Environmental Economics and Policy; Public Economics; Q53; R41.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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