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Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a estrutura e comportamento da série de preços mensal recebido pelos produtores de suíno do Estado do Paraná no período de 06/1994 a 08/2007. Para isso, a série de preços do suíno foi decomposta em seus elementos não observáveis: tendência, sazonalidade, ciclos e movimentos irregulares, utilizando-se modelos temporais de domínio do tempo e de frequência. Os resultados indicam que a série de preços do suíno apresenta uma componente tendência ascendente irregular, um componente sazonal e cíclico (de curta duração) e uma volatilidade assimétrica e persistente ao longo do tempo. ---------------------------------------------The objective this paper is to analyze the structure and behavior of the monthly price received...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Preço; Suíno; Paraná; Price; Swine; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Avaliação econômica do cultivo de trigo dos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná 31
Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Teixeira, Erly Cardoso.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the economic viability of wheat production in the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Paraná (PR), with and without risk conditions. The applied methodology includes the indicators of economic viability Benefit-Cost, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Internal Rate of Return Modified and the application Monte Carlo method. The results suggest the wheat production is economically viable in the state of Paraná.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rio Grande do Sul; Paraná; Wheat; Economic viability; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Economic Impacts of Brazilian Indirect Tax Reduction: An analysis of the competitiveness within MERCOEURO 31
Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Teixeira, Erly Cardoso.
The objective of this paper is to determine the effects of the creation of MERCOEURO stemming from an indirect tax reduction in the Brazilian economy. Four different scenarios were analyzed taking into account the elimination of tariffs on imports among the member countries in the MERCOEURO agreement and a 10% reduction in the indirect taxes on the final consumption, on intermediary inputs, and on sectors production. Simulations are run using GTAPinGAMS with the GTAP database version 6.0. The creation of the MERCOEURO generated significant results mainly in the agribusiness sector. A reduction in the indirect taxes on final consumption and over the intermediate inputs improve the competition and generate gains in growth, welfare, and government...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Regional integration; Indirect taxes; General equilibrium; GTAPinGAMS; Sectoral competition; International Relations/Trade; F13; F15; C68; H20.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Economic Loss to the Brazilian Regions Due to the Doha Round Failure 31
Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Teixeira, Erly Cardoso; Gurgel, Angelo Costa.
We build a database and model to develop general equilibrium analysis of the Brazilian economy at the level of the five macro regions. The model is multiregional at global level as also at the Brazilian level. The project is coupled to the GTAP model through disaggregation of the original Brazilian input-output matrix and trade flows and follows the GTAPinGAMS structure and syntax to generate the General Equilibrium Analysis Project for the Brazilian Economy (PAEG). The regional database is that of the GTAP version 6 and represent the 2001 world economy. We aggregate the data in seven regions plus the five Brazilian sub-regions and nineteen commodities/sectors to apply the scenario Doha Round to determine the probable losses to the Brazilian regions from...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brazilian regions; General equilibrium; Agribusiness; Trade liberalization; International Development; International Relations/Trade; F13; F15; Q17.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Teixeira, Erly Cardoso.
O objetivo desse artigo é determinar os impactos da criação da Área de Livre Comércio das Américas (ALCA), a partir de uma desoneração tributária, na economia brasileira. Para isso, foram analisados diversos cenários que contam, além da eliminação das tarifas ao comércio entre os países do continente americano, com redução de 10% dos impostos indiretos que incidem sobre o consumo, sobre os insumos intermediários e sobre a produção brasileira. O modelo do GTAPinGAMS é usado como instrumental analítico, aplicado à versão 6.0 do banco de dados do GTAP. Os resultados indicam que, em todos os cenários de ALCA, a redução dos impostos indiretos em 10% aumentou a competitividade, promoveu o crescimento e o bem-estar do Brasil e elevou a receita tributária. O...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Integração regional; Tributos indiretos; Equilíbrio geral; GTAPinGAMS; Competitividade setorial; Regional integration; Indirect taxes; General equilibrium; GTAPinGAMS; Sectorial competition; International Relations/Trade; F13; F15; Q17; R13; H20.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Teixeira, Erly Cardoso; Razap-Skorbiansky, Sharon.
The central themes to be addressed during the Doha Round of world trade negotiations are the reduction of the agricultural production and export subsidies, and improved market access for agricultural and non-agricultural goods. The G-20 group wields enough power to press negotiations at the Doha Round toward lower agricultural trade barriers and production and exports subsidies. The objective of this study is to determine the impacts of four possible Doha Round scenarios on the economies of Brazil, China, and India. The scenarios are examined using the Global Trade Analysis Project’s (GTAP) general equilibrium model and database. Scenarios focusing on the reduction of agricultural production and export subsidies are studied. The scenarios are then analyzed...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural products; Trade liberalization; Doha Round; G-20; GTAP; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade; F13; F15; Q17.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Maciel, Marilia Fernandes; Rufino, Jose Luiz dos Santos.
Este artigo objetivou analisar a rentabilidade financeira da irrigação do maracujazeiro em comparação à cultura não-irrigada em regiões úmidas, com índices pluviométricos favoráveis à produção. Para isso, obteve-se o fluxo de caixa para o cultivo do maracujazeiro não-irrigado e irrigado, sendo calculados os indicadores financeiros Custo Médio de Produção, Valor Presente Líquido, Taxa Interna de Retorno, Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada e Benefício-Custo. Para completar a análise foi realizada ainda a mensuração do risco pelo método de Monte Carlo. De acordo com os indicadores de rentabilidade financeira, mesmo em regiões úmidas, a irrigação do maracujazeiro, além de proporcionar maiores retornos, ainda reduz o nível de risco da atividade.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Maracujá; Viabilidade financeira; Paulínia; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Prêmio e risco na estocagem do café arábica 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Alves, Marcelo de Castro; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos.
The formation of agricultural stock has the important paper of softening the seasonal impacts, lessening the discrepancy among the prices in the harvest and time between harvests, contributing, like this, with the stabilization of the price. In that sense, the present article aimed at to analyze the financial viability in the Arabic stockpiling of coffee in the area of Viçosa -MG, being obtained for that the return and the stockpiling risk for every month of the year. In agreement with the results, the stockpiling of the coffee is a strategy financially viable, being a factor in the elevation of the return and decrease of the risk level, especially in what he/she concerns the stockpiling in the period of 8, 9 and 10 months and the sale of the coffee in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Coffee; Return; Risk.; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Relação entre os preços do frango no atacado, nos estados do Paraná e São Paulo 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Coelho, Alexandre Braganca; Alves, Marcelo de Castro.
This paper aims to check whether there is a relationship between wholesale chicken prices in the states of Paraná and São Paulo in the period on 01/1995 to 12/2007. Was used the model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) for realization of causality test, forecast error variance decomposition and impulse response function. The results indicate the relationship of unidirectional causality from São Paulo to Parana prices and the São Paulo’s series is responsible for explain the behavior of Parana's series. It was found that the shocks occurring in the market for chicken in these two states lead to price instability and tends to fit in both location over time, returning to its level prior to the original one shock.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Chicken price; Wholesale; Cointegration; Paraná; São Paulo; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Rentabilidade e risco na estocagem do café pelos produtores na região de Viçosa - MG 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Santos, Vladimir Faria dos; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos.
The objective of this article was to evaluate the yield and risk in the production and storage of the Arabian coffee. Cash flows are elaborated for coffee production in two productive systems, one with low productivity and other with high productivity. Twelve different scenarios are simulated, each one representing the returns and risks in the production and storage for every month of the year. The financial indicators Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (VPL) and Internal Rate of Return (TIR) and the indicator Average Cost (CMe), suggest that high productivity is important to increase profitability and to decrease the activity risk, being the best periods to sale coffee, on the part of the producers, the months that precede the harvest, January,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Financial Economics; Coffee; Return; Risk.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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